Can i just say that i love the conflicts, and love the FMC response to it? It feels grounded, and the romance is hella interesting. I really suggest that you go in blind and don't trust the comment section here. You'll find a gem.
I suspect this story is going to follow the witch and the dragon
as they age through the years. Time passes for other humans as they age and have kids, but the main couple doesn’t age. I wonder how long it will take for FL to forgive ML? They definitely have time on their hands.
they are both terrible human beings anyway
wendy is your general selfabsorbed egotistical user that deludes herself into trying to be a normal good person
and aiden is a just as much of a self-absorbed user that doesn't even try to trust others but instead opts out for manipulating and is then surprised when it blows up in his face
so instead of trying to be human and sucking at it they should both try something else... hell i dont know how about the dragon tries being a dragon and the witch being a witch
Not sure why people are getting so angry over this series... I think Wendy's anger is justified but she also has personality flaws that Aiden is right to be wary of. I think it's interesting to watch them fight and think it over, I like this series. Thanks for all the hard work translating!
I get that people hate Wendy, I lowkey dislike her too, but then I stepped back and thought about how women are expected to inherently be kind and weak, meanwhile Wendy is confident/arrogant, with strong values about herself. In any male protagonist, these aspects would be normal and maybe even praised but since she’s a woman she’s being trampled on. Regardless of your opinion on her, she’s an interesting and refreshing character who’s personality isn’t just recycled throughout different shoujos.
I dunno man, it's cute and all, but I don't think I can take anymore of our ML being an absolutely horrible and selfish partner. Toxic to the core. Wendy is absolutely justified in her rage.
From the guilt tripping to the lying (by omission) and literally changing her life without even a drop of warning - I'd prefer the story to just be Wendy avoiding him for the rest of her life and then take back control over her lifespan and kill herself (and Aidan) when she feels she's lived long enough.
He doesn't deserve any reward for the truly selfish things he's done, if anything he's just broken any and all trust.
@Roadrunner9000 I don't know how you could ever equate her personality problems with all of the lying and scheming he's done. See above. That scene
at the wedding shows that it was intentional deception on his part. A victim is still a victim no matter how bad their personality is.
i wasnt equating the grade of their trickery, i wrote that the both of them have shown terrible personality traits in their relationship
besides if your relationship is in shambles what does it matter who contributed more to the collapse? either both apologize and change or even in the event they reconcile history will repeat.
he deceived her with
the wedding
and there is no real need for an explanation and she deceived him with
the releationship which she had never realy a intention of being serious about and despite him strong arming her with the promise she could have ended it if she ever felt strongly about it and just take the punishment (besides that i would actualy bet that he would have let her out of it by postponing it) so both tricked the other intentionaly
as intentionaly letting a relationship progress beyond what your capable of or are honestly feeling is also a form of deception (as in your faking the same depths of feelings as your partner)
so she failed by lets say -50 points and he failed by -100 or maybe -150 if you feel strongly about it and even if you mix the numbers to -20 and -10^100 it doesnt realy change the fact that both failed terribly at it
thats why they should both try for just once to be themselves instead of fakes they want to be percieved as
as for equating personality problems with actions... well firstly personality lead to the actions one takes which is why i avoid choleric people and anyone with a control fetish
and secondly since personality problems arent written in a status card or something one can only recognize them from the actions the people or charackters in question take
so while your saying i was equating personality problems with actions it basicly actions with action just that one of them was like a thunderstrike and the other was more subtle and took a longer route which i boiled down to be more palatable for other readers
im sure i could list all the instances where her personality problems led to the wrong action beginning with
how she used him as a substitute to get over her failed romance
or how his mistakes started with
rushing things because of how little trust he has in the releationship
and how both
their mistakes started to influence each other and escalated more and more
but that would firstly take ages
secondly would be quite hard to read
and thirdly isnt worth it as this is not a college paper
ps: victims arent just victims thats the very logic that leads to wife abusers and child molesters getting off with a pad on the wrist because they had a bad childhood... victims in one thing can easily be fully responsible perpetrators in another
and no im not repeating NOT equating their actions with wife abusers or child molesters, i was equating the logic behind letting them off with a pad on the wrist because they had a bad childhood with the unconditional defence of victims which is an abstract concept
pps: jesus christ i apologize to everyone for this being such a massive wall of text
but explaining what i wrote when i already wrote it takes up quite a bit of space
@Roadrunner9000 I think you somehow conveniently missed the part where
she acted like a bitch and also deceived him by not being serious (as you've said), and he continually guilt tripped her and also deceived her by omitting the significance of the marriage and literally turned her into something non-human and consequently changed her entire life. It was so shady even blondie wanted to step in, like c'mon man. Surely you can see that one of those is not like the other.
A victim's shitty personality does not mean what they've faced is any less horrible, nor does it justify what horrible things they've done. But in the event that one person does a (relatively) minor thing like say, plan to cheat on their spouse, and another person does something (comparatively) major e.g. kill someone, you can't say that the person who got killed isn't just a victim because they planned to cheat on their spouse. They're still a victim, just also a douchebag (Not a spoiler, just an example)
But hey, let's agree to disagree. Obviously we hold different values and that's fine. I hope the comic continues to be enjoyable for you.
yikes ,, aiden this ain't it honey . . gonna drop this soon i guess but i'll try to see where this is going to go first
both aiden and wendy has kinda weird or twisted personalities but pushing someone to agree to do something that they don't know is just so not cool . it's not purely consent if it's like that, right? so . . . YIKES
@Tabriel013 yes, it has a novel but I don’t think it’s been translated. Here’s the raws for the novel:
The thing the first place, Wendy only deceived him because he wouldn’t give up trying to get in a relationship with her anyways. It’s not like she took the initiative to get something out of him; he guilt-tripped her into it in the first place...
I like this despite all the hate in the comment section- well its true what the ml did was wrong but it wouldn't be this spicy if he was perfect in every way that he do so meh 💁♀️ its a bit obsessive but who cares hahahahaha