I checked the raws and this is another spineless exteremly polite and humble mc that would suck dick if someone just asked for it
His party thinks he is useless because his black magic is hard to recognise and they tell him to prove that he was usefull by using it on them BUT motherfucker says it is against my teachers teachings to use it on a ally. FUCKING HELL, HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN IN A SPAR OR PRACTICE MATCH ? YOU WONT EVEN HURT YOUR ''FRIEND'' YOU JUST NEED TO CAST CONFUSION OR DEBUFF THAT ALL THEY ASK FOR. HONESTLY HIS PARTY MEMBERS AREN'T TRASH OR ANYTHING, THEY ARE FULLY RIGHT TO FIRE HIM SINCE TO ANYBODY WITH CLEAR MIND HE IS TOTALLY USELESS (for them at least since they dont know what he does and he refuses to show and prove them which means he really is useless)
Spineless japan mc