I can't say I know they don't, but do people act like this? Not the MC. He's just acting like an isekai protagonist so whatever. This school hijacker.
Sociopathy and depravity and the rejection of Justice aside, is your first thought to getting the death penalty to cash out whatever evil you can get away with? Even if it is, you go directly to a school to assault some high school girls? I mean...I guess. You'd think anyone alive would either have other personal business or priorities, or be too short-sighted to do something this specific.
@Eviltwinq I don't really care about the "hero" not doing anything either way (he's totally gonna step in if it hits that point anyway), but I think the point that everyone else is making is that he has the obscene level of power to help people who desperately need help with no trouble to himself. Even if he has no obligation to do it, it feels pretty sociopathic and unhero-like to do nothing.
As a metaphor, imagine that trolley problem where you can flip a switch to keep a tram from hitting 10 people, except nobody is on the track the tram goes to if you flip the switch. Even though you're not obligated to flip said switch, it's pretty natural for people to blame you if you did nothing despite having every means to.
Kinda butchering the metaphor now, but in this context, the person is also a police officer from a different country-no obligation to save lives here, but dedicated his life to save people back where he came from. And the risk to himself is being caught tresspassing for going into an employee-restricted zone to flip the switch.