The Archmage's Daughter

Feb 4, 2019
Artists are the weirdest people on this planet. I seriously understand none of them. He probably doesnt understand what people were doing at all. Why wouldnt you research for a bit at least before making a decision like that? Why would you shoot your own foot like that?
Artists are weird.
Aug 7, 2019
to bad, I liked the story and was curious to see where it was going, like the contract for one thing, why is the archmage's magic bound when it involves his daughter.

Having said that and admitting I haven't really looked closely at the sites policies about authors request when there isn't an official translation, shouldn't the chapters be taken down too?
May 5, 2019
It's too bad, a lot of series never get picked up officially or even see an English translation to start with, so these groups help tremendously to generate interest internationally. Glad Solace picked it up so others can see this was wanted by many.
Mar 11, 2019
hopefully there will be an official translation to english one day. really love this series!
Dec 1, 2019
Is there going to be no updates anymore 😭
I was looking forward to this - wanted to catch up again. I just checked darn hopefully everyone is okay
Nov 13, 2019
@Spookie same here. It's still a good fluffy story, but since I read "Suddenly became a princess one day" and "the monster duchess and contract princess" first, I can't help but compare.

Somehow this story seems to be really inspired by Athy and Claude's story. Really, a lot of points are exactly the same. the garden tea time part where he tells Kan to 'take ten steps away' appears in Athy's tea time too.

Still can give a 7/10. Of course AthyxClaude is at 12/10 😂
Aggregator gang
Mar 7, 2018
Probably due to different title name, this one is missing "The" in the The Archmage's Daughter.
Here's the other chapters:
Sep 6, 2019
New translator: why is everything zoomed out? There's way too much blank space. Other than that, it's great
Oct 14, 2019
I don't care if the translation is not perfect, so what if you haven't read the previous chapters yet? Thank you for translating this for us. I really missed this series after it was dropped. I will wait patiently as you catch up with what happened, please keep this series! As a reader who knows what happened, I understand enough. Actually this chapter is probably a filler to transition from the previous drama to the upcoming friend of the archmage.
May 5, 2019
Wonder if the author decided to let them translate again or if someone just ignored her cease & desist... I tried requesting to her to appeal to an official english translator awhile back if she didn't want illegal scans but no answer. I like this series and would buy it if it had an official translated iteration.
Feb 27, 2020
@Manofthehouse Although I like the serie and I appreciate scanlation groups/people, please respect the authors wish of not scanlating her work. She has specifically asked this on multiple platforms, on multiple occasions. There are a lot of other great series out there to scanlate. Just let her enjoy her work as well instead of having to go on another witch-hunt.

I understand why people are defending the scanlation cuz I too like this one, but she answered a lot of questions regarding her reasons and we should respect that.
Apr 13, 2019
Putting my two cents in the matter (TL:DR at the end lol)

Honestly, the author said that she wanted to hire a lawyer but she could just hire a Korean-English translator and everything would be settled (and probably less costly and nerve-wracking too).

I can understand why she doesn't want her work translated bc it feels like someone took her work from her. However, everybody on this site knows where it comes from so it is not really a good argument imo.
It doesn't even have an official English translation so it is not like she is losing any money since the Korean people read it on her official platform and non-Korean people read it here.
Trying to shut down the non-official English translation is just showing that she doesn't want to share her work. Yes, it is her job, she is an author and it hurts her feeling to see her work in non-official places: I understand that. But it is not like she is losing anything, not even the opportunity to license an official translation. I think that if there was an official translation, like on Webtoon or on something not limited to one country, of course we would read it there. But it is not the case and she is just restricting access to her work, which I do not find cute.

I'm bitter and find the author not fun and her reasons not grounded but stop translating her work bc Mangadex could lose big and also, well, respect the author bc she expressed her discontent.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 8, 2018
Isn't the entire point of this site that people are translating without permission?

I am sure MOST of the authors don't want their work translated for free.

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