The Lady and the Beast - Ch. 1

Jul 24, 2020
Ohhhh this translation has more nuance to it than the other. I also share in the disappointment that this was a chance to have a dark skinned FL. That was noooooot enough time for an entire people to drastically change how they look.
Mar 22, 2019
@chuchuchoerry Depends on the amount of time. I'll look at Cuba. Cuba had a lot of whites, a lot of blacks and some Indigenous peoples as well. The mixture of their genes doesn't really look black, Amerindian or white anymore, it's Hispanic now. Their race took what....probably 200 years? I guess a lot of them look mostly white, but that can be attributed to the high amount of whites on Cuba. Cuba didn't have that many slaves, but had slaves nonetheless. There were a lot of free coloureds on the island and actual whites. In South America in general, depending on the country, you'll see about three main races in varying degrees I think. Peru has people that look more like the Indigenous peoples. Brazil imported a lot of African slaves, so they have a lot of blacks.

My point is that people and their races change throughout the passage of time. If in this story, most of the darker skin gypsies were killed, it's logical to think the lighter skin ones would be the ones to flourish. Plus, if the "blancs" allowed the ones that had some their blood to get by and not the ones that didn't, of course the only survivors would look like the blancs. Plus the survivors would try to preserve their blanc genes and have children with the lighter skin gypsies. It's that simple. That's how the idiots bout here in the Caribbean end up with blonde inbred black children. It's because those retards were obsessed with preserving the white genes.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
@RubyG8396 There's so much going on with that you're trying to say I genuinely believe it's gonna take me a whole paper to just set it all straight but here I go anyway:

I mean yeah I get what you mean but that case with Cuba having a lot of whites is that those were the conquistadors and Spaniards on the island, and they exclusively hated race mixing since they wanted to consolidate power, which is why there's so many white fuckin Cubanos around. Also, Hispanic is not a race, it's a language descriptor, meaning what a person speaks usually categorized by the fact that they were colonized by Spain (fuck Spain), so that's one thing you got wrong. Also, Cuba has a high concentration of mixed race and black populations, not mostly white, which makes up about less than half of the population. And don't use "coloureds", what the hell, it's 2020 and I didn't think I'd have to read that but here we are. You are right, though, in that populations will tend to reflect race and racial mixing in varying degrees based on history of the country and the relationship between their colonizers, so that's one point I guess.

And I didn't say that people and races can't change, what I'm saying is that it's absolutely fucking absurd that this author thinks 300 years is enough time for the whole population of Leta to change skin and hair colors. That's not how it works at all, even if genocide and racial mixing was part of the equation. That's not enough time for biology, human or otherwise to adjust to their surrounding. So either there's a full replacement happening here (complete with rape, genocide, and population replacement), or this is pure bullshit. It's absurd to assume that no one, and I mean absolutely no one in the generation since has had dark skin, since again, if we are to assume that there was only the killings and minimal racial mixing, then that means that dark skin would still be more dominant. They didn't change topographies or anything, so the human body wouldn't really register the need for lighter skin otherwise.

And the whole problem is that the Blanche don't care if you looked more like them or not. If you're Leta, then you have dirty blood and you're fair game to be killed, so that also throws that shit out the window. Also that bit about the Caribbean is mad weird bro, what in the goddamn hell are you talking about?

All I'm trying to say is, I fucking hate how the author decided to use black/dark skin as a plot device then decide to have a light brite as the protag anyways. That, and so many of these Korean authors keep using Rromani people and their past for storylines and plots, accessorizing their pain and not even getting anything right about their dress, culture, etc.

And please for the love of God, and I'm gonna put this in all caps and bold, STOP FUCKING SAYING G*PSY! IT'S A GODDAMN SLUR!
Mar 22, 2019
@chuchuchoerry Okay, firstly, the Caribbean bit. I live in Barbados and got to know some Domincans. There was this one guy that I was positive was albino. He had a weird gait (kinda limping but not quite, he could run quickly but you'd realise his walk was uneven), he had blonde hair, brown eyes and his skin was practically pink. He could not see very well and...kinda had a prominent and flat forehead (kinda like depictions of Neanderthals) with a heavy eyebrow ridge...anyways, my point is that he looked very weird. It was later explained to me that down in the mountains where he lived, his family practiced inbreeding. I just feel sorry for the guy. He had so much resentment towards his family for so many reasons and always felt abandoned. ANYWAYS. Apparently his family wanted a white kid or something, and the lighter skin people did what was in my opinion unthinkable to get that. The poor man never asked for it. It was the lot he was born into.

Also regarding Cubans. I know Hispanic isn't a race and it can't be because of how diverse it is, but I think that colonisation has changed the way people of a Cuba looked. I apologise for the use of the words coloureds. I'm a history student and in the context of history, in describing the mixed-race offspring of a white slave master and a black woman, we called them coloureds and mulattos. The term is outdated by like, what? 200 years? Actually I think the apartheid system in South Africa used it so probably a bit more than half a century ago. But anyways. I think the majority of people in Cuba are Mestizo, meaning they ain't black, they ain't white, they ain't Taino, they're just them.

And maybe it's me and my black Christian upbringing saying this, (because the Caribbean has a lot of Rastas and they are adamant about Jesus and the Jews being black), I think the Jews in Germany during World War 2 don't really look like what they used to look like. I think a lot of them could pass off as white. Their culture was preserved more than their genetic makeup. Which is what I'm saying, genetics aren't always strong. Look at Zendaya or Mariah Carey, in my humble opinion, they look mostly white. They barely got genes from their black parents.

In English Lit, we are studying a story called The Two Grandmothers. This is what the lighter skinned grandmother said to her slightly darker grandchild, "I told your mother that yes, marrying for love is great and all that, but think of the children." Basically, grandmother had paler skin and wanted to maintain the line, but her own daughter broke it.

Colourism is a serious problem in the Caribbean, and we are so obsessed with skin tone we'd venerate Zendaya. We would think she's ever so white and pretty. Unfortunately, to get "white and pretty", historically, lighter skin people would only marry people close to white, which is not always like the case in Dominica, but the upperclass for so many years only had light skin, even though they were black. They did not even call themselves black. And trust me, they just couldn't call themselves white. I'm just saying that their white genes are stronger because they only mixed with people close to white. I'm not sure if you'd call them black, but I'll say the Bajan whites are what they think they are, and that's white. I'll ignore the slightly wavy or curly hair. They have blue eyes and high nose bridges so we call them white. You may think they have dominant black genes, but I look at them the other way.
Aggregator gang
Aug 15, 2020
@serenipity_idiot I did't say you were wrong just that it makes seance that their skin would get lighter over the years due to there circumstances. And they could be hot pink and purple for all I care because i'm that interested in the story.
Feb 13, 2020
Everyone agrees but I must say.. they could have just remained dark skinned :')) I would like some representation yo, that would have been really cool so I am disappointed qwq
Group Leader
Apr 26, 2020
Came here to find ppl projecting themselves and their political problems... Was not disappointed lmao.
Jan 19, 2019
this seems all very ungucci... feel like this stuff could've been handled a bit better lmao

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