The Kingdoms of Ruin - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
@Spiryts you skimmed the emperors monologue because you ARE the emperor so you dont have to read what you already said
Active member
Nov 10, 2018
@firosahoge 🤦‍♂️
No, the first chap, did a very poor job, by not presenting the world, what motivates people to their actions, instead we only get a boring monologues, without any reasons why is it happens, if the author is unable to present any motivation for actions taken by characters, that is just a bad writing, I might don't like goblin slayer, BUT, did a "great" job at giving the reader clean view, what king of motiwation drive the main character, we don't have it here.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@Spiryts Let's see, in around 50 pages the chapter's set up...

Why witches exist

Purpose of a witches' existence

How life got flipped-turned upside down and I'll like to take a minute, just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air shit's different now

Who the MC is and his motivations

Basic reason why witches are hated (SCIENCE > MAGIC and witches used to be feared)

Did you bother reading anything at all or did you click through the pages to look at the pictures? Cause all this shit you're complaining about is right there.


You oversimplified things in Nazi Germany; the Wehrmacht didn't oppose the Final Solution, they opposed the Nazis. The Nazis basically were newcomers and upset the old guard of officers in the army corps. The whole point of the Night of Long Knives was Hitler's attempt to appease the Wehrmacht. You need to realize that the regular army weren't innocent of the killings, and towards the end, most of the officers were still around were also Nazi Party.

Also, the world at large didn't know what Nazi Germany did to the Jews still inside Germany, until D-Day and Allied forces started discovering the death camps and concentration camps. The Jewish people prior to this point was discriminated against, to where Hitler had tried to ship German Jews to other countries, to where everyone said no.

Also, the assassination attempts on Hitler didn't start because of what he was doing to "undesirables", but because the Wehrmacht thought he was crazy and was gonna bring the country down.
Active member
Nov 10, 2018
I did bother read it.
We didn't get ANY explain on: why witches are so hated, how is magic still relevant, if they have teleportation, gun , macig jamming mashine, are other kingdoms don't conduct witch hunts, if so why all the witches didn't leave this kingdom earlier, such advanced technologies are not earned overnight, and political turmoil can be felt much earlier.

We got nothing on mc, except that he like his teacher witch, and his motivatio is shown at the end of the chapter, revenge,
and it wouldn't be such a problem, if author just explain at the very beginning, witches are hated because ... (they don't like chocolate ice cream or somethink).

And you wrong about, horrors of concentration camps, there were reports delivered by Polish government, Polish military intelligence, and Jews who managed to escape, to the governments of USA and Britain, what's going on there, but they were ignored.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
God damn, didn't expect it to be that dark that fast. MY GOD.
Mar 22, 2019
To those people who unironically,literally want all of humanity to die lmaoooo!! Why don't you start with yourself? Better yet go out with a bang, go out there grab some assault rifles and take as many as you can with you and stream it!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Nice hyper-violent death. No room for glory at all. Reminds me of that scar-faced guy from the 2nd season of Ghost in the Shell.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
I'll give it the 3 chapter test but so far I'm unimpressed. A country doesn't just become evil just for the lulz and the rationale given is just very 2 dimensional. I hope this gets expanded upon in the upcoming chapters because it wouldn't be hard to paint them in a more grey light.
Aggregator gang
Dec 24, 2019
Tbh if this was what humanity would've evolved into, then even I would be taking part making them go extinct to the very core and root of them. In a world like that a good place to start would be the royals/nobles, since they are pretty much always the true degenerates with more stolen money and power than everyone else, and a narcissistic self-view of them being better than the rest.

When we have a story like this, we aren't really given any realistic option on who we should root for.
[The psychotic evil, or the other option.]

Basically all we've seen is just devils/demons wearing human skin, and them massacring part of population who are blessed with extraordinary powers to do good for everyone else.

This would be like shooting your own leg just because it's more developed than rest of the body.

Then again this is prob gonna be a bloody revenge story, and then the main thing is for it being entertaining.

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