The Dangers in My Heart

Jan 24, 2018
@Zephyrus hey, if you're gonna ding him over the acronym for 'internet defense force' well boy howdy have i got some stuff from two weeks ago for you:

@punpun, group leader of 8888, has called labanina and others 'sniping' this series "attention whore mongs".

here's @whissard, a member of boredom society (among other groups) who proclaims "the amount of mental retardation at play here is astounding" and insists that those of us who take issue with the speed of releases need to go outside.

here's another instance of @Vverg, another member of boredom society, calling people idiots for disagreeing with them. hmm, that second one has a moderated response to it, and it happens to be from labanina, the scanlator for the 'no group' releases.

you don't even need to be in a scan group to be spared it seems, @KingNova777, who appears to be a random member, went into the comment threads for labanina's releases two weeks ago asking when he'd take them down (chapters 48, 49, 50).

this of course isn't even bringing up @BraveDude8, your fellow mod and member of boredom society, who was actively participating in these discussions. and before you go "why not report so-and-so", when you see only one side of an argument getting moderated and the other side has at least one moderator on their team, it makes the site's rules and administration look like a clique playing calvinball rather than an actual fair way to resolve disputes.
Apr 19, 2019

Don‘t let the flame war discourage you from posting here. It will pass away sooner or later.

What‘s your favourite chapter so far?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
@GentleWizard Sorry you had to witness this. Hope you enjoy the manga regardless of this mess.

Wait I just noticed, they removed the GIF for the cover. Darn I kinda liked it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2020
i cant see how tf boredom are both taking the high road while also being immature manchildren. eating the cake and having it too. literally calling people retards in the comments? nice job boredom lmao some real grown up stuff there.

good god i rly dont get this tl group defending brand loyalty bullshit. y'all are technically pirates for reading illegal scanlations, how the fuck is boredom entitled to being the sole translator? this isn't a monopoly
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2020
My favorite chapters so far have probably been chapter 30 and chapter 51, both because they each feel like “oooooh shiiit my boy makin progress!”
Jan 24, 2018
@Ataru my favorite so far is 45, because i like the little character moments more than the big ones, and
ichikawa dressing like that and circling around yamada and her looking at him like trash before figuring out who he was
was primo stuff, and makes sense for them to both act that way.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
He got dinged for using an oblique anti-semitic comment.

Also, we're not a care bear community. As much as I dislike the casual rudeness and chan-like behavior some members display toward one another, not all of it is rule breaking. None of the examples you cited would be worth marking a post as moderated.

In regards to your implication that @bravedude8 is abusing his powers, the admins and his fellow staff members hold him and each other to account for our actions. If we are found to be abusing our powers, we're gone. Simple as that. I suppose you could argue "who watches the watchers?" but ultimately, we trust each other to know what the rules are and where the line is. I can guarantee you that if Brave were found to be using his moderator status to promote favoritism for his group over that of other scanlators, we'd kick his ass to the curb because that would cause other groups to leave in droves and rightfully so.
Mar 22, 2019
He got dinged for using an oblique anti-semitic comment.
Are you for real? Or wait, don't tell me, you meant THAT: ?
You can't be serious here.

Explain why my
comment was moderated here:
I was just reminding chest-beating Boredoms that their 6 releases in 31 days are 50% extras, apparently that was too much for them to bear and they took it to heart, moderating my comment.
I even had to repost it:

Why is is still up by the way?
@Vverg straight up calls another user an idiot. Surely that's more deserving of a moderation than """oblique anti-semitic comment"""?
Apr 19, 2019
@GentleWizard @fullerhorn

Interesting... I have to admit that chapter 30 is one of my favourites too, especially with the one page close-up of Yamada, and chapter 45 was nice with Yamada putting on her lipstick right after she met Ichikawa. As for me, I have a soft spot with chapter 26 when
both were blocked in the elevator and Yamada having a really close look into Ichikawa's face:
I read that chapter last autumn when I got the second japanese volume in Japan. At that time some users commented here they didn't believe Yamada was attracted to Ichikawa, which made me think "oh boy, you'll change your mind soon enough 😅".
Power Uploader
Jan 21, 2018

I wasn't planning to react anymore, but I keep getting bothered with notifications.
I would prefer that you stop doing that, besides it's kinda unhealthy that you are still busy with this.
You complain when we reply, you complain when we don't. Just spend the energy on something else, like scanlating some chapters.
Mar 22, 2019
Blame your pet mod for carpet-bombing opposition (as well as personally shitting up competition TL comments) and yourself for illustrating moderation double-standards.
Power Uploader
Jan 21, 2018
Well, look at these comments:

Not moderated either and are from users that "are on your side" (i name it like that cause of lack of better words). But you somehow dont mention that, mean its kinda hypocritical of you, dont you think? Oh I dont mind those comments though, its like Zeph said. Its not the nicest thing but not bad enough to punish someone.

Anyways I do prefer seeing more comments about the manga and less drama in here.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Ok guys, that's enough. This thread has gotten wildly off-topic. If anyone has a problem with moderator action, take it to DMs with the moderator in question or escalate to @Ixlone or @Holo. If neither of them take action, then that's all there is to it.

The next post that isn't on topic will be moderated and the poster will receive a two day vacation from posting.
Jan 24, 2018
i'll eat the probation, paging @ixlone @Holo

@Zephyrus your response regarding 'watching the watchers' addresses nothing. a moderator who is also a member of a party engaging in an argument where in multiple comment threads only one person, a part of the rival side of the argument, is punished, repeatedly, and for poorly-defined reasons ("idf" means "internet defense force" and the closest you can come to anti-semitism is the jidf, a private organisation with it's own history of engaging in racism and bigotry) at that. to repeat: a scan group with a mod in it's ranks has an argument with another scan group and the only one to get punished for things they posted is the leader of the modless scan group. as my grandma used to say, 'that looks funny, and i'm not going to eat it'.

now you're saying it's okay because you and the others really, really believe, deep down in your hearts, that @BraveDude8 acted fairly, well to me that just makes you look suspicious as well, and i've posted on enough forums to see mods overstep their bounds and huddle together when questioned (somethingawful alone could fill a book) so i have little faith that you'll sincerely hear me out over pms rather than outright ban me.
Apr 19, 2019

Do you mean as a problem in general or as to why some readers had the impression Yamada wasn't romantically interested in Ichikawa back then?
For the latter, I don't think this has anything to do with the proofreading per see. It's more like it wasn't clear in the first 10~20 chapters that Yamada had feelings for Ichikawa.

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