@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN, awakening in his new loli body, gets accidentally thrown out with the used soapy water & ends up in the slime mosh pit: a pseudo-pod frenzy ensues.
@Markgraf evilly laughs on the inside while watching he-who-shall-remain-untagged suffer horrifically from PTSD.
Poor Dandan. That's what you get for making my hair pink like yours. Now enjoy getting lewded by slime.
Edit: Wow I couldn't read too huh. Nobody said anything about pink hair.
@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN had no time to gloat, however, as the slimes' pseudo-pods mercilessly ravaged his body until they had brought him almostto the peak point of sensual existence only to forcefully eject him from the mosh pit into the Spinadillo share house.