The NPCs in this Village Sim Game Must Be Real! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.1

Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
"please dont tell anybody"
you know
people usually use an nda for that sort of stuff but aight
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 8, 2018
mc's situation is too real,,,

i think its because the Mc started with not so impressive Collage but trying to apply to a really high standard company, which of course has very tight competition, and he lost the competence and he got depressed by that and stop trying.

what he should do is lowering standards, trying to get into mediocre companies, then starting to gather experience and skills from there, until finally having the ability and confidence to apply for a much better company.
(speaking from my own experience after unemployed for few years and now works at a oil-based state-owned company)
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@kururugikai Maybe it's just different cultures, but it seems in Japan, your career aim is to work in a standard company (or become a civil servant) and working under other people. Maybe that's the typical career path desirable by Japanese society (or I don't know whether this is just the narrow perspectives of manga author because they themselves never work in an office because most white-collar people are depicted as salespeople). But it is so unthinkable for me, there are hundreds of other options. You can work at NGOs, research institutes, become freelancers, heck you can even open your own business - and this, you can do anything, the possibility is endless! Heck, if you are good on games, the easiest thing is that you can even become a gamer-Youtuber. How easy is that! You can play game plus earning money. He looks like he works out at home too. He can simply teach people how to work out while doing his work out, lol. With the current online technologies, you can make money while sitting at home. He could've spent his time creating blogs, become an online retailer, YouTuber, writer, or creating apps, rather than just moping by himself. Dude, even people now watch reaction videos and watching people eating (mukbang)!!! Or adopt a pet and film your daily life with your pet. How easy is that! Lol... At least start doing something. if you don't know how to do it, there are ample of information and free courses online. The easiest thing is start working on something related to what you really like. 10 years not doing anything is too much. Maybe this is the Japanese pride, or that they avoid risky things and only want stable jobs. Hey, but if you have done your best to find a job and it's difficult, you can't expect to gain something without taking any risks right?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
Why are mcs in these series always utterly pathetic pieces of shit? Like, he could’ve been a regular qa guy or a gamer or whatever else. Why was it mecessary to make him a NEET for a decade who doesn’t even try?
Aug 30, 2019
Really now? Translator should have used 'Social Media' instead of a specific site many people are not exactly fond of.
Aug 2, 2019
@tigerstar186 I just started reading this so I don't know how it's going to go from here but I think this manga is trying to tell a story about how a man slowly leaves behind his NEET lifestyle through taking care of a village.
Aug 30, 2019
You underestimate how cancerous reddit really is, and that's not even mentioning the other equally cancerous social media sites, it's pretty apparent the translator thinks substituting 'bulletin board/bbs' with fucking reddit is somehow funny and has deep meaning. Someone will have to revise that meme-like crap sooner or later.
Jul 16, 2019
I still don't care. Its just one word. There are more cancerous shit translation out there and you're complaining about this little bit? I've scrolled through the comments and the only one else complained about this was "metalweeb" which is similar to your name. Coincident? Anyways, just do it yourself if it annoys you that much. The TS is barely getting paid and may even be on a time crunch. They cant afford to fix small mistakes, its not good time management.
Aug 30, 2019
Shitty translations and reddit are equally cancerous, if you really don't care about 'one word' then why bother making a post? It only means you really do care, you're just putting up a smart guy front to hide it.
Jul 16, 2019
I care for the translator, not the word or you. Its their work, so they get to choose which word to use; its up to them if they see if it is a problem or not. Stop arguing and just do it yourself. You can literally screenshot it and then replace the word for another, save it into your folder, and then look at it instead of that one page. You can even submit it by pressing "Upload chapter" and let a mod review it, and if they like it, maybe they can add another version. I just fixed your problem.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Mc: I’ve never seen such high definition graphics before
Also Mc: Doesn’t question how a game with such amazing graphics can run on his old pc
Okay guys either this MC (err parents) is so well off that even his old PC is a monster in terms of power or this is a work of fiction and doesn’t bother to acknowledge that issue. Seriously I would be a LOT more suspicious of this game. Well at least he was smart enough to use his old pc; not like that game needs him to be online or there are virus that can infect your router or other devices on the same network...
Group Leader
Dec 28, 2018
@TNT261 was thinking the same thing. at first I couldnt believe someone would be stupid enough to install extremely suspicious software even on an old computer connected to their network, but then I remembered people fall for phone and email scams all the time.

whats this? It's a mystery button! There could be a boat in it! You know how much you wanted a boat!
Go on, click the button!
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
the ability of the japanese artist to not be able to draw a horse is so weirdly consistent

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