@Myon No problem, thank you for asking.
The issue is that it's not just an accidental misspelling but a conscious disregard for wordbreak rules. Rules that someone didn't just pull out of nowhere but became codified agreements over what and how things read the best. Reading this chapter, you'll find Soseki almost always breaking "monster" as "mons-ter" (except curiously for one or two places where he seemingly forgot about how to do it wrong), "understand" as "unders-tand" (which looks fucking retarded no matter what reasoning one might conjure to justify it), "barrier" (and other words with double consonants) as "ba-rrier" (except again for one or two places where the word is broken correctly between the double consonants), and one that I didn't manage to fit into that rant, "subordinates" as "su-bordinates" (mybrainisfulloffuck.jpg).
Worse yet, reading other works typeset by Soseki, you'll find that this is no exception, so you might find my reluctance to be any less undiplomatic understandable. As a TS, he should KNOW, being the one who converts the hard work of translators, proofreaders, editors, and what-have-you into what's eventually facing the reader. I'd be embarrassed to have my work corrupted by such an arrogant cunt who has
a history of being an arrogant cunt. Yet here we have another release screwed by this idiot who seems to think while most rules of communication and readability (you know, spelling, grammar, font choice, text size …) apply EXCEPT for some ass-pulled reason selectively only those about wordbreak.
Mistakes happen. Being habitually negligent or ignorant, or being an arrogant cunt, is a choice.