THE ISEKAI DOCTOR Any sufficiently advanced medical science is indistinguishable from magic. - Ch. 30

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
EZ use your position as archbishop to mandate doctor boy as the new pope, cause a schism (or not) and say your serve this new pope for the purposes of your currently corrupt doctrine obsessed religion. All the while establishing a reformed church and unifying the good bits of the old with the new one, you can even borrow the voice of God when you attempt to purge the doctrine obsessed old heads along with their constituents.
Archbishops don't have that authority. A cardinal might, but Ecles is below the Cardinals in power.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2020
just because there's competition, they had to purge them, just wow
Humans are in a bad standing due to their monopoly over healing magic, this makes other races hate them and be hostile, to keep their leverage and not be eradicated humans must continue to hoard magic. It's a bad situation for the humans, it might work out if they spill the beans on healing magic, but looking at how outwardly hostile ((and terrifying)humans were given healing magic by God because of their weakness)) any non-human race is to a human that's a very hard sell for them.

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