The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@M0NST3R Funny, they did their own analysis and found differently.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Reading this thread thus far is like watching a modern day Bronze Age Collapse only without the sea people and utter regression.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
this is a manga forum debate on politics and your comparing it to a major historical event that involved changing human history as they knew it for the rest of time that left who knows how many people dead.
the only appropriate response:
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
Remember when Ted Cruz used to accuse other politicians of taking inappropriate vacations?

More nuclear energy is the answer for Texas? Why not, it did wonders for 3-mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima...🤯

Trump still says he handled the virus well.

Now that the previous administration can no longer stop government agencies telling the truth:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
You know people say I’m a leftist but I personally say screw the free market and screw capitalism entirely.

@2SpiritCherokeePrincess I would like to point out a good majority of problems from nuclear power due to poorly maintented infrastructure and government more concerned with saving face...... actually never mind your right nuclear power in the us is a bad idea, I mean take the varuas TM for example this was our version of Chernobyl and it did not go nearly as well.

Also solar panels are by all terms still better then just using fossil fuels or wood to power things. Also apparently wind and solar power has become cheapest available power so why aren’t we switching to solar with wind as backup?
Jan 5, 2021
No political solution. No answer to the moral question. Nothing, except for madness and violence.

Politics is a delusion. There is only war. Peace is a lie, there is only war. Only madness, only violence, ultimately amounting to naught.
For all your ruminations and formulations you will only be answered with the despair of vanity and futility of self aggrandizement.
Reject hope, embrace dharma.
Jan 4, 2021
@immortalartisan solar/wind aren't better because they cost energy to make, more energy they could possibly create. It's only cheaper/better when heavily subsidized by the government. Alot of politicians got rich from the push for solar/wind
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
@Squilliamfancyson oí if you aren’t even gonna try then don’t try and drag everyone else down I un ironically believe in Buddhism and I still have a will to live and to improve things. To accept dharmas now is to accept stagnation to accept endless reincarnation only though finally succeeding shall you find nirvana and escape from the endless cycle reincarnation. Accept the bad accept the good strive for improvement if you can. We as a race still have hope to abandon the petty squabbles we fight to come together as species to explore the stars learn the secrets that still hide among them to do the impossible for if we give up now it is no better then stabbing oneself in the heart. Even if we have to grope our way through nuclear fire, impossible depths and horrible weapons we as a species must persist with all the zeal we were given and we must do our best to advance and progress as a species. Hope is not a thing to be mocked not a thing to be extinguished but a torch in the darkness the persistence to stand against a typhoon and keep walking.

Also I believe your using dharma wrong it means empty truths.

@Hornyturtle okay then what about hydro and off shore wind their reliable and the best option for the infrastructure hell that is America due to their durability. Also how do they require more energy then they would produce? In roughly 3 years of operation for all 3 types of solar panels they should pay off their carbon cost and in eight years pay off their energy cost after that lasting up to 25 years in total if your using mono or poly type panels maybe if your using PV type panels but those are insanely cheap and are able to fit almost anywhere. And as for politicians getting rich from it so what it’s still better power for the future that won’t run out in practically any time.
Jan 4, 2021
Off shore wind? Do you not understand why that isn't even close to viable? You're living in a dream land
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
@Hornyturtle apologizes that was just the sci-fi nerd in me talking but still hydro and geothermal power are still stable sources of power which nearly carbon neutral foot prints. As for the large investment it’s called infrastructure nor temporary solutions it’s meant to be stable and long term.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Kaldrak That just proves my point about the Feds, they were given recommendations but weren't told that they were noncompliant.
That is the entire issue I have been trying to get you to understand, the Feds never told Texas there was anything they had to do, only things they should do.
And the Feds had the regulatory authority to tell Texas to do something.

Once again, the fact that the surrounding states were also required to do a rolling blackout (not to help provide power to Texas) shows that it is more the fault of the weather rather than any policy.

Regulation and centralization are not always the solution, and often times when it comes to infrastructure it makes it worse.
Oct 5, 2019
@Kaldrak i dunno why you think i would think you were. i merely stated that Blumpf antis assblasted the guy when he imposed border shutdowns with all the "isms" and "phobias" in the book. Only for the entire rest of the world to follow suit with border closings, because it is obviously a sensible measure to limit the spread of a disease.

@readingsit i wouldn't say mask wearing didn't help the japanese whatsoever, i think it's clearly the swifter shut down of international travel that helped them beat the pandemic long ago while we in the european union still have a long way to go, despite mask enforcement. although the schengen contracts do make it harder for any country to unilaterally close off their border, truly independent nations can simply pull the plug on transit as they please.
Oct 5, 2019
@wowfucktron socialists and libertarians both share the same materialistic worldview where they believe that just having stuff will make peoples' lives fulfilled. the only thing they are in disagreement on is how to get there. so far, socialism never managed to make anyone wealthier except a select few cunning sociopaths that manage to usurp power during the revolutions they orchestrate, so i would say it seems at least in that case libertarians might have a better idea of what theyre doing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
first of all everyone stop acknowledging 2spitup up there until he/she/it actually starts taking part in the conversation instead of dropping links mindlessly then ignoring our counterarguments.

still hydro and geothermal power are still stable sources of power which nearly carbon neutral foot prints
from what i looked up geothermal isnt used on large scale because it requires a large underground water reservoir to obtain energy from. replacing water down there takes more money then what you get from the energy so if you run out of underground water too quickly then the massive price for setting up the geothermal in the first place end up somthing that investors just have to eat.

hydro is a really good souce of energy but the problem lies in location. here are the factors the eliminate a location for useage:
1: Correct geography (significant steepness of downstream incline, surrounding valley of sufficient depth for the reservoir)
2: Correct geology (fairly impermeable rock or clay basin, sufficiently strong foundation for the dam)
3: Acceptable environmental impact (no endangered species in the river or basin)
4: Acceptable economic impact (generally the river is no longer navigable for shipping and the downstream water supply becomes less reliable)
5: Acceptable social impact (thousands or millions of people could be displaced from homes on the river depending on the size of the project)
every river that meets these requirements already has a dam

the real question is why is the third stable source of power with a nearly carbon neutral foot print isnt use more. nuclear.
here are a couple vids to watch to learn our failures to take advantage of it:
Kurzgesagt part 1(please watch all 3):

I personally say screw the free market and screw capitalism entirely
global GDP is a good way of recognizing how much better off humanity is as time moves on since it its the average of all human wealth. here is a nice little chart that shows world GDP since year 1(with an edit of mine to help show some useful info):

*weebs debating politics in room*
*man walks in*
man: "this moment will go down in history for its major effects on culture and bring about untold amounts of suffering and death"
*man leaves*
*weebs look at door in unified confusion*

if masks do have a beneficial effect its minor ill post what i said before
i looked up the deaths per capita from covid total here are the top countries until you reach the USA:
Belgium(mask mandate)
Slovenia(mask mandate)
United Kingdom
Czechia(mask mandate)
Italy(mask mandate)
Bosnia and Herzegovina(mask mandate)
and to add to that i looked up mask wearing rate for Americans which was as of October 2020 "More than nine in 10 U.S. adults (93%) said they sometimes, often or always wear a mask or face covering when they leave their home and are unable to socially distance"
Oct 5, 2019
@readingsit yeah well putting on a cloth mask and hoping it will stop droplets and particles of ~1 micron in size is about as plausible as using a hand knit condom for birth control, that much is true.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
i agree. a mask mandate wont change that. and theres no reason to believe that the japanese people were all using the perfect masks in the perfect way same as any other country. i think the reason japan was able to minimize their infections was:
1- they are an island
2- they shutdown their borders

if the masks helped at all it was a cherry on top not the entire cake.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Wow, I get a notification and I'm not even called out in it. I don't know how to feel.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
that my fault. i copied somones name for one of my @'s and apparently i had accidentally copied the entire on-screen page by accident. i would love if the forum added a simple reply button on people posts so i can easy add an @ to my reply
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