Because they were complaining about politics
being injected into a softcore hentai manga, not the politics being in the softcore hentai manga as the author wrote it. Using a translation as your own political soapbox is shitty no matter how you slice it, even if you think your politics agrees with the manga.
But more than that, people were also upset about the translations being weirdly worded at best and fucking "yolo fam XD" at worst. When rapeman posted his offensive bait credit pages, it's still ignore-able because his translations are solid and lack any of his personal bullshit, you can just click past the end bits and have an entirely enjoyable experience (though I totally get why his stuff got removed, as much as I think it's kind of a double standard to take rapeman's work down but let these guys do what they do, his was way worse from a "being fair and enforcing community guidelines" perspective). With these guys you had to read "big chungus" and
then see them compare themselves to fucking MLKJ afterwards like they're personally fixing racism.
Judging from this chapter, maybe they're listening to criticism and decided to let the manga speak for itself. Maybe the other guy translating a chapter made them realize people aren't forced to read their bullshit and will stop caring entirely if they keep it up. Maybe they just spontaneously decided to stop being shitty.
If future chapters continue to be this pleasant to read, I got no more beef with them.
Either way, it takes a lot of nerve to sit on a project this long and then act angry that someone else decided to translate. Scanlating a series is not a divine right that you stake a claim to, if at any time a group feels like they could do a job better or faster than another group and wants to give it a go, they should. It's nice to communicate so people don't feel like their effort is wasted, and sniping is pretty impolite, but with how long these guys let it sit I can only be grateful that someone put the pressure on them.