The Holy Grail of Eris - Vol. 5 Ch. 16 - The Special Envoy from Farris

Feb 13, 2020
@yannickq it be even better if Mr Yannik looked a bit like your avatar, if not at least for a moment copy &paste would be handy!
Jan 18, 2021
It's nice to see Connie acting more competently independent of Scarlet. Though damn that cliffhanger! You should've been more subtle in your questioning, Connie! Cecilia will eat you alive!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Oh wow the princess caught on fast with only 2 questions
Also.. the panel after she realized that randolft didn't show up... SUS. Does she actually like randolft or something?!

Also Connie should really talk to her best friend Kate soon. Timing is key. Poor kate

Many thanks
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
It's been so long since the last update I thought this was dropped. Thank you for uploading and translating!!
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Thanks a lot for the translation, this is one of my favorite mangas.

I adore the Princess's character. Not sure if she knew anything about the Prince being smuggled in, I would honestly believe it if she was the one who kidnapped him. The mystery deepens.

Connie needs to have a nice sit down with Kate. If she just honestly tells her that she's wrapped up in a lot of dangerous shit I think Kate can decide for herself whether to be involved.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
Thanks for the chapter, But I can't believe that Constance made her non stand best girl cry that wasn't cool bruh
May 11, 2020
Oh god ik I’m supposed to hate the princess but I can’t help but like her design and cunningness, BUT I STILL don’t like her as much as Scarlet 💕💕
Jan 11, 2020
dayum scarlet's boo cough bies do be poppin, that last panel was oomph 😳
Jul 18, 2019
Connie, you owe your best friend an explanation! Isn't it the best to tell her everything? She wouldn't get involved right away to all of your current problem, right?
Jan 18, 2021
@rabbitmochi22 I wonder what her deal is, actually. Is she just someone who wants to see misery for the sake of it? Or does she - as a former commoner - have a chip on her shoulder when it comes to nobles?
Dec 1, 2019
Connie keeping her troubles to herself is quite unfortunate, but it is what it is.
Thank you for translating this chapter!!


Active member
Sep 4, 2019
the last chapters Connie just pisses me off, please girl, use your brain i beg of you . You are falling in love, i think you get more and more naive every time, you know nothing about how society works. Truly exasperating, the one redeeming quality you have for me it's your ability to choose friends.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
I finally caught up! Best girl goes to Kate ofc, and best villainess is Scarlet hands down lol. I've resigned myself that Connie is your average shoujo MC that I'm very familiar with already after hundreds of shoujo I've come across in the past decade of my shoujo-reading life, so I don't hate her or anything coz I already know what to expect of her. I only hope she grows soon and not hurt our best girl Kate in the process

Thanks for working on this very engaging story Mistakes Were Made scans team!
Jan 6, 2019
Cecilia is either has psychological problems or on a drug. She has that vibe.

Hopefully Connie and Kate will patch up soon.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Idk, sometimes it is less of a headache to deal with personally than to involve others. Plus a good portion of it is strung together with Scarlet's existence, which she really wants the least amount of people possible to know about.

And now that she isn't exactly "purely good" anymore, the less she involves others, the better for them, as she is currently a big ass target for the upper nobility.

Kate means well, and I get her not liking that Connie kept her recent engagement from her, but then again, she really didn't give her much of a chance to explain, collect her thoughts, or even a chance to say its complicated, etc. This likely is because Connie was usually such an open book, and more or less had no secrets in the first place, but that doesn't just give everyone else the right to just expect her to always stay that way, and then get mad at her when she finally has something she is keeping to herself about. Honestly, that is a pretty big issue if Kate's trust in Connie is that shallow.

But maybe she is more sad that Connie doesn't rely on her more. An engagement is t just a small thing. So deliberately hiding it clearly says that something big is going on behind the scenes. It could be that Kate is just worried for her friend's safety too, although I would bet that this is more of an afterthought than the main reason.

Part of me is really questioning this stories seeming abandonment of the whole "the whole Grail family never lies" point. Should that not make their word absolute truths then? And yet we get this annoying bitch who suddenly tries to make up rumors and lies about the one family who has no secrets, and people believe her over the family who for literal generations, have kept to that ideal?

Unless the story is now pushing the idea that there is not a single benefit or plus to being honest, and that the only outcome is you will be used and abused because of it. In other words, there is no place in the world for those who are genuinely good people, and that if you are one, it would be better for you and those around you if you just stopped being one.

If it is pushing this, then I guess it is just a more pessimistic story than I had thought.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@JavelinJoe "never lies" - nobody's gonna believe that as a truth anyway. And even if they did, they can still believe in the existence of a "black sheep of the family". And due to the lack of televised entertainment, people will seek to create a drama by themselves. (And it was in writing. If anything dark is being presented, it's the preference of people to trust in bad rumors just because it's written down by 'some dude' and resonates with what they want to believe.)
May 3, 2018
@Javelin Joe I don't think the story is pushing 'honesty is bad' but rather naivety and an unwillingness to adapt. Her dad is well meaning but an idiot who damaged his family for sus people not once but repeatedly. Its good he looks after his people and they respect him but he stands to lose everything and put them at the mercy of whoever ends up taking all his stuff.

Her dad could have investigated the contracts he was signing and the people he was cosigning for without going against his family principles. He could have also just flat refused to take a risk he wasn't actually financially capable of shouldering. Its not uncharitable to refuse to do more than you reasonably can. Harming yourself to help others is simply foolish.

Connie isn't 'pure' anymore in that she'll lie now but its an adaptation to her circumstances. She isn't doing it to harm other people or for selfish profit. Its a direct reaction to dealing with people who are deeply manipulative and entirely willing to harm her if she missteps. She prefers to be honest and is where she can be. So she's hardly ceased to be good, just no longer as naïve, she is adapting.

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