The NPCs in This Village Sim Game Must Be Real!

Feb 21, 2019

Toms is right but it's only a nearsighted "goes to shit." Let me elaborate so that no one is freaking out. If you choose to read, be sure to read through the entire spoiler to the end since it is just this arc.

The monster rush comes at the end of the month and they were able to fight it off. Things get real hectic since Yoshi doesn't have enough points for a miracle. All of a sudden he gets a huge dump of points and to help them, he uses a miracle to reunite some of the villagers who have end up having hunters with them.

Once everything settles down, Carol is nowhere to be found and they end up blaming God for her disappearance. Yoshio is freaking out since he doesn't know either because his attention was focused on the fight.

After a miserable, sleepless night, Yoshio drags his feet to answer a very persistent delivery man since no one is home. To his surprise, it's Carol sleeping in a big box. Yoshio goes back to his game to review the previous night while Carol is sleeping on his bed with an empty box nearby.

Turns out while the adults are fighting, Carol finds a big gem in the room she was hiding in and decides to offer it in hopes that god will help them but ends up tripping onto the offering alter and sent to Yoshio, thus the points.

He writes a prophecy stating he took her as a means of protection (cuz god needed another angel hurrdurr) Much drama, misunderstanding eventually cleared. Meanwhile, Carol is played off as a visitor from the village (can't understand/different language so she thinks she's in "gods land" seeing all this new stuff and not understanding) Mother and sister just accept the bogus story like they did about the deliveries Yoshi's been getting, and Carol (who is from hokkaido, where the packages are coming from) becomes part of the family temporarily. Obviously Carol is sleeping in the sisters room (who is now using vacation time) and it ends up being a way for Yoshio and his sister to reconnect. They go out and do stuff.

Yoshi manages to juggle keeping the the game a secret from Carol and spending time with the long lost sister and little foreign girl. While the sister and Carol are out Yoshi is trying to figure out how to get her back in the game.

It ends up that all Yoshi had to do was buy a bus ticket to hokkaido and convince Carol to get on. It's night time, last bus, emotional departing at the bus stop under a single street light, he gives her a small mirror as a gift insinuating that god is watching over whoever is in the mirror. She departs and then BAM! she's back in the game, laying on the offering alter with the mirror.

Oh, apparently she left behind the big gem which he auctions off on "e-hay". YAY money and points! End of arc.

By the way, everything in the spoiler above
is just something I thought up in the shower. SEPTEMBER FOOLS!

Mar 18, 2019
god, that was so detailed that I can’t tell if it’s actually real or not, damn dude, that was some really good mini-fanfic style detail there.
Aug 15, 2020
So good, it’s unique and has a lot of potential. The character knows his flaws and is striving to change. 10/10, hope it continues to update.
Aug 3, 2020
more "players" later. Some controlling the mobs and one guy held hostage mc so he couldnt protect the village
Mar 19, 2019
This is a very fun read for me and I'm enjoying it so much. I was skeptical at first since stories like this tend to have the 'comedic' element of the NEET protagonist being perverted or usually giving in to such temptations (I guess to make them more realistic?), but Yoshio genuinely wants to improve the villager's lives and is inspired by them. This story is written with a more positive perspective and with our MC making the conscious choice to change--which I love because it's something that I can take inspiration from like he does from the villagers.

I love this story so far; give it a chance and cheer for Yoshio!

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