meh, Eastern Europe is its own part of the world.
Western and Northern Europe are practically the same thing.
Honestly, I don't provide evidence for the things I post because
Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.
It's all so tiresome watching people discredit sources because the author made one homophobic comment when he was a zygotal structure.
Plus most of the posters in this thread have already made up their minds and have dug themselves into their ideological holes, so to speak.
We aren't exempt from this either, but....
If culture isn't important then stop following your Chinese cultural practices out of filial duty.
It's very stereotypical Chinese to say all cultures are worthless while also in the same sentence jerking off your own because "muh six gorillion years of Chinese family and culture."
Discrediting me via claims of insanity just fuels me further because it means you have zero counter argument other than labelling me as "dangerous" or "unknowledgable."
You two live in bubbles.
If you can't even acknowledge the fact that silent majorities may exist or that you are part of an overly vocal minority then, well, I don't know what to tell you...
Cancelling people for speaking "wrongthink" is very Marxist.
Cultural Marxism: A Supposed Conspiracy Theory.
Main tenants include:
1) The creation of racism offences
Hate crimes in general, getting cancelled for saying dumb shit (even dredging stuff up from people's pasts), "microaggressions," etc.
2) Continual change to create confusion
Language is changing so fast that the word 'colander' (a strainer used for washing vegetables) might mean some "uber hateful" thing tomorrow because "reasons."
3) The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
We're going from sex-ed (penis -> vagina, sex = babies, do it when you're older) to porn should be shown to minors, we need to teach kids about anal, BDSM, orgies and so on.
Then you have the constant online grooming of at risk teenagers into making stupid decisions (transitioning) because "someone I don't know online said that because I like flowers that means I need to lop off my dick."
4) The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
Did you know that schools are not allowed to punish students for bullying? Of course you did, you're a weeb.
But did you know that schools and teachers are no longer allowed to chastise or even discipline students? Yeah, because it might lead to a "hostile learning environments" or "a fear of authority."
>we should love authority unconditionally
>hating freedom is good and exercising your freedoms is evil
5) Huge immigration to destroy identity
Why are all these poor people (who have no intention of assimilating) being allowed into the country under the guise of getting free stuff (government handouts)? And then why is the party that advocates for this stuff constantly promoting the idea allowing anyone (even noncitizens) the right to vote in the US?
Sounds an awful lot like attempts at subverting a country...
Or maybe a well-founded fear that your party cannot survive without constantly changing your voter base because you keep alienating people in order to lift up one specific group in the US.
6) The promotion of excessive drinking
It might not be drinking, but drugs sure are promoted everywhere nowadays for a multitude of stupid reasons.
7) Emptying of churches
I'm not that religious of a person, but I fully recognize the benefits of being in a religion.
Look at the constant pushes of Atheism (mainly targeting Christianity) in the US.
But this stuff is never aimed at us Jews


or at Muslims (really gets the noggin joggin', huh?).
I wonder why this is? Do you possibly have an answer for me, because I can tell you exactly what that answer is.
8) An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
The anti-cop crowd would sure love this right?
Well, unfortunately consistency isn't found among those who don't understand the ideas that they are regurgitating constantly.
9) Dependency on the state or state benefits
"medicaid for all" "gubmint healthcare" "welfare" "ubi" "food stamps" "abortion paid by tax money"
If you force a people to become dependent on their government, then said government can trample upon them however it sees fit. Even easier if you take away a citizen's right to pose a threat to their government.
10) Control and dumbing down of media
Everything media related (entertainment and the news) is becoming so dumbed down that its bordering on satire.
The news media is not your friend. Movies have always been shit, but they've been even more shittier nowadays. TV is pointless and is somehow managing to get dumber by the minute.
Then you have the constant ideological warfare going on over whose side is "correct" being played out in every form of media.
11) Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Then: A family is a wife, a husband and kids.
Now: A family is six transgender midgets riding a thing that identifies as a unicycle.
Obviously this is exaggeration on the last part, but two men or two women living together is not a family. Neither can have kids together unless they rope in someone else or in the lesbians case use bone marrow.
Those are roommates, you can't change this fact no matter how hard you believe otherwise.
Cultural Marxism is a far-right anti semitic conspiracy theory
Yet a Jew is calling it out for existing.
"bUt ThEsE aRe AlL cOiNcIdEnCeS"
Oy vey! Quit noticing things!