The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - The Start of Beach Season at Lightstone

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
So I actually took the time to read that afterword by the translator, and I think it's very well-spoken.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Fuck off with this shit

Koolio, you're abusing your platform. There's nothing political about this manga. At most you can bring up the black companies but that's tangential and isn't the main focus at all. It's irresponsible to focus this much on it. There's not greater commentaries in this work. An arc or two may focus on something like gentrification in an abstract sense but not in detail or not as a great point contributing to an overarching theme.

Also, there is no hate speech I've seen on mangadex. You're hunting witches and trying to make a non-issue a problem.

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
@xyzzy The main problem is the guy doesn't really talk about things like workers rights and good conditions in these "extras". Most of it is things pertaining to MLK, BLM, and "Hate-speech" which is debatable if that is even a thing as anything said in a hateful way could be said to be hate-speech. That and the fact he writes literal paragraphs about how Mangadex is "normalizing hateful ideology", and how he thinks it needs to have rules against very specific speech. That speech being, anything he disagrees with goes into the hate speech bin, and anything that he likes is a-okay. After all, BLM literally burnt down a town and he talks about it like some kind of martyr movement.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself"
Very doubtful this is the original line.

"Everything is political"
This is the phrase only pure nuisances spout. Suddenly everything is open to irrelevant sociopolitical critique. It's often spouted by journalists and bloggers to put neck-breaking spins on things they cover, often to the economical detriment of their target. What is simply a problem for a protagonist to resolve or minor detail is now some kind of explicit statement. The issue being these may not be statements by the authors at all, but just interpreted as such.
While I don't disagree that "black companies" touch on politics, to a normal person it may just means "an abusive company; the antagonist" and might sympathize if they've ever had a shitty job. The manga is not "heavily" political as you state. It isn't the focus at all. There is are no explicit political statement. You can interpret everything from a political view if you're an obsessed nut, but what you consider "politics" may simply be considered a normal issue.
I see the black magic industry reform merely as market forces which IS explicitly stated by the boss in early chapters as lowered revenue, poor PR, and lack of skilled workers.

"Hate speech"
A meaningless phrase.
We live in the era where the OK hand symbol is a hate sign and where simple observations imply hatred.
Also a phrase used by shitty propagandists.
Aug 10, 2018
Actually don't just give me that good work-life balance - give me that good tearing down of social prejudices surrounding the black magic industry, give me that good respect for individuals regardless of their profitability and dissimilarity to me, give me that good denouncement of the exploitation of the most vulnerable in society. Give me that good good criticism of capital, and that class solidarity among the working class I crave. This series owns.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"Nothing in society stands above class struggle and thus nothing is above politics. In this sense, everything is political and politics is everything."
- Make the Struggle for Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Central in Party Building, I Wor Kuen

Are you seriously going to quote Maoist dogma unironically? Even the CCP doesn't believe in this sort of shit anymore, thank Deng Xiaoping and the disaster that was the Cultural Revolution + Gang of Four for that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
Thanks for translation but please for love of god, shut the fuck up about whatever you are going on about. We are here for wholesome manga and not for whatever politics witchhunting strawman bs.
Mar 10, 2019
Oh, also, why is that people have such a hard time ignoring a page? If you just want you're anime tiddies go and skip the last page...
Mar 10, 2019
Power play? I'm confused, are you saying that politics are just power plays? If so, what's the definition of politics that you're using?
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