The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 24

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 21, 2020
So difficult, so much pain, it'd be too easy to give up and let go, let it all fail and give into despair and depression even further.

Hopefully they can communicate better and patch things up and work together to improve things...
Dec 30, 2019
Misunderstandings and Assumptions. These are the things that break my heart when reading. They also make me angry because sometimes they feel like a scapegoat. Misunderstandings are the things that lead to quick judgments from readers which is what it's supposed to do, but now that we understand what's sort of happening we can see that the only person to blame is not exactly a person, but the society. We should also see that the best choice thing is in a way a misunderstanding because she genuinely liked him in the beginning, but after that one dude told her he is only with her because of the Princess it leads to her mind in a way protecting her by convincing her that the reason she is marrying him is because of convenience/ best option so she can emotionally distance herself from him to protect herself. Ane the reason he seems so cold is probably because of his upbringing and the fact that she started saying he was her best choice because she believed that she was his best choice as well. Anyway, I have a lots of feelings and stuff for this story. I would say the victim we can all agree on is the son because I believe he has suffered the most from society and his parent's miscommunication and misunderstanding. At least what is relevant to the story because if we actually went into the world of the story there would be more people suffering worse than him. Anyway, that was kinda a dump. Thanks for translating and everything, I really appreciate it!
Jan 7, 2020
She never asked why he wanted her and he never told her. Don't show any emotions because it's weakness. I hope she gets over this feeling of being unloved soon. He proposed he should have said why, the girl got insecure and spouted hurtful words.
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
Fuuuck this is too close to home. This is real character development right here. I admit the first couple chapters were really lukewarm but this is red hot
Aug 30, 2020
Why am I crying 😭 I can't , my heart breaks for all of them 😭😭 WHY IS MISCOMUNICATION ALWAYS THE PROBLEM!!!
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
@Umbrecola yes poor girl just keep getting volley balled by fate here and there. She just need someone to lean on. But nobody can nor give enough for her to stay sane u_u
Jun 8, 2019
Dammit Ercella's relationship with her son is just the tip of humongous iceberg, in this chapter we're just preparing to dive deeper. Her relationship with Harsen amd his secrets is the mainline for the story's flow which gets bigger involving the countries politics.
Oct 23, 2019
It's so sad and yet somehow I'm glad she could tell him her true frustration. I'm sure Harsen also care for her, but he just couldn't show it. 😭
Jul 23, 2020
He went to war because of her. Even after everything he still stayed by her. And she is like "you were the best choice, anyone should have been fine". Even with his son's marriage, he wants to prove that his marriage is not just political.
Apr 10, 2019
i can see now that harsen genuinely did like her at one point but ercella saying he's her best choice like he's just some kind of thing you choose when you go to grocery shopping hurt him. and 15 years is a damn long time for the rift to get bigger and it needs more than a day and 1 conversation to build a bridge between it. i'm glad ercella took the first step to dump all her bottled up feelings all these years. hope harsen gonna man up and speak out too so they can solve this together.

the one innocent victim here is vicente. poor boy got caught up in his parents' miscommunication, his father's strict family upbringing, and his mother's neglect.

maybe that's why they need to divorce later on.
if it's in the modern setting and they werent high-born nobles, i'm sure they wouldve separated long before because your emotional stability is more important than hanging desperately on a relationship that hurt you and will keep bringing you depression for years to come
Apr 5, 2019
well i understand it was very hard for him but did he ever voice what he was feeling? did he ever make himself clear of what were his feelings and intentions?, if he didnt lile being called the best option then he could have said so, in my opinion this is just tragic, a deep misunderstanding born from lack of communication. Also ercella was in such a deep depression, its just complicated and that wouldnt have made it any easier for her to look at his actions and glean what he was feeling only because of actions he took.
Apr 5, 2019
@shionlee hi! can i ask u a spoiler related question?
do you know if they get back together after the divorce?? obviously after figuring out their relationship and talking things out
Double-page supporter
Apr 14, 2019
Nah, this is stupid. You know, maybe at some point while you were getting married, or while you were making babies, you could have told you wife you loved her?

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