I agree with you. Really, I think that they do this by themselves. Its like opposite side of one coin.
You are teaching kids hard way about traditions, school uniform, school reputation etc, but on the other side - you are teaching them that being different is wrong, you shame kids that dont obey the rules, so then this kids shame and bully their classmates if the stick out. It's endless circle of bullying provided by exact same rules you wanna teach them so they wouldn't become bullies.
Just looking at statistics is horrifying, so much cases. And they grow over the years. Even manga resembles to this. Yeah,there are some basic rules, but this rules applies as moral to everyone, not only students - be polite, respect teachers, do your school duties. But shit like "what to wear, dont go anywhere after school, not eat buns in your school uniform" etc - its crap. It's not teaching anything except "I'm gonna break this rules" - youngsters are rebellious by nature, its age. The more you forbid - the more they will rebel. They are not stupid, they understand, that this rules are crap in our age. That's why younger people in our days not marrying, not going corporate etc - they dont wanna live same way their parents lived. That wanna be progressive. That's why there are so many gyaru mangas etc.
So basically what I mean - be different, be yourself, dont listen to anybody, saying that you need to be exactly like everyone else. True power is doing what you wanna do, not something everyone told you to do. Bcs - if you do - it's not that different than slavery. And the whole Japaneese tradition system is mostly corporate slavery, that just last decade begin to change, when new generation become adults and bcs digital era provides new possibilities, that no one even thought would be possible 20 years ago.