Okay, I gotta draw the line there. Why the ever living hell would you declare your real name to the enemy royalty in public?
Why is that even remotely something you would subconsciously do, let alone consciously?
that would keep us from enjoying more tropesso no one put it together that she's a girl from that?
but it would open the door for new onesthat would keep us from enjoying more tropes
I mean both Ruth and Schtell already know.so no one put it together that she's a girl from that?
soon: “you’re telling me everyone but me knew you were a girl this whole time except me???”I mean both Ruth and Schtell already know.
The instructors arent going to question royalty/dont really care since they kicked Ikuto out regardless.
Liam is the only one who this would apply to and he has already questioned if Ikuto is a boy or a girl before but...he also knows Ikuto is a bit of a moron so "yelling out relatives name" actually isnt that odd for Ikuto to do honestly.
"Yeah, looks like I am not the only dumb one here Liam!...oh wait"soon: “you’re telling me everyone but me knew you were a girl this whole time except me???”
He does not know.I forget, does Liam know the MC's a girl yet? I thought he was in the dark still, but he took her calling herself "Isabella" pretty nonchalantly, unless that name's just not as gendered in isekai-land.