The One Within the Villainess - Vol. 3 Ch. 9 - A New World

Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
Thank you so much for the update! The demon king and Remilia are pairing up to defeat the enemy! Love to see it
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Yes, it seems very weird.
Makes you imagine how it would really be.

Maybe it has smaller questilines amidst the otome game-focused start, where you train your characters a bit with smaller quests (mostly done by Emi here, and Pina did not bother wondering why they were not available).
Said smaller quests would be used to buy equipment and items, which could be used to woo the "capture targets" which would then join you up in quests and even improve their stats depending on their relationship with the heroine.

Judging from how Remilia once mentioned Pina would not be able to meed people without leaving for the Main Quest, which she could not do before the world was in danger (and Remilia is stopping the issues before they got big enough her help is needed), I am assuming the "capture targets" are not just in the school, but would increase in number as the quest-based story progressed.
Kinda like in Radiata Stories, a PS2 game (and only PS2 as far as I know) where at first you can recruit mostly humans (most non-human characters are hard to find), then later you can find some more non-humans, but after a point of the story where it splits between the human and the non-human sides you can end up losing all human characters but unlock a lot of non-human ones to recruit instead. And there are over 150 possible characters if you combine both paths...
I sorta always took it more similar to like Princess Maker 2 stlye maybe?

Good series overall, alot of big pics this chapter though lol
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Such a good manga. Can't wait for more! Thanks for the chapter!
Double-page supporter
Mar 31, 2018
This is the most in-depth world building isekai I’ve seen in terms of the author even establishing gods and different species. I usually see “oh there’s country A and country B. Maybe country C. And there’s politics but let’s talk about love and revenge”
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2019
Thanks a lot for the scanlation. I adore this story!

Typos and suggested rephrasings:
p20 "and their now instincts directed them to the human realm" -> ?
p21 "this was the catalyst for the demon king agreed to join forces" -> agreeing to join / to agree to join
p21 "kind hearted" -> kind-hearted
p24 "over his brother having died to his own hands" -> over his brother's death at his own hands
Jan 8, 2023
I wanna ship them, but damn their lifespan is hella different
with cases of human/non-human relationships like this, i just elect to believe angel ages a lot slower than humans. in terms of physical appearance and maturity though, he's near remilia's age.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
For me I wonder if maybe Emi and Remelia in the end will end up as the couple? Like either Remelia will do something to seperate them or due to how they end the "storyline" they end up dead so go to the equivilent heaven together?

Cause it feels like Hidden yuri with how they both felt about the other personality.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Dude what happened to the art quality? Not that I mind but it's just kind of bizarre.
Double-page supporter
Aug 25, 2019
This manga is sooo good hope it keeps up the quality!

Also they just established that the 2 races can interbreed so it's time for some shipping:win:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
Remi is definitely causing the story to zoom. Now with the help of Angel the demon lord, I think this next task of defeating/purifying the last god will be a piece of cake.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 3, 2021
For me I wonder if maybe Emi and Remelia in the end will end up as the couple? Like either Remelia will do something to seperate them or due to how they end the "storyline" they end up dead so go to the equivalent heaven together?

Cause it feels like Hidden yuri with how they both felt about the other personality.
Yes! This.

Look, if the setup involves two people revolving their worlds around each other and then growing that bond, feeding it, then those two have to end up as the main couple (or sisters in this case) or else nothing about anyone's motivations will make sense. Also, Remelia will never love anyone as deeply or as passionately as Emi, as Remilia will always know and trust Emi, Emi is her universe, Emi is what makes up her purpose. She knows every aspect of Emi, there is already an unbounded intimacy between the two, and Emi (if she had woken up) would learn all about Remilia, see how hard she's working for her, get to know the one who was inside her all along, how she supported Emi behind the scenes, cheering her on and the like, I think Emi has a decent chance of falling into further love with Remelia.

Though, I doubt the author would actually go into full-on yuri. It just wouldn't really make sense to marry your Goddess, would it? It's like being a nun at a convent, you're willingly and purposely celibate in order to dedicate yourself to God, not marry, dedicate. But yuri would actually be nice. Remilia, in my opinion, would go for the 'living as sisters' option, sleeping in the same bed. It's been an established motive, and she probably cannot fathom being willingly further from Emi for more than a few meters. Not exactly all too different from being a romantic couple, but I don't think Remilia sees Emi in that way. Rem's probably like, a decade behind before she can really see Emi as a romantic interest for herself.

That doesn't make much of a difference however, as whenever Remilia would say 'I love you' to Emi, it'd have the exact same meaning, purpose, and intent as she would say it if they were happily married for the past century: Sheer adoration and cherishment of a blessing that makes up their entire existence and meaning.

Emi on the other hand, has more room for change. She, for one, isn't conditioned from her entire childhood and her life thereafter to being dedicated to just one person. And, if there ever were to be a yuri relationship, it'd come from her prompting Remelia to be lovers. As, it's unlikely within the next century that Remilia would ever see herself as... equals to Emi. Remilia lives her life for Emi, and only Emi. Emi lives (lived) her life for Remilia, and everything else that's good about the world. Emi would see Remilia as another person, a lovely one that she's fond of, but not exactly of romantic interest. She didn't know too much about Remelia's personality, who she is other than the lovely child who just wanted to be loved, to be given the respect worthy of a person.

However, this, this view can change. Perception is a fragile thing, and little things can shift things a lot, big things even more so. One of the smaller things, which may just be my headcanon, could be Remilia talking to Emi before sleeping, talking to her, making sure she doesn't feel so alone within herself. And if you're alone with one person, for a rather long time, a person that fearlessly trusts and adores you, a person who knows you well and does all they can to make you happy, not out of obligation but out of love, then... I'd say you're bound to fall in love?

Anyways! EmiRem best ship. They're perfect for each other imho.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
I just love how this revenge manga takes the form of an active "the best revenge is living well".

As in, she is not just overfocusing on revenge and tricking everyone.
She is not just doing what she (or Emi) would like and letting the other side explode by itself.
She is focusing on a revenge that does do what Emi would have wanted, in a way that explodes the other side and no one else suffers. She is doing it all for revenge, but in a way everyone but her targets end up happy.

She is helping people left and right both because Emi would, and to help everyone, but also because, without conflicts big enough, Pina can't go out and become stronger and more influential.

The potions store, regardless of her actions, if she pointed the guards to it or if her words are even true, is definitely in-character for Pina. She did claim Pina's overuse of charm potions drew unwanted attention, and I can see those she did not influence yet seeing things wrong sooner or later. And we know she is getting desperate for those potions now that she can't get any more.

And of course, even while stopping Pina from progressing through the story she is doing it herself.
Getting the special equipment, and fighting solo against two gods (well, she planned the second to be solo) to end up the threat to the world. Plus she is even stopping the demonic invasion threat before it even happens.

If she succeeds, everyone else ends up the better. The threat is gone. Or did not even start existing.

Save for the Miasma, which regardless of everything it seems only Pina can clean up.

Meaning that, in the end, Remilia becomes adored for her actions of helping everyone, Emi hopefully ends up happy when she wakes up...

And Pina's special status is made to be only the "official janitor to the world".
(No offense to real janitors, it is a thankless task.)

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