Hurry and do your magic Rimuru; most of us can’t wait to see
The carnage. It’s simply delightful what he does to those human swine, their king (especially the king), and the demon lord who helped instigate this. Of course, there is a ‘big bad’ to this story who is a huge colossal shit, but that’s way into the future.
is this the first iteration of the timeline where Rimuru went berserk and waged war? I mean, in the WN, he pretty much revived Shion and the undead army right after he knew they were dead.
But, then again, in that version, Rimuru didn't fight Hinata.
Am I remembering it wrong or does the manga deviate?
please don't pussy out on this, they just massacred your people and claim they will come back to finish the rest of soon. you have to kill them, don't let them live no matter what
He later becomes an Awakened Demon Lord in an effort to save one of his subordinates from clutches of death with an offering of 10,000 human souls.
The onset of such a transformation is often beset by a change in personality, and as such following the event, he became more subtly malevolent with his intentions, his often pacifist nature became less dominant and he became more comfortable with killing or taking violent actions to protect the ones he cares about.
You will get what you wanted.
Next afterwards, we will see the more seinen, edgy rimuru .