The Lady and the Beast - Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2019
He seems like a nice guy. Given that the Duke has zero personality so far other than being a monster wolf I hope this guy ends up as the main lead. Though that’s unlikely given that the Duke is probably cursed because somehow the MC did it in her previous life to the person she loved and it got passed down somehow. Which probably means he’s the lead.
Apr 27, 2019
I bet this guy and the sister will end up together. He will be turned down by the MC. Then the sister will come by and cheer him up - then boom new couple.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
This poor second male lead is Gaston, going to slay the beast and save the princess who doesn't really need saving.
Oct 9, 2019
Is this comic really going to hit us with secondary male lead syndrome as if we’re supposed to root for the dog!?
May 26, 2020
@Euro_PURO that is why it frustrates me. Sometimes characters with hearts in the good places makes themselves quite the splendid fool to the point that their hearts goes from one extreme to the other end---and if this happens I will be seriously disappointed. I don't know how this will go (or any spoilers, I didn't search for them), so frustration is all I have.
I want her to have good allies and I was thinking that he could be one last chapter (still hoping though).

I know it's the plot to make the MCs shine more but... if he was a friend:
He would write a letter to ask if she's fine and if she needs help.
He'd still send that sword, hoping it will help in any way.

I'll be waiting for him to come to his senses. I like cute stupid mistakes with no great consequences. But I know this one will be cringey. I might've woken to the wrong side of the bed but he really irritated me when I read this early in the morning.😅
Mar 9, 2019
The second male lead is really cute and nice haha, I wonder how he'll react when he sees just who's commanding who lmao, honestly, I really just want to see his face when he realizes that his friend was completely fine and even having lots of fun in her new role that's not so different from her past life haha!! I hope for them to stay great friends and I hope that he's not in love with her, well I don't think he is from what we've seen, and I really hope for them to stay good friends, it's great to have people you can trust and count on without useless feelings for you other then friendship, loyalty and anything else that's good for a friend, well since he saw her even when she was a child I highly doubt he'll be attracted to her but who knows haha, still wishing for them to stay good friends and maybe even have like a sister/brother relationship, a pure, clean, innocent and honest relationship Haha, how wonderful, and it would be different from the other ones where everyone is either in love or a rival or a villain...where are the friends ??!! T^T
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
Ah... He made himself fall the path of a poor 2nd lead i see... May your soul and effort be at peace..
Active member
Jul 17, 2020
Homeboi: she's a badass since childhood, teaches me all I know and is a political genius on top of that
Also Homeboi: I'm GoNnA sAvE hEr

Benjamin hun, start sending letters or sum
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
ASTINA!!! YOU ROCK!!! still baffled why benjamin thinks she needs saving lmao. i wanna know who he wants to protect!!! (i'm assuming it wasn't her when he said it bc i mean, he was practicing swordsmanship before she came along so)

thank you for the update!! a lot of things are a lot clearer now with this translation haha LMAO THAT GROWN-LOOKING TEENAGER BETTER APOLOGIZE TO THE LOGS!!!
Mar 23, 2018
So, what exactly is sending a letter supposed to do?
"Hi, I heard you are holding my friend captive by leveraging her family's economical situation, would you mind giving her this nice sword I sent with this letter so she can free herself from you?"
Just because she's strong doesn't mean allies wouldn't be helpful. So far she has a butler and a dog with a title. Not much to work with.

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