@nachtness on the other side of the barrier i guess, while some human didn't get to go to the other side of the barrier before it closed up after MC died for the first time
@Kagenashi Haha yeah their one month old baby has two growth spurts to look teenaged and appears to have demon king delusions (to them) so what do they do? Roll with it and treat him with kindness and baby him like he was still 5 years but still proud of him.
Demon king in return is proud of them and gets hit by curveballs of embarrassment at times, haha
this manga seems cool but the whole "your not pure blooded your useless" even when he defeat a whole "pure blooded" class in one hit is so crappy cliché.. for the ln reader (if one exist) how many time we need for clearing a part of the missunderstanding?
Oh man the most powerful character in the series is called unqualified due to a wacky misunderstanding
I guess this means that all of his classmates will consider him gutter trash and underestimate his power until he proves him wrong with his incredible skills