@Markgraf I agree for human form. If we factor in ability to transform to full fox or dragon... Actually damn that's tough. A cute fox sitting in your lap that's actually your girlfriend is an adorable thought, but then having a girl who can transform into an enormous fire breathing dragon that would take military weapons to even threaten would be cool - and very dangerous if she ever went Yandere. Hmm...
Fox girls definitely best though. I've felt real fox tails IRL and they're the fluffiest, most calming thing ever. Million times better than petting a cat or a dog.
@NamelessSoldier I think she does and doesn't. Just cuz he likes foxes doesn't mean he likes fox girls and even if he likes fox girls, the real thing is different and maybe shes not the one for him. So still far to go. I forget the name but there's a manga on here where the FMC is a lizard girl and the realities of a lizard girl (transformation, laying eggs instead of periods, shedding, iguana tongue, etc) make it so it's more than just aesthetics. That manga made me realize even if it's a demi human their intracacies are different and not everyone can handle that especially in conservative Japan.