The Blade of Evolution Walking Alone In The Dungeon

Feb 24, 2019
The art is good but its such a waste of talent. It's like they saw solo leveling and all they derived from it was some edgy dude fighting monsters and thats about it.
Everything else about it is completely garbage tho: the story, pace, characters, settings, etc.
Its the run of the mill chinese knock off. What's surprising about it is how the managed to get a competent artist on board for such a shitty story

good art however can't make up for shitty design. The character and monster designs are overall generic and uninspiring.

lots of meaningless action scenes that just sort of happen for no rhyme or reason.

The setting is such a mess. It seems to be going after the solo leveling with the modern day rpg mechanics and dungeons and what not but its so unsure of its identity on whether it wants to be a VRMMO comic and it just becomes this jumbled mess. Theres been literally no explanation of the systems and world we are just supposed to accept it.
At one point the MC in all his edginess threatens to kill a side character while in public. While this would in modern day would be essentially be a crime some bloke jumps in and says that this is a "no PK zone". what the fuck? is this trying to be modern day society with rpg dungeons or a fucking VRMMO ? Are these guys just allowed to fucking kill one another in the name "muh pvp"? There is apparently a PVP "arena" where they are allowed to kill each other for some fucking reason?
Like its basiclly a VRMMO in real life but because nothings fucking explained about why the fuck things are happening? Is there even a government or is the "guild" just the governmental body?

The MC is also one of the worst aspects of the series. before his "transformation" hes your typical pathetic weak ass MC who relies on his friends carrying him. What irks me is that he isn't shown to put in any effort at all into improving himself. After this "transformation" where he gets his cheat ability his personality takes a sudden 180 turn during a timeskip we aren't aware of. Hes now your shitty sung jinwoo copycat with none of jin woo's positives. He's suddenly an arrogant, heavy handed psychopath lacking empathy whos willing to start showing off his powers literally moments after obtaining them.
in solo leveling , Jin Woo undergoes a good number of chapters of training , dungeon crawling and improving himself before he gets to be the "edgy badass" but here the guy goes in one dungeon and starts to crank the edge up. the author tries really hard to make him likeable but he comes off as such an arrogant piece of shit its very difficult to like him.

its clumsily chasing the solo leveling popularity and it just ends up as a cringy, edgy, and uncoordinated mess.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2018
At first I thougth this is Swordmaster Healer but this apears to be something else
Aug 15, 2020
So I personally dont have any problem with the base concept (which is very oversaturated but I don't mind), the problem is that it fails to anything within that concept well. The MC has no unique traits and is rather irritating. Neither the friend characters at the start nor the small time antagonists a bit later on have any level of depth or development, which results in the complete disinterest of the reader concerning what happens to them. The power scaling is also just awful and flawed, considering that the MC is a bronze rank healer (bronze being the lowest rank) and he is considered weak even within that rank, his fighting prowess should be below that of a novice combat class,
who apparently need a party to clear 3 regular elementals. But this dude goes in and 1v1s a BUFFED elemental UNARMED and doesn't take ANY damage, he then proceeds to kill ONE HUNDRED of these dudes with his sword which is, presumably, no better than a regular sword at that point in the story. Keep in mind that this is BEFORE he gets any kind of power up from his ability.
The world also has no care put into it at all, its set on earth with your classic "one day gates opened and some people awakened powers" twist, the laws however seem to have either completely disappeared or morphed in a way that makes no logical sense, and there is no world building whatsoever, as if it just expects you to bring your knowledge from similar stories in order to understand the world.

All in all I'm going to drop this story, its not really a big time investment right now if you just want to see a dumpster fire but this is just a bad read in an already oversaturated genre.

3/10 would not reccomend.


Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
I cannot be the only one who thinks that this is plagiarizing solo leveling (or it isn't plagiarizing and is just heavily inspired by solo leveling)
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 4, 2018
lol, i gave this a try and im glad im not alone in thinking with how bad this is. I can tell you exactly what is wrong with this:
1) Its Boring.
but why?
To begin with, we can all kind of agree this is trying to ride the coat-tails of the success that is solo leveling.
What went wrong, is that its trying to establish itself as an RPG with stats, but for some odd reason NEVER shows the MC's stats. Because of this, we have no baseline to gauge how good/bad the stats they show to us are which therfore makes them completely meaningless. Whats the point of telling us a sword gives +10 if you dont tell us what X is (X being the MCs stat the sword boosts) THe boring bits come in with the fight scenes, whoch shouldnt be boring, but they are, they are drawn out and take way to long, much like certain DBZ fights.

2) Character Development.
What worked in solo leveling was that the MC was weak, therfore he had no way to get stronger except by completing a task that did not only not require strength, but instead intelligence and bravery. After getting his new power, over the course of many chapters he slowly starts to understand what he has gained and develops confidence in himself. even when he becomes S rank we can tell from his inner dialogue that he is still a bit naive and you can see his original persona somewhat.
Now take this series... The MC obtains his power by inflicting a fatal blow onto a monster that the scout said was going to kill them all, doess kill them all and is suppose to be 10 times more powerful than the normal hidden bosses that are already stronger than other bosses. We dont know the MCs stats, but him being labeled the WEAKEST HEALER, we can assume he has a terrible attack stat/strength stat. I dont care how low the boss's HP is, its unreasonable to think that the MC with the weakest stats could a) even handle his friend's sword, not being trained or possibly even have the strength to weild it and b) overcome this super OP x10 times boss with his almost 2000 point defense stat, with his weakest HEALER attack stat. He should, no matter what, at most inflict 1 point of damage. This MIGHT, POSSIBLY be explained by his friends sword if we knew its stats. maybe it has a special enhancement but we wont know since they dont show stats.

Then, there is his personality, He goes from a coward to a stone cold 0 expression killer in just 1 frame. He has no personality development.

-Weak world building
-Weak character development
-overly long fight scenes
-decent art, but too many pointless and out of focus frames.
(out of like the literal 1000 or so series i follow/have read on this site, this will be the 5th series i have dropped)
Mar 7, 2020
the ice queen and Baruka from solo leveling have almost the same face at the time they grin at the MC.
i give it barely 3/10 but its atleast something to read while waiting for the next solo leveling chapter to be released
Nov 13, 2019
Don't waste your time reading this, god awful at consistency and everything honestly, then again i knew this is a manhua and expected something decent at the very least....
Jul 16, 2020
*Pitch meeting somewhere in China*
"So, hear me out, what if we copied Solo Leveling.....but made it worse!"
*Thunderous applause*
Jan 25, 2018
By reading the comments looks like i didn't feel wrong about it trying to be solo leveling wannabe 🤔😑😑
Aug 16, 2020
If only the cleaners did an actual good job. Plus if the typesetter tried to make the sentences more expressing this would've been a decent copy. But sadly it's not.

Basically a solo leveling world but everyone has a game panel and can level up from what I've seen so far? Power gaps are pretty muh the same as SL. MC is basically a Sung Jin-Woo with a healing ability instead.
Double-page supporter
Jul 28, 2018
This is pretty much cancer. I mean it's bad.

It's not bad because it's a Solo Leveling ripoff. I don't mind that at all. It's bad because the story is trash. Which is a shame because I like the art.

No, really, it's bad. Try it for yourself though. 10/10 would not read again.
Aug 15, 2020
As expected from China, quantity over quality. Even to the point of copying other stories now, just wow.
Apr 4, 2020
@revReplay Let's be honest chinese manhuas are typically utter garbage compared to their Japanese and Korean counterparts. Or maybe only the trash ones ever get uploaded onto these websites? Idk

Edit: found a good chinese manhua apparently
Jan 16, 2020
Why would you even bother translating this crap? Seriously, friendly advice, just waste your time to another productive things other than translating this garbage.
I won't say chinese manhuas are all crap, but mostly are. And by mostly, I mean like 99% of it.

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