The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - The Start of Beach Season at Lightstone

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Why everything is not political is relatively easy to justify. Just because everything is affected by policy and how a government governs does not, in turn, mean that everything is political. It's like saying everything is historical because it all happens in a way that will be recorded for future generations and how past decisions and actions have consequences that will inform future consequences and actions.

It's more operationally unhelpful as we define such things to be as specific as possible as to both help us to solve specific issues as they arise and to prevent over-reaching. It's hard to solve a problem if you connect it to a grand narrative where every aspect of everything is informed by how you act in a specific case and how said case fits into the larger framework of your ideological lens. It's better to try and tackle issues with the specifics of each case and inform a course of action based upon it, as there is no one belief system or ideology that will allow you to most effectively solve every issue that arises. Anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something, trying to convert or manipulate you, or has his hand your pocket and a pistol to your neck.

It's more accurate in my opinion to actually say everything is philosophical, as everything is an argument and the bones of said argument, the very root of idea, is philosophy. Philosophy is merely any advanced form of reasoning and thought and so is more general as a catch-all for everything or at least as an explanation for everything, though science, too, would fit into this as the two disciplines are intrinsically connected through epistemological reasoning. Politics, itself, is a subbranch of Philosophy, as nearly every political ideology or institution has its roots in the field. Economics, science, religion, etc. all draw from it, as does mathematics, politics, art, and any argument man has ever had or could ever present.

Lastly, the most common defense for the claim that "Everything is political" is that every action people make is made by a person who hold specific ideological or philosophical beliefs, and that it may consciously or unconsciously inform said decision making. My issue is that this implies both that man can not divorce himself from political belief and that this claim is fundamentally unfalsifiable, which means that it can never be proven nor disproven through testing and thus must be disregarded. There will be times when a thought or action is not influenced by politics in any way. For instance, a syllogism such as "The sky is blue, I like the color blue, therefore I like the color of the sky" has no political influence on its logic. Man will act on instinct, or will commit to basic reason without having any conception or action informed by his own ideological lens. Man is not a slave to his own instincts, nor is he a slave to the society or culture in which he lives in, nor is he toy of his own unconscious mind as Freud believed. Instead, man is an exceptionally complicated and almost arbitrary being, a self-contradictory and ever-changing and unpredictable creature that one can spend a life time observing and never able to truly predict what any one individual will do in an instance with one hundred percent accuracy. Such simplistic lens as "everything is political" thus fail to meet the complex nature of the universe in which easy answers are most often the first to be proven wrong.

Apr 27, 2019
Also it should be noted that this clearly goes against rule 3.2.7.

3.2.7 Adding extra page(s) to chapters for the purpose of crediting scanlators or translation notes is generally OK. Extra pages which contain extraneous political content, agendas, propaganda, commentary, race-baiting or content that could be construed as offensive may be removed by staff. Extra pages are also subject to the same standards as listed out in section 5.1.

Edit: I'm not reporting it as I don't really care and think that this rule is bad, however this rule was obviously intended to apply to both sides, it was not a targeting of the "racists". You are not exempt from this @Koolio.
Aggregator gang
Sep 21, 2018
Ya mean tiddies introduction? The way I see it MC will bang her in the next 3 chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@bonerland Communism at it's core is actually a utopia. At least the idea in a fully realised state is. In reality it doesn't work, at least not for humans. The idea is for a few to grasp power, make society equally decent, then relinquish power. Every single time communism was tried on a large scale, they stopped at the first step. Because that's what human nature made them do.

Any way, just my two cents. Not faulting anyone. Back to tiddies.😊
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2018
Honestly, the biggest irony in this whole political debacle is, @Koolio is a joke. He's doing it because instead of keeping a discussion private, he posted the entire conversation, with the persons username, as a way to virtue signal his politics somewhere it doesn't belong and expected people to side with him. And when 90% of the people reading this wanted nothing to do with it, or politics in general, he threw a tantrum and is now using the manga to pout and post his politics and shitty memes as a way to get back at the readers. I don't care that it's just a page to skip, I DL manga I enjoy and I can do so by page. Anything to do with Koolio and his associates doesn't end up anywhere I can see them.

To the people using the argument" but hur dur, this manga has politics." SO? How are OUR politics in any way related to what's going on in the manga? If you peeps were having conversations about workplace politics, overworking/exploiting employees, like in JAPAN, it wouldn't be an issue. Or at least it wouldn't get this blown up. But no, @Koolio is using a titty manga and throwing a tantrum soapboxing his politics about muh racism. No one here is defending racism. But most people here also don't give a shit for real-world politics when reading manga because we're trying to GET AWAY from all that stuff and just sit back and enjoy some entertainment for what it is. Not be preached to even IF IT IS JUST ONE PAGE.

I'm just saying, people like @Koolio have done far more against stopping racism, etc by doing this kind of shit, then have by doing it. It's literally the boy who cried wolf. Even if people care, when there is nothing actually happening and you get people all riled up just to be a little shithead wanting attention, all it does is push people away.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
Not his reaction to the T&As?
His son has a succubus!


Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
@cor3zone and here we go, "Real Communism(tm) has never been tried." People can say whatever shit they want, but when every attempt has turned into something worse than hitler, maybe it's time to consider that marx lied to you.
Apr 20, 2018
@bonerland From the endpages I've seen I haven't seen him say he wanted anybody who isn't a commie executed, he's been mostly quoting MLK and saying racism is bad. Which I'll agree with, and I'll stand by my position that I love seeing people actually get asspained in the comments over a single endpage saying that racism is shitty.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2019
Can I just enjoy my manga and anime in peace? No mention of anything in the outside world? I came here and started reading manga and watching anime because it was the last media form that wasn't really politicized, of course there will always be that subgroup but now, it's bordering hyper-politicization because people can't stop keyboard warrioring long enough to step back and relax. I don't freaking care about who tried to snipe the issue from you or what internal debates you have on your team. Politicization of everything doesn't make it enjoyable for a lot of people.
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2018
I think his dad is definitely gonna kill him for that. I just kinda wanna know if he'll res him and kill him a second time for his job choice.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@bonerland Real communism has been tried. It failed before it was fully realised. I'm not saying it's a good or evil idea, just that it's a flawed idea that drove humans to great evil for a 'good' cause.

Just because something failed before completion doesn't make it bad, just unsuitable. Like evolution.

[Edited for grammar.]
May 2, 2019
bro how dare titty manga have page with quote from mlk inserted by scantalators! unacceptable!

idk what there is to be upset over - it's not even like it's offensive. if it was a quote from hitler justifying the holocaust or statistics claiming the holodomor didn't happen then you could very strongly argue this is an issue, but it's literally a quote from mlk. c'mon man.

edit: also reading this comment thread, a guy with a username of niggardly ranting about this is exactly what i came here to see.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Trying not to get a boner here... Beastfolk, 2 dream Demons, and a Human just spells disaster trying to abstain.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
you know there's some damn huge irony to foolio's shitpost credits pages when he calls someone natzi's in his first sentence then complains about how previously established rules aren't being enforced enough. (which may or may not be the case I'm not too knowledgeable)

that being said i do un-ironicaly agree that free speech is great and the internet is or maybe was the best place for it. but then foolio talks about hate speech being real... do i need to point out the irony there? 😑

political correctness is the issue here, there can be no free speech with hate speech as a existing concept. words can be hurtful when expressed but that is a part of the process of discourse. the goal of discourse is to find a middle ground, and finding the middle ground is impossible to find without either pure analytics or full emotional expression and later resolution. and one of those two is impossible for humans to do. there will always be bias, and bias is always an emotional construct. thus expression is required for discourse.

mangadex's rule change is probably in the wrong and it may bite them in the ass later. (aka drive users and groups away) oh well~ their choice.

also stop the memes foolio, put memes in a credits page not the TL.
i bet if you didn't do a meme job with your TLs you'd easily have 3/4th or 1/2 the haters you currently have. put your memes in credits pages not the chapter content itself.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@bonerland Hey douchebag, I'm saying communism sucks. Just like you. I just disagree on the why. The idea itself is great. The reality of it is pure shit.

Now fuck off, and happy new year, asshole.
Apr 20, 2018
@bonerland Shit dude you got that strawman good.
From what I interpret from @cor3zone has said he isn't advocating for communism, only that it was an idea with good intentions but isn't compatible with human nature. Which is true. Holy fuck.
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