The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020

If only life was that simple.

On a sidenote, moving out of here is a wonderful pipe dream.

Multiplayer is never simple. That being said, the idea of understanding a president's duty to his nation should be pretty simple overall. Do what's best for your nation. Work for your nation. Bring positive impacts for your nation.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
So some snowflake took what I said as an accusation of racism? 😂🤣🙃 All I did was explain some history. 🤠 I did it quite calmly in spite of the hostility you keep showing me. 👹 What blaming you heard wasn't me; that was the voice of your own conscience.😇

To be sure there are some serious red flags in your posts I could point out, but I won't bother. I've tried to talk to you intelligently but you have nothing to contribute except insults, gaslighting & acting smarter than you are. 🤮 I won't respond to your hate speech any more. Goodbye, mini-Trump.
Jun 2, 2019
Why is this thread so fucking cringe. Yes I totally think the almighty United States is responsible enough to be world hegemon. Sorry but the "Pax Americana" has already ended. No golden age lasts forever.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
@wewuz Then how about you introduce a better topic? 🙄

Personally, I'm still waiting for local brits to brag about how much they're enjoying Brexit so far.

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
How viable would communism be if robotic overlords aren't corrupt and obviously has a really big stick
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Wouldn't it be a technocracy then? Machines designed to be the best in their area.
Jun 7, 2018

>Death is a preferable alternative to Communism.

I never got this opinion, we don't even know what happens when you die so how could you be so sure that you would rather die than have to live through communism and besides, there's nothing stopping you from killing yourself during communism so why just jump the gun early? IMO I always thought death would just be a black void that you stare at forever, or you get reincarnated without any of your memories, and in both cases, I would 100% rather live through communism and at least try it out then just die. People always think of the worst-case "north korea" type of communism when youre literally stuck, but what if you get a huge country like russia and you live right near a border? What's stopping you from just walking out with your family?

Like I said, its a lot smarter to at least try it before just killing yourself
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
What's stopping you from just walking out with your family?
>he doesn’t know that communism needs walls to keep people in
Why do communists think a system that always fails will work this time if we just all detonate a country together just one more time...

There’s a reason it always fails: humans.

Whose money do you think is going to be redistributed? Billionaires? Nope, it’ll be ours. The billionaires will just flee and become citizens of another country, meanwhile you and I will be stuck here with our money being handed out to people poorer than us.

The people who do the dirty work, revolution, always get purged because they showed resolve to do so. To government that’s dangerous and therefore gives need for more police brutality.

The leaders become extremely corrupt. If you think money in politics is bad now...

The citizenry devolve into paranoid familial cliques living in fear of being ousted by secret police. If you think the PATRIOT act is bad...

Food becomes scarce due to a plummeting GDP and need to hoard and redistribute. I assume some of us on this site are visiting food banks, yeah those won’t exist under communism.

And my favorite (hint: not) part that we’ve all learned from Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia, and a few African countries: there’s always an ethnic genocide going on at any given moment in a communist state. Poverty breeds strife. Strife breeds contempt. Contempt dredges up old affairs. Not long afterwards, violence and political terrorism emerges. Countries react accordingly.

If you think the US’s problems are bad now...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

It's meant to prove a principle, that you would rather not exist than be in a world where Communism has taken over. It's like the phrase "give me liberty or give me death," in that it underlays the idea that you would prefer to die than to live a life where you are not free.

Plus it indicates that you would much rather fight against communism to the death than let it come to fruition in the first place, just as you would say "Death is preferable to fascism," in that it indicates you really, really don't want to live in a fascist society and would rather die than let it happen. It's a statement about prevention, if anything.
Can I point out the irony that moving out of the country is a pipe dream but a functioning communist society isn't? Mate we've tried Communism before, and it always ends up doing the opposite of what it says it wants to.


Never was, it was just convenient to slap the Warsaw pact if shit hits the fan; we just needed a banner to fight under.

Just saying, Russia and China will gladly pick up what we left off.

Yes, and that's the issue because Russia and China basically are run by two dictators who have rampant disregard for human rights. The US at least has influence in that it is the most powerful nation who spearheads multiple international movements and can exert pressures on smaller nations through trade and other measures to change forms of government. I'll grant you we did some nasty shit when we were playing world police, but I don't think half the countries that are republics or representative democracies would be if we were not the most powerful nation, such as pretty much the entirety of Europe, Japan, or the Pacific. China and Russia isn't going to be the nations that put pressures on nations to stop discrimination, genocide, or other crimes against humanity, and that's guaranteed.

Pretty sure they were doing that ironically, but I don't think you want to look at Harris as a symbol of empowerment...
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
>when I do it, it’s gaslighting, pretending I’m intelligent, trolling, racism and unintelligent civil discourse
>when she does it, it’s intelligent, polite discussion, rooting out “obvious” evil, and thought provoking “clap backs”

Why do I even bother? What is even the point of engaging in discussion when one side can’t even think critically beyond doubling down on fighting/proving something they think exists? It’s as if she has the gall to think she knows everything about me, that just by looking at my posts on a manga piracy site’s general forum’s political discussion thread that I’m somehow a societal supervillain at risk of going rogue.

But instead of completely fixating on her, it just makes me look outwards at American society as a whole:

Are we all just monkeys screaming into an endless cacophony of hooting and hollering that is collectively known as the internet?

Are we destined to never overcome the follies of man simply because they will always be our Achille’s heels: hubris, hedonism, and hierarchical bickering?

Is the downfall of man not caused by his neglect of his surroundings but of the company for which he keeps in contempt?

At what point do I start unironically quoting Ted Kaczynski as if he wasn’t just a crazed genius terrorized by his own isolation?

Everyone talks at each other these days. No one talks to each other.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Cherokeeprincess' posts lost all consideration a long time ago tbh. It's gotten to the point where I might honestly believe her account was a troll/parody account run by an excessively persistent 'pretend retard' if she were to claim as such. (Unfortunately(?) it seems to be legit though, as evidenced by other sites where the same username is used. Tamerlane and I looked at them a few months ago in this thread.)
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Her profile on this site says she’s:
So, she’s got a hormonal imbalance and an antisocial personality disorder.
>look up her username on google
>she posts on an asexuality forum
She posts on an echo chamber hug box forum...
>dig through the site
>she’s heavily involved on the autism sub board...
>she also has an account on an aromantic support forum
>her occupation is listed there as a pollster
>she also states she doesn’t have a gender
“For of all sad word of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: /p...”
Her profile picture on the aromantic website is Sonic and Tails...

Chris Chan, reveal thyself!
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
>Death is a preferable alternative to Communism.

WHO THE FUCK SAID THIS!? Communist girls are awesome! I'd rather live with cute communist girls than fat capitalist ones! =W=





We shall leave America in da DUSHT! ^W^
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
China is communist only in name. They went the route of post ‘91 Russia, hyper capitalist totalitarian oligarchy due to the realization that money is cool.

>china (#3 in obesity)
>thinner than the US (#2 in obesity) or Mexico (#1 in obesity)
Obesity rates in China are on track to overtake Mexico by 2030 as the most obese country on the planet.
It’s kind of funny yet sad.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Vietnam has a higher opinion of free markets than the US did in 2014... (Source is Pew btw)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
China is arguably run more by fascists than by communists when you consider what fascists actually want their governments and economies to look like.
Fascists are ok with private property so long as it can be utilized by the state (i.e. them) and are perfectly fine with their friends accumulating wealth so long as they get a cut.

As an aside as I saw communist economies come up and I happen to have my copy of The Soviet Colossus handy. After the revolution was 'completed' there was a point in time where they were collectivizing everything but ran into an issue of not producing enough of anything. So they were forced to go back towards free market in something called the New Economic Policy by Lenin that privatized everything but what the CCCP considered vital. It mostly worked until the issue of a lack of consumer goods led to inflation.

It wound up resulting in De-Kulakization which I believe is also known as Holdomir.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Even though the ideologies behind Fascism and Communism are radically different, the end results are mostly similar, with the main difference being Fascism can't really sustain itself for more than about a generation without using up all of its resources, which is why Franco's economy was dogshit, Mussolini was hilariously incompetent, and Hitler need to keep expanding into places he probably shouldn't have.

Hence why the Party in 1984 can be accurately described as both fascist and socialist, because it's reached a point where the differentiation doesn't really matter. Hence why "IGNSOC" seems similar to how the abbreviation for the Nazi party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) but also stands for "English Socialism" and fits into New speak.


That would be because Fascism wants everything to serve the good of the state. If a corporation stepped out of line, it would be appropriated for the state. They don't care about private property as long as that property is being used for the good of the state, and if it's not, it will be taken over.
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