The Politics Megathread

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Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
The Average Conversation About Trusting “The Science™.”

NPC: Guys, listen to the science. Take the vaccine (which totally wasn’t rushed btw) and listen to this race nonsense which sounds like Apartheid era logic but “totally isn’t.”
Me: Okay, sounds based to me. *starts posting FBI crime stats, LGBT mental health comorbidity rates, women’s mental health rates, IQ by race stats and IQ by gender stats*
NPC: NOOOOOOO!!! Not that science!!!!!


The Science™ says my Jewish Male self is superior to everyone else on the planet in every capacity.
There’s a push to teach kids as young as six years old about critical race theory....

Boy oh boy, I sure love childhood indoctrination!

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
NPC: Guys, listen to the science. Take the vaccine

they only support the vaccine after biden got into power. before that they were all "dont take it! its made by trump himself you will die!!?!1!11!"
if your young wait until all the people older then you get the vaccine then take it. simple as
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Not sure what the deal is with the vaccine, but I'll take it after most people already took it. I'm not in hurry to take it. Not going anywhere anyway, and my area has been safe so far. Too bad Japan still banned foreign spectators. But then again... I wonder how they're gonna control that. How are tickets even sold...?

"Biden, please let us in." I think what should be done is let these people into states like California and New York. It's clear that South America cannot survive without relying on the U.S. Red states won't budge and blue states are gungho for it, so let them take care of this.

Solution to polygamy:

Having multiple pillows. =w=
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
B-being one standard deviation higher or lower on average means nothing!!1
t. Muh F. Eels, phd

>mfw I'm told that my ancestors made life a living hell for and crippled the technological, social, and political development of literally every other group on the planet
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

mfw I'm told that my ancestors made life a living hell for and crippled the technological, social, and political development of literally every other group on the planet

They just wanted their rightful clay, smh.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
What’s the image under the line that apparently belts leftists?

Also @wowfucktron

I cant tell wether you think racism is real and needs to be fixed or something that is good.

Also just take the bloody vaccine. Of course the thing is fucking rushed their trying to end this epidemic as soon as fucking possible.

Also I think after playing a couple hours of the utopia chase of surviving Mars it certainly feels more jarring to be back here.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
What’s the image under the line that apparently belts leftists?ja [fucking sic]
It only shows for people who are cool enough.

Also it wasn't really meant as bait or anything.

but I'm on your minds a lot? Okeh.
Indeed. You've become a radiant example of how not to post, something which literally everyone in this thread can agree upon, which is extremely rare.
Mar 28, 2019
that is the basis on which socialism(government will share and treat everyone equally) and communism(everyone will share and treat each other equally) cant work

i agree.
communism only works in theory, in reality human nature strikes in and everything goes up in flames. Sure there are people with a mindset fit for that but most people just don't have it.


i'm happy i was able to entertain you 😁
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Hence the reason why humanity needs to be wiped out and replaced with advanced Reploids so communism can exist. =W=
Active member
Feb 10, 2021
What a thread 10/10 would read again. I really hope no one in here unironically thinks shooting the shit here will lead to any change or meaningful discourse outside of here. lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
What a thread 10/10 would read again. I really hope no one in here unironically thinks shooting the shit here will lead to any change or meaningful discourse outside of here. lmao.

of course not. were on a manga forum where the occasional guy pops on to claim that the democrat party is on the right and 2ghostschokingapeen pretends to be a spam bot. im just looking for a place where i can discuss ongoing politics since everywhere else ive wanted to talk has been banned. reddit thedonald? banned, parler? i think youve heard the news, heck i was even on reddit rightwingLGBT for a time before that too was banned. i want to discuss politics and avoid echo-chambers so i found myself here
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
Hence the reason why humanity needs to be wiped out and replaced with advanced Reploids
Agreed, we can restart the Megaman Zero series from GBA and make it even better than it was-
communism can exist. =W=
Aaaaaaaaaaaand nevermind... we don't nees to start another Neo Arcadia.

A real shame a meritocracy sounds the most viable way for humanity to go, yet it's the most potentially corrupt route considering human nature and their inevitable "Let's fuck everything up that our ancestors worked for because we have different wants now" attitude.

Then again, seeing all these gun problems and yet people still want to protect their Second Amendment rights makes me want to think they should just shoot each other to shit anyways - maybe when they're all dead we can finally rework the words a piece of paper had been written down on so that sheeple can't abuse it for the sake of their freedom, seeing how their want for freedom means breaking half the laws of the entire country.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
A real shame a meritocracy sounds the most viable way for humanity to go, yet it's the most potentially corrupt route considering human nature and their inevitable "Let's fuck everything up that our ancestors worked for because we have different wants now" attitude.

exactly, meritocracy only works on its own if the guys who succeed dont close the door behind them. this is the importance of checks and balances to make sure it doesnt collapse immediatly but even then such protections will slowly be worn away and a time will come where, well ill just quote how thomas jefferson put it
"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Then again, seeing all these gun problems and yet people still want to protect their Second Amendment rights makes me want to think they should just shoot each other to shit anyways - maybe when they're all dead we can finally rework the words a piece of paper had been written down on so that sheeple can't abuse it for the sake of their freedom, seeing how their want for freedom means breaking half the laws of the entire country.

aaaand you lost me. those criminals arent shooting people with legal weapons. making more people into criminals doesnt fix the original issue

that piece of paper is the only reason we have rights at all(from the governments perspective). and guns are the reason that paper remains important in law.
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