I wish people would stop accusing the people who want Harsen and Ercella to divorce of being immature and that we don't take marriage seriously. Just because we have different opinions doesn't mean that you have to resort to personal attacks. 😬😬😬😬
I take marriage very, very seriously. But as a reader, I'm frustrated by Ercella and Harsen's marriage and think that I'd enjoy the story more if they at least separated for a while—which can easily lead to either reconciliation or divorce. I'm also more attached to Ercella as an individual than in her relationship with Harsen; I don't lose any enjoyment and might actually have more enjoyment if they separate, either temporarily or permanently. That doesn't make me an immature reader lmao
And speaking of non-fictional marriages... Some marriages don't work out. That's not the end of the world. Sometimes the fixed relationship isn't worth the effort needed to get it fixed in the first place. Some terrible couples become great single people. These aren't tragedies. There are times when the most mature thing to do is to realize when something isn't working and learning how to move forward with your life. Like, yeah, don't think of it as the first resort—maybe don't get married if you want your first option to to be ending the relationship—but it is an option if you need it.