Isekai fingers
Main Character: " Let me pose my fingers and use my fingers fingering in annoying and pretensions positions!
Well, since I'm here, I'll stick my middle finger and other fingers upright at the monsters and SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN!!"
Me: " Well, I can't get it out of my head, let me share the fact that every time he points his finger at something or in the air SOMETHING DRAMATIC HAPPENS"
Main Character: "My fingers Op, Let me pose with them upright FACING THE SKY every few pages"
Me: "Why not the cover?"
Main Character: "Already did, I'm addicted. I stuck my fingers up on page 2, 13 , 18, 19, 25, 26, 39, 40, 43, 48, 50 , 54. I also pointed really hard, I gave the finger and something happened every few times, it was wonderful! Let me pose dramatically with MY FINGERS IN THE AIR"
*This post was edited by the Main character's fingers because he accidentally pointed at this post.