The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 97 - Thank You

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
People hug their friends with no romantic feelings involved at all quite regularly, yes. Or in spite of whatever feelings they may have but have not opened up about - particularly during highly emotional moments.
It’s Japan, so hugs are a bigger deal. Between girls not as much as other combinations, but still a somewhat different story.
and she also WROTE HER A LOVE SONG. You think maybe she has the plan to at some point, I dunno, play if for her?

and I’m not just talking historians.
Talking homosexual women being Microsoft’s Excel and not knowing whether something is a date or not.

considering the 'useless lesbian trope', a hug may as well be second base XD;
Trope? I think you mean “stereotype“ and statistics seem to show it to be pretty common behaviour.

Social structures aren’t built with the assumption that another woman might be coming on to you, or a fear of it.
The expectations of w/w behaviour is that friends can be as close as one can possibly imagine with no romantic feelings, and the risk of being wrong about anything is scary, let alone romance.

So yeah, it’s a thing.

See above with the drive and the marriage.

Edit: also, with the useless stereotype marriage would be second base, if anything .
married for two years, have a kid “are we a couple?”

Making out is the equivalent of “so, what do you do for a living?” for cishets.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Trope? I think you mean “stereotype“ and statistics seem to show it to be pretty common behaviour.

Social structures aren’t built with the assumption that another woman might be coming on to you, or a fear of it.
The expectations of w/w behaviour is that friends can be as close as one can possibly imagine with no romantic feelings, and the risk of being wrong about anything is scary, let alone romance.

So yeah, it’s a thing.

See above with the drive and the marriage.
i guess it depends on where you live since some ppl don't wanna be seen as 'predatory' or making the first move versus going specifically to a lesbian bar or sofor a meetup versus someone that might be bi-curious or "straight but X-san is the exception" in a lot of stories tho lately ppl are more direct versus the 'straight person falling in love' that happens a lot in BL mangas too

(and it'd be awkward but idk if ppl would necessarily 'fear' unless your social circle or overall place you live isn't the most gay friendly area [altho lots of 'comic' relief manga panels where another girls just 'groping' another girls chest in the locker/changing room and being like "i'm jealous" and such, some 'animanga behavior' you can let slide in fiction but i imagine irl ppl wouldn't risk attempting that, but outside of live action jdramas it might be amusing to see a kabedon tho depending on the personality ppl would prolly get kneed in the stomach/crotch for that])

But being casually affectionate is prolly more accepted in high school, tho my group of friends were more huggers, we even sat on each others laps sometimes during breaks, surprised the teachers didn't yell at us for that but not like we did anything pda/couple-y otherwise versus couples that'd just kiss each other before class. Crushes can develop afterwards with friends, sure, tho i wonder how many closeted ppl would be like "i would never befriend someone i'm attracted to" since ppl might act flustered around someone like that either way
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
i guess it depends on where you live since some ppl don't wanna be seen as 'predatory' or making the first move versus going specifically to a lesbian bar or sofor a meetup versus someone that might be bi-curious or "straight but X-san is the exception" in a lot of stories tho lately ppl are more direct versus the 'straight person falling in love' that happens a lot in BL mangas too

(and it'd be awkward but idk if ppl would necessarily 'fear' unless your social circle or overall place you live isn't the most gay friendly area [altho lots of 'comic' relief manga panels where another girls just 'groping' another girls chest in the locker/changing room and being like "i'm jealous" and such, some 'animanga behavior' you can let slide in fiction but i imagine irl ppl wouldn't risk attempting that, but outside of live action jdramas it might be amusing to see a kabedon tho depending on the personality ppl would prolly get kneed in the stomach/crotch for that])

But being casually affectionate is prolly more accepted in high school, tho my group of friends were more huggers, we even sat on each others laps sometimes during breaks, surprised the teachers didn't yell at us for that but not like we did anything pda/couple-y otherwise versus couples that'd just kiss each other before class. Crushes can develop afterwards with friends, sure, tho i wonder how many closeted ppl would be like "i would never befriend someone i'm attracted to" since ppl might act flustered around someone like that either way
The flipmode reality/fiction in this made me give up trying to understand it pretty quick, sorry.
It’s all blended together and I can’t make heads or tails.

Yuri is meeeeeh ethereal ephemeral sparkle sparkle 404 men not found or the chain of basic tropes (see “Whispering you a…” for recent example of that, main couple, best friend unrequited, stuco pres, school nurse blah blah zzzzzz).
BL is BL. Pretty basic structure, but is at least improving over time, aside the Greek letters, but that’s easy to avoid.

In real life, in the USA?
Bars and clubs are bars and clubs. Obvious shet. NTY, have fun with that, but even then people will start “hanging out” but one of them thinks they’re a couple and the other wants to start dating.
Other ”Queer Spaces?” Similar, but more awkward?
Lotta pride swag with the youths these days, so seems rather easy to spot people, but still…
Girls can get touchy feely a lot. That’s part of what gets the “useless” thing to be a thing.

Back to manga:
Maybe I’m overthinking the hug, but not in the face of WRITING HER A LOVE SONG AND ALL THE FLIRTING UP TO NOW.
She went full butch, saw the eyes, the (now this is some full-on manga ish) the nosebleed, hugged her, thought about how much she is loved by her.

Do I expect they start dating next chapter? No. They’re awkward kids in the dawn of gayening.
Do I expect it soon? Yes. At the very least Uncle is gonna hand them tickets to a something because he can’t stand them beating around the bush (bad choice of words I’m not changing it)
Jun 25, 2024
Just look at these comments, the sheer rage and anger at even implying that maybe letting your anger take control isn't a good thing. "Oh but my anger is based on a fact" doesn't make anger ok guys.

People want to be angry in 2024.
To quote the hero of Aincrad:

"I'm gettin' REAL tired of your first–year–psych–student bullshit."
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2023
Just look at these comments, the sheer rage and anger at even implying that maybe letting your anger take control isn't a good thing. "Oh but my anger is based on a fact" doesn't make anger ok guys.

People want to be angry in 2024.
no one is pissed, we're just fucking confused, also you didn't say "letting your anger take control of all your actions is a bad thing" you implied anger itself is a bad thing, anger is an emotion, it's triggered, it's not something you control, you wouldn't say sadness is a bad thing right? and there's tons of reasons to be angry that are justified. we even have the term righteous fury. don't come play psychologist when you're not good at it
Aug 5, 2024
this is so sweet... Im glad I managed to catch up to this on this chapter!
Apr 24, 2020
Just look at these comments, the sheer rage and anger at even implying that maybe letting your anger take control isn't a good thing. "Oh but my anger is based on a fact" doesn't make anger ok guys.

People want to be angry in 2024.
That's... not what any of the replies say though? Not sure how you're reading any of them to be approval of letting anger take control.
I'm going to assume you're trolling.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
…are you brain-damaged?
Is it a joke?

Having emotional reactions is bad?
Are you saying not being Buddhist is a mental illness?

Fuck, “even Buddha got mad after three times” is a saying in Asia!
(I tried to be Buddhist for a minute. Some nice stuff on mindfulness, but not for me otherwise.)
Damn, you got totally triggered..
Relax, I’m sure that post was to troll people..
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2024
“When you’ve been hurt, it’s okay to be angry”

No no no no no no it’s not okay. That is called Emotional Reasoning and it’s a well known Cognitive Distortion (well pre-tik tok it was)

And I know, in 2024 it’s probably not going to be well received. I know lots of people want to say “oh but it’s justified anger! They wanted to hurt me!”… fuck social media
lol what are you a jedi? anger leads to the dark side?

except jedi don't believe in absolutes. you're just an armchair psychologist today

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