The Anemone Feels The Heat - Ch. 44 - Argument

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
I get the anger, but kids are dumb. It's really up to the two of them as to whether they can get through this. I know a couple where one cheated on the other, but their partner gave them a second chance and now they're married with two kids. Idk if I would've given them a second chance but a lot is possible when strong feelings of love are present.
You right, but I would personally have broken up with Nagisa if this was how she would act and treat me in a situation like this…

Author do the right thing and make Mashiro break up with Nagisa and find someone that actually care about her!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2023
You right, but I would personally have broken up with Nagisa if this was how she would act and treat me in a situation like this…

Author do the right thing and make Mashiro break up with Nagisa and find someone that actually care about her!
Fair enough :(
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
Oh, it's bad, but it's Boy's Abyss or Eating Crab With A Yukionna bad just yet. The potential is there, but the mangaka could right the ship if they would just actually talk to each other.

But at least boys abyss had an over arcing plot/ mystery to keep things moving and interesting. This drama is the only plot at all and it's not even strong enough to keep it's own characters invested in it. Don't get me wrong Boys Abyss's last 5 chapter were a disjointed mess but up until that point it was still a multi-layered story with more then one major plot event running side by side, ending ruined it all damn near but still better written then this garbage fire of an arc. Also it kept its characters moving and progressing toward the end goal in ways that fit who and what they were unlike the 180 that is going on with the always kind, self sacrificing and loving nagisa some how going to 2 cram school classes off screen and turning into a gaslighting, passive, selfish asshole who would let her love one's be actively bullied and harrassed in person by a stranger to her and said loved one. It just makes no sense
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
conflict tropes did you guys never been in an first time relationship? way do you lot act like every single issue with a relationship is a fucking troupe?

this is based on them not knowing how to communicate what she THINKS will make the relationship awful! this is nothing sort of just figuring out how to communicate in an relationship!

it has nothing to do with facking troupes! real life relationship is like this!! and even FICKING adults do this exact thing! not saying what you wanna say because you are afraid it will change the relationship! like bro how many people in this comments section are so clueless about relationships?
What adult functional relationship would let and ignore some one or something actively bullying and harassing one of the partners so often and aggressively in person and not do something about it, then once harassment has taken place yell at the victim because they were to scared to speak up about it? Forced Drama is a troupe, Mysterious past Figure meddling is a troupe, shits troupe'y and misused at this point in the story and is undoing character progression to force unneeded conflict when none was present or needed. It's cheap lazy writing in a story that so far hasn't had that and seemed to be going in a slightly fresher direction hence everyone's dismay at the current arc
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
the majority of you people in this comments section show how immature you all are in terms of what it take to be in an relationship

i though it will be worst but it’s not, their first time relationship ain’t gonna be all stupid happiness and no issue, because you guys are to ignorant to understand

they NOW had to deal with the idea of boundaries! they do not know how to communicate that idea yet! and Mashiro is actualy afraid to set it by communicate it!, she is very afraid to set the boundaries and doesn’t wanna talk about it communicate the issue because she does not know what she truly what's!

she is ofc confused by the idea and at the same time dislikes herself for the greed she has, she doesn’t wanna separate herself in any shape or form from her partner, but she has to communicate it and both have to draw the line were the relationship is and ain’t

this was a good chapter! i hope the author deals with this issue as good as this chapter was
I think your missing the point of why everyone is disappointed in the arc and writing. You'll get there just read a bit slower and listen to what the others are saying I'm positive you'll catch up, you can do it we believe in you
Aug 1, 2024
I swear Anemone is in Heat and Whispering You A Love Song are having a competition for who can fall off the hardest.
If you don't have a story to tell as a mangaka, just wrap things up and move on to the next project. Both of them are going the way of Citrus+ and Yamada & Kase-San in that they're infinite loops of forced drama because enough diehard fans will support the product regardless of quality.
Citrus+ and Yamada and Kase catching some strays in here haha. I read Citrus+ and never thought it was bad, albeit a bit slow for any plot to happen. I did read Yamada and Kase San up until before they go to uni, so I can't say much.

But I can say this, this shit is going down the drain really fast, unlike anything I have ever seen before. I never thought Whispering you a love song was any good, with the goody two shoes characters and the NTR like plot it had going. I never understood why it became so popular, but whatever
Aug 1, 2024
I don't think Nagisa is trash? Just clueless. This depicts a flaw in her we haven't seen yet. I assumed it would be her being hyper focused about her long term goal of entering the medical field to better care for Mashiro for their future but perhaps now we're seeing how inexperienced she is with handling sensitive issues and also her lack of empathy? We see Mashiro breaking her back trying to keep herself from speaking knowing how exposing her own feelings would affect Nagisa but Nagisa doesn't seem to know how to consider how Mashiro would feel with her being around someone who clearly hates her girlfriend and also has a a rather strong attachment towards her?
Nah that's being trash. Being so completely oblivious of the developments in her gf, even though their interactions together should have given her more than enough clues as to why her gf is behaving that way. Mashiro may be a bit too dependant, but every relationship is its own thing, and her behavior isn't near to a level that would be considered weird or sick.

Nagisa not knowing a thing and not willing to share stuff before is proof of how much the relationship is worth to her. Now, the author can do whatever she wants later on, but Nagisa's actions speak louder than any words they can put in her mouth later. This shit is almost unsalvageable at this point.
Aug 1, 2024
the majority of you people in this comments section show how immature you all are in terms of what it take to be in an relationship

i though it will be worst but it’s not, their first time relationship ain’t gonna be all stupid happiness and no issue, because you guys are to ignorant to understand

they NOW had to deal with the idea of boundaries! they do not know how to communicate that idea yet! and Mashiro is actualy afraid to set it by communicate it!, she is very afraid to set the boundaries and doesn’t wanna talk about it communicate the issue because she does not know what she truly what's!

she is ofc confused by the idea and at the same time dislikes herself for the greed she has, she doesn’t wanna separate herself in any shape or form from her partner, but she has to communicate it and both have to draw the line were the relationship is and ain’t

this was a good chapter! i hope the author deals with this issue as good as this chapter was
Ah man get outta here. This is the Japanese society we are talking about, where people are notoriously bad at sharing their feelings and opinions. Taking Western values and slapping it on this Japanese high school story is your first mistake. Thinking that they are mature enough to make communication their top priority is your second mistake.

Everybody understands that a REAL relationship comes with problems, I mean, most yuri manga have them but I have never seen any comment section complain as much about a development this much before. And serves the manga right, for the shit it is pulling, for forcing drama to happen in a most unnatural and enraging way, for not understanding the wants of its audience. People didn't get into this manga because of this kinda of drama, I will tell you that, because the first arc of the manga can't even begin to compare to this shit.
Aug 1, 2024
Dude the major problem is not about the communication. It's about dumbing down Nagisa for the sake of drama. In the past chapter, Nagisa shouldn't have to ask why. She should recognize the problem if she spent time thinking about the time she had to put a stop. And hell she said that she would prove in the mock exam but who fucking care? That junior is not even her fucking mother who disapprove of their relationship. She is a nobody to their relationship and that girl and her own girlfriend doesn't get along and it's not even Mashiro's fault that she can't get along with that kohai.
Exactly. Nagisa just can't seem to take a hint in the latest arc.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 26, 2021
10 bucks says Nagisa is gonna ask the poly teachers for advice or our newly graduated student and her nurse. OR ANYONE THAT CAN SMACK SENSE INTO HER.

Also this shit better not end with everything being fine but her still being friends with glasses because she raises so many red flags with the insulting and the heart eyes towards Nagisa.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 26, 2021
this manga, whispering you a love song and yamada to kase-san have made me kinda miss the days of yuri manga never lasting more than 2 volumes :haa:
I mean it depends on the manga. Whispering you a love song newest volume is basically an extra with the main story ended (hopefully) A manga I fucking hope has 10 arcs is "I will love you until the day you die." Because god knows the minute that series ends they die
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2021
I don't think this development feels very forced or unnecessary at all. It actually makes a lot of sense to me, honestly.

This is p much their first encounter with a couple of things, namely direct opposition to their relationship and the jealousy that's brought on by said opposition knowing a side of your lover that you don't.

Mashiro was already struggling with feeling like a burden bc of how Nagisa and her met. Now someone who knows her gf from a time "before her" comes along, tells her to her face that she's a bad influence on Nagisa and she beats herself up over feeling jealous of that person. A real hattrick of insecurity.

Meanwhile Nagisa reels from being ambushed by the pressure of someone idolizing her and having to put her foot down against their talking down on her gf. And then when she catches a glimpse of Mashiro's cracking facade she gets real concerned of course, the time when her gf broke down bc she found out about their first meeting prob still fresh in her mind.
And she's not "suddenly dumbed down" either, it's been well established that Nagisa is the dense type.

But instead of talking to her about it Mashiro tries to play it off, which hits Nagisa with a double whammy of "Oh, I guess she doesn't trust me enough to confide in me" and "What if she runs away from me again?", making her feel hurt.

And thus is the volatile cocktail of hurt feelings and uncommunicated worries created. All in all i think this is a normal, and dare I say necessary, direction for their relationship. Working through conflict makes a bond stronger after all. And the previous chapter is even titled "Misunderstanding", smth like this was inevitable, really.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2021
Weird, the girls who have been really good at communicating and sorting out their problems thus far suddenly become brainless dopes despite having several opportunities to tell the other what the problem is. Except there is no problem here, it's just being fabricated out of thin air. All of this because Nagisa was for some reason absolutely befuddled at the fact Mashiro wanted her to stay away from a woman who is obsessed with her and badmouthed her girlfriend in front of her. And Mashiro for some reason believing it wasn't a totally natural and justified response for her to want that. This arc better end quickly.
Aggregator gang
Mar 10, 2020
Nah that's being trash. Being so completely oblivious of the developments in her gf, even though their interactions together should have given her more than enough clues as to why her gf is behaving that way. Mashiro may be a bit too dependant, but every relationship is its own thing, and her behavior isn't near to a level that would be considered weird or sick.

Nagisa not knowing a thing and not willing to share stuff before is proof of how much the relationship is worth to her. Now, the author can do whatever she wants later on, but Nagisa's actions speak louder than any words they can put in her mouth later. This shit is almost unsalvageable at this point.
Nagisa would be trash if she knew what she was doing. But she doesn't. She doesn't know what she did wrong because this is the first time she's encountered this problem. She asks for communication, wants to fix the problem, but can't possibly know that Mashiro doesn't want to say anything because she's afraid of enforcing her feelings onto Nagisa. Nagisa doesn't know how Mashiro feels because what can be a big deal for one person could be something another can just brush off. Of course she's frustrated when the clear answer to their problem is communication and Mashiro is withholding because of a fantastic reason that only readers have purview to.

Nagisa does not know but wants to know and that is why she is not trash. She is still willing to learn.

A lot of people seem to be forgetting this is their first relationship. No one's automatically going to know how to react to things correctly. They are allowed to make mistakes. If you think this is such a grievous error that there is absolutely no recourse for Nagisa's ineptitude, then that's your opinion. I think they can work it out if they simply talked.

Nagisa is used to dealing with children who do what she says so it would make sense that she could equate Kouhai's temper tantrum to that of an elementary school child.

Everyone coming down on Nagisa like they were perfect during their first relationship.
Aggregator gang
Mar 10, 2020
I don't think this development feels very forced or unnecessary at all. It actually makes a lot of sense to me, honestly.

This is p much their first encounter with a couple of things, namely direct opposition to their relationship and the jealousy that's brought on by said opposition knowing a side of your lover that you don't.

Mashiro was already struggling with feeling like a burden bc of how Nagisa and her met. Now someone who knows her gf from a time "before her" comes along, tells her to her face that she's a bad influence on Nagisa and she beats herself up over feeling jealous of that person. A real hattrick of insecurity.

Meanwhile Nagisa reels from being ambushed by the pressure of someone idolizing her and having to put her foot down against their talking down on her gf. And then when she catches a glimpse of Mashiro's cracking facade she gets real concerned of course, the time when her gf broke down bc she found out about their first meeting prob still fresh in her mind.
And she's not "suddenly dumbed down" either, it's been well established that Nagisa is the dense type.

But instead of talking to her about it Mashiro tries to play it off, which hits Nagisa with a double whammy of "Oh, I guess she doesn't trust me enough to confide in me" and "What if she runs away from me again?", making her feel hurt.

And thus is the volatile cocktail of hurt feelings and uncommunicated worries created. All in all i think this is a normal, and dare I say necessary, direction for their relationship. Working through conflict makes a bond stronger after all. And the previous chapter is even titled "Misunderstanding", smth like this was inevitable, really.
I think the kouhai bit is a bit forced though. At least her reaction is. It would have been better if she was a school rival or a former classmate she reconnects with at cram school. We could have gotten the same feelings without the antagonistic approach of Kouhai.

But yes to all your points. Nagisa lacks social skills and understanding. She can't possibly fathom why Mashiro won't just talk to her about what's wrong. And Mashiro has a really good reason for not wanting to talk. She doesn't want to burden Nagisa more than she already has. But Nagisa has no way of knowing that. She isn't psychic for crying out loud.

I've said before that Mashiro's neediness was going to rear it's ugly head. We've seen it on the beach, when they got together, little tidbits here and there that show how needy Mashiro is. We thought it was cute but I could feel the foreboding with each of those moments. They built up her anxiety and fear really nicely. This really did have to happen... I just don't agree that it had to happen this way but I always felt conflict would arise and the reason would be Mashiro and her feelings.
Active member
Jul 18, 2024
I mean I'm going to continue the series but I really hate that glasses chick, it's obvious from the speech and actions of Nagisa that they're in a relationship and then this glasses chick keeps making things worse pushing their relationship to the point where it may end (though I doubt it will cause that will just ruin the series)
Aug 1, 2024
You guys are gonna are love reading the next chapter. The characters just get so much better. Ah, I feel refreshed as if my brain got dunked in McDonalds sprite. ( I swear)

Author, if you are out there, I just wonder what goes on through your head to produce this kinda quality drama and character development. Incredible man. With that said, I will drop the manga until this arc is over. At this point I don't have any hopes of this manga ever recovering from the sheer amount of fumbles and fuck ups. This shit is so cooked

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