The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
To be fair, to Eastern Europe and Turkey, Trump probably would seem like a centrist by comparison, though this isn’t what he was referring to.

We’re just used to Western Europe and Northern Europe, which are in different states. Plus there’s the issue that we typically won’t hear working class perspectives as represented and it’s going to be more the bourgeois and the intelligentsia that we hear from these countries, so it’s harder to gauge where the silent majority is at.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
"If your goal is to change minds, it must be done unhurriedly. Leading with a conclusion rather than evidence would be the height of folly." - idk barack obama maybe

but yeah, based regardless
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
@wowfucktron please tell me your not using Marxism seriously? Please? I honestly I can’t tell insanity from very well done bait here.

Also the reason Chinese and Latino immigrants are doing so much better is there wasn’t a period in Time when massive numbers of Chinese and Latinos were imported and then dumped back into the economy from the very bottom. (I.E. slavery) Chinese and Latino immigrants were the ones who could afford to move and even then it took some hell of amazing connections to get in during 1990sish.

And uh Chinese immigrants haven’t exactly been treated well
*cough* Chinese *cough* railroad *cough* workers *Cough*
*cough* China *cough* towns *cough
The massacre of the Chinese at Rock Springs

Bloody hell the USA for some reason despite claiming to have the title melting pot of the world really seems to like beating up the ingredients first (you know what I mean I fucking know what tenderizing is)

Unrelated tangent:

Honestly I don’t bloody understand this whole preserving race and culture thing. I’m Chinese at least that’s what my skin color and lineage tell me. I observe Chinese traditions simply because my parents do and I do it out of respect for them. If uniting humanity as a single species means culture and race are destroyed then so be it.

Note: if I seem a lot more hostile. I have been trying my hand at arguing as devils advocate for the left on 4chan recently and my god it’s given me a bigger thrill than treating RuneScape as a stock market.
Nov 3, 2018
@ immortalartisan
couldnt care about preserving "race" too be honest
but culture is rather important -its basicly entrtaiment- seeing things from different prespective and culture does that fastest and easiest way
ED: it also gives this delusion you are not as much a slave as you are
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

Destruction of cultures in order to gain human unification is a very dangerous thing. Because culture isn't just those funny song and dances tourists like to see, but also a set of values that one must maintain and protect in order to live a fulfilling life. Culture helps a person identify who they are, what life values they should have, and how they should treat other people (inside or outside of their group).

To destroy someone's culture is to destroy their identity. It weakens the unity between people of similar beliefs and values. It makes people more vulnerable to new values that doesn't take have the best interest for them.

An active example of why destroying culture could lead to atrocities, you need not look further than Communist Taiwan China. Many cultural values are being replaced with servitude towards the CCP. Such as the Uyghurs, whose people are being sent in to actual concentration camps to be re-educated in to submissive puppets. Their people are being called terrorists, their women raped and tortured, Their children forced to learn a foreign language while not allowed to use their parent's native tongue. All of this is done in order to achieve a "unified" China.

You may argue that you don't need the way of the CCP to get unification, but many efforts for unification of different cultures often leads to the trampling of cultural identities. Look at Brexit where you can find themes of "Britain should be governed by British people" vs "I am European".
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
meh, Eastern Europe is its own part of the world.

Western and Northern Europe are practically the same thing.

Honestly, I don't provide evidence for the things I post because
Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.
It's all so tiresome watching people discredit sources because the author made one homophobic comment when he was a zygotal structure.

Plus most of the posters in this thread have already made up their minds and have dug themselves into their ideological holes, so to speak.
We aren't exempt from this either, but....

If culture isn't important then stop following your Chinese cultural practices out of filial duty.

It's very stereotypical Chinese to say all cultures are worthless while also in the same sentence jerking off your own because "muh six gorillion years of Chinese family and culture."

Discrediting me via claims of insanity just fuels me further because it means you have zero counter argument other than labelling me as "dangerous" or "unknowledgable."

You two live in bubbles.
If you can't even acknowledge the fact that silent majorities may exist or that you are part of an overly vocal minority then, well, I don't know what to tell you...

Cancelling people for speaking "wrongthink" is very Marxist.

Cultural Marxism: A Supposed Conspiracy Theory.
Main tenants include:
1) The creation of racism offences
Hate crimes in general, getting cancelled for saying dumb shit (even dredging stuff up from people's pasts), "microaggressions," etc.

2) Continual change to create confusion
Language is changing so fast that the word 'colander' (a strainer used for washing vegetables) might mean some "uber hateful" thing tomorrow because "reasons."

3) The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
We're going from sex-ed (penis -> vagina, sex = babies, do it when you're older) to porn should be shown to minors, we need to teach kids about anal, BDSM, orgies and so on.
Then you have the constant online grooming of at risk teenagers into making stupid decisions (transitioning) because "someone I don't know online said that because I like flowers that means I need to lop off my dick."

4) The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
Did you know that schools are not allowed to punish students for bullying? Of course you did, you're a weeb.

But did you know that schools and teachers are no longer allowed to chastise or even discipline students? Yeah, because it might lead to a "hostile learning environments" or "a fear of authority."

>we should love authority unconditionally
>hating freedom is good and exercising your freedoms is evil

5) Huge immigration to destroy identity
Why are all these poor people (who have no intention of assimilating) being allowed into the country under the guise of getting free stuff (government handouts)? And then why is the party that advocates for this stuff constantly promoting the idea allowing anyone (even noncitizens) the right to vote in the US?
Sounds an awful lot like attempts at subverting a country...

Or maybe a well-founded fear that your party cannot survive without constantly changing your voter base because you keep alienating people in order to lift up one specific group in the US.

6) The promotion of excessive drinking
It might not be drinking, but drugs sure are promoted everywhere nowadays for a multitude of stupid reasons.

7) Emptying of churches
I'm not that religious of a person, but I fully recognize the benefits of being in a religion.
Look at the constant pushes of Atheism (mainly targeting Christianity) in the US.
But this stuff is never aimed at us Jews :)think:) or at Muslims (really gets the noggin joggin', huh?).
I wonder why this is? Do you possibly have an answer for me, because I can tell you exactly what that answer is.

8) An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
The anti-cop crowd would sure love this right?
Well, unfortunately consistency isn't found among those who don't understand the ideas that they are regurgitating constantly.

9) Dependency on the state or state benefits
"medicaid for all" "gubmint healthcare" "welfare" "ubi" "food stamps" "abortion paid by tax money"
If you force a people to become dependent on their government, then said government can trample upon them however it sees fit. Even easier if you take away a citizen's right to pose a threat to their government.

10) Control and dumbing down of media
Everything media related (entertainment and the news) is becoming so dumbed down that its bordering on satire.
The news media is not your friend. Movies have always been shit, but they've been even more shittier nowadays. TV is pointless and is somehow managing to get dumber by the minute.

Then you have the constant ideological warfare going on over whose side is "correct" being played out in every form of media.

11) Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Then: A family is a wife, a husband and kids.
Now: A family is six transgender midgets riding a thing that identifies as a unicycle.

Obviously this is exaggeration on the last part, but two men or two women living together is not a family. Neither can have kids together unless they rope in someone else or in the lesbians case use bone marrow.
Those are roommates, you can't change this fact no matter how hard you believe otherwise.

Cultural Marxism is a far-right anti semitic conspiracy theory
Yet a Jew is calling it out for existing.

"bUt ThEsE aRe AlL cOiNcIdEnCeS"
Oy vey! Quit noticing things!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020

Did I praise Chinese culture? No I’m just saying I observe it honestly very casually out of respect for my parents. Chinese culture is also worthless I don’t believe in ancestor spirits and it’s kinda stupid in my opinion.

Also no response on me explaining why Chinese immigrants are doing so well?


As for the CCP. Some one should get around the reclassification of China to a dictator ship already and then go ahead and rectify that back to democracy.

Until the day we can create AI advanced enough to run government democracy is our best bet.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

Funnily enough, I wholeheartedly believe that west taiwan is the fascistic government the lefties so desperately want to fight against. It's literally got it all, concentration camps, corrupt government officials, Ethnic supremacist thoughts (China namba wan), even the fascitic idea of "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" rings absolutely true for every facet of the CCP.

Until the day we can create AI advanced enough to run government democracy is our best bet.

That won't fix anything, if the AI is created by some Corrupt psychopath (My money's on Bill gates or Jeff Bezos) then it will always prioritize maximum profits for their creator and cronies.

As for the CCP. Some one should get around the reclassification of China to a dictator ship already and then go ahead and rectify that back to democracy.
The CCP has a stranglehold over many international organizations (particularly the UN and WHO), if there's any resistance against them, it will either have to wrestle control from the CCP or cooperation from neighboring nations to put active pressure on west taiwan's economy.

Personally I think we may see some shit go down in Taiwan in a few years. Let's hope the anti-CCP claims that the Communist-bandit's military is just a paper tiger is correct.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
I don’t need to touch upon it because I already talked about that in the original post I wrote albeit abstractly. But I will just for you. <3

When I said
“Black people are angry at Asians and Latinos for being successful DESPITE being minorities”

I meant not all minorities are unsuccessful.

I was touching upon the fact that black people are trying to label anyone who is successful in life as white (redefining language out of hatred), almost as if it’s a soft form of The Big Scary G Word I Can’t Use In Relation To White People Without Being Labelled A Terrorist Or A Racial Supremacist.

This part is directed at you and other lefties in this thread:
Honestly, either I’m holding others to way too high of a standard of understanding what I’m trying to get across or reading comprehension is no longer taught in school in the US.
(I’m just begging to have everything I say labelled a dog whistle, aren’t I?)

Or maybe you guys have already labeled me in those boxes you so claim to hate shoving people into.

Labels for thee but not for me.

The lefties give China a pass because China isn’t a country founded by white people.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Cancelling people for speaking "wrongthink" is very Marxist.

Uh, what...? Not sure why I'm even tagged here but:

- Both the libs and cons have engaged in "Marxist" tactics before and will continue to do so. It's just that they deny their bullshit or make excuses for them while bitching about the other side. If anything, it's more like something idiots would do, Marxism or not. This has been a part of human's tribalism, long before Marxism came to be a thing.
- At some point, people, especially Americans who have a hard on to trash talking on Marxism, will have to admit that their own people are capable of being stupid as well, regardless of whether they have Marxist ideas or whatever the hell they wanna call them.
- And what the fuck is with this conspiracy theory...? Can't stop you from believing whatever you want if you feel better doing so, but I'm gonna stick with my own judgement without throwing out the "-ism" excessively.

two men or two women living together is not a family. Neither can have kids together unless they rope in someone else or in the lesbians case use bone marrow.
Those are roommates, you can't change this fact no matter how hard you believe otherwise.

Having a kid is not a requirement to be a family.
Live and let live. How someone define a family in their private life is up to them, as long as they don't force it down on someone else.
That cat is your family? OK, cool. That anime pillow is your girlfriend? OK, cool. That hologram is your wife? OK, cool.
You think only straight people with kids can be called a family? OK, cool. Keep your standard to yourself.
"Your right ends where my freedom begins" is a rule that applies for everyone, including religious nutjobs and hippies.

Poor people are stupid so they are poor

Some cases, yes. Some people are stupid with money or not smart enough to be rich. Some people are smart but they happen to be born in a poor family or have some sort of life issues they are sorting out. I don't know for sure if your comment was intended to be disparaging to poor people or not. But I'm not gonna throw jabs at people who struggle to get their life on track. Unless it's clear that they have no intention to work hard/smart on their own. Being poor or rich is not a relation to how smart someone can be. People don't become rich overnight. That poor kid working at McD you think is stupid might be the next Simon Cowell 20 years later.

This part is directed at you and other lefties in this thread:
Honestly, either I’m holding others to way too high of a standard of understanding what I’m trying to get across or reading comprehension is no longer taught in school in the US.

Don't drink when you post.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
please tell me your not using Marxism seriously?

did i miss somthing? marxism is the birthplace of socialism and communism two ideologies that have killed more people then anything else in human history why wouldnt somone take it seriously?

Also the reason Chinese and Latino immigrants are doing so much better is there wasn’t a period in Time when massive numbers of Chinese and Latinos were imported and then dumped back into the economy from the very bottom.

blacks were doing better then whites in the economy despite racism in the early 1900's. the reason blacks arent doing well today is because of the rise of the welfare state not slavery

Honestly I don’t bloody understand this whole preserving race and culture thing

i can agree with the race part but for culture preserving it makes sense once you recognize there is no such thing as 'not having a culture' so you have to look at cultures from a perspective of 'which is the best one to have?'. and i think we can all agree that cultures that see no problem with cannibalism, incest, pedophilia, slavery, etc are worse then a culture that sees such things as abhorrent.

so if preserving our own over those is beneficial then we can infer there may be other cultures we should we should preserve our own over as well even if for more minor reasons.

The teaching of homosexuality to children

CHIldreN cAN cHooSe ThEIR OWN GEndEr- an idiot and possible pedo

I'm not that religious of a person, but I fully recognize the benefits of being in a religion.

what happenes when you take religion from a person who feels an inherent need to be religious? i would argue that the stereotypical leftist is an example of that. unable to accept views outside their orthodoxy, props up people who cannot be questioned without angering the cult, emphasizes how sinners must be punished, and so on. these people would have been annoying christians protesting rap albums 70 years ago but now their ravenous loons with the power to ruin your life

Everything media related (entertainment and the news) is becoming so dumbed down that its bordering on satire

can you imagine how difficult working at the babylon bee or the onion must be? any time they write a fake headline they have to ask "oh god i hope this doesnt come true in a couple years". a british politician was asked the other day about curfews for men and the politician was fumbling for a reason why it wouldnt be somthing he'd support. imagine how ridiculous that would have sounded a couple years ago

Did I praise Chinese culture? No I’m just saying I observe it honestly very casually out of respect for my parents

why do you respect your parents? are you faking it until you can live on your own and ignore them for the rest of your life? if not, then there is no survival benefit to it and you are accepting the cultural norm of respecting your parents. a norm so, well, normal that you dont even notice it playing out.

Some one should get around the reclassification of China to a dictatorship

pretty sure everyone thinks of china as a communist dictatorship. the question now is when is america going to recognize that its been in a cold war with china for years and finally act like it. give 'em the soviet treatment if you will

Having a kid is not a requirement to be a family.

then we have different definitions on family

Keep your standard to yourself.

public discourse celebrates 'throuples' with shows and media and organizations state a want to destroy the nuclear family. but if you say publicly that a family is only a family if they can have kids together then you will be cancelled. the double standard is the reason this is an issue
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Can we not have magazine capacity limits or sneaky attempts at forming a National Firearms Registry for FIVE SECONDS
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
then we have different definitions on family

Yes. We do.

public discourse celebrates 'throuples' with shows and media and organizations state a want to destroy the nuclear family. but if you say publicly that a family is only a family if they can have kids together then you will be cancelled. the double standard is the reason this is an issue

What you believe in will cause you to be "cancelled", just by different people. Hence everyone should fuck off out of other people's life.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

Pretty sure both of yous agree that cancel culture is bad and people should stop doing it unless society continues going in to a tribalistic downward spiral,

But I do have a contention with this:

What you believe in will cause you to be "cancelled"

It's not what YOU believe in that caused you to be cancelled.

It's when OTHER PEOPLE don't like your ideas/thoughts and tries to PREVENT YOUR IDEA from reaching the PUBLIC SPACE.

(excuse the caps)
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
What the fuck?
I missed some funny shit here.
What's all this about a family requiring kids when obviously the definition of a family is "husband and wife," not "man, woman and x number of children."
"Two men or two women cannot be a family."
Head out of ass - it's 2021, gay marriage is a thing, don't be homophobic; just because they can find happiness when you can't doesn't mean you can cancel their culture. 😤
Whoever said poor people are stupid is the real idiot - so you're telling me that all the homeless veterans that aren't receiving help are stupid because they have sum'n like PSTD or some other sort of problem that makes living normally in society an issue? Shame on you, and I don't even like the military because I personally think it's basically brainwashing you into serving the country you're serving in, regardless of the "benefits" they offer - fight me, bitch.
What the shit is a "throuple"? Please explain this to me.
Preserving your culture is nice and all, but acting like a retard while running around in gangs "defending your territory" isn't exactly what I'd call culture - protecting your friends & family doesn't require you to run around with your pants halfway down your legs in shit-stained whitey-tidies carrying a piece on your babydick and rapping about drugs, bitches and/or money - change my mind, fools.
Don't get me started on China, either - the same country that said nobody can come in to research the origins of COVID and then a month later suddenly "iT cAmE fRoM bAtS". The same country that still says Tiananmen Square never happened. The same country that had an old man protesting while carrying groceries by standing in front of a tank, and whose police force pepper sprays old women in the face for being outside. 'Nuff said there?
Active member
Feb 10, 2021

you got the wrong idea bout me. Just because something is used as bait doesn't mean it's wrong or I don't agree with it. I guess I'll have to clarify. The way you were shit-talking eurofags felt really baity that's all. If you really must know, I'm center-right economically and center-left socially. I just like to shit talk. Guess you could call me one of those "Enlightened centrists" TM

Just don't put me in the same camp of Sargon or those Skeptic retards
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
Europoors act retardedly smug about their clusterfuck of a “union.”

Plus they seem to know more about the supposed shithole they refer to as “America” than they need to.

But it looks like I did get quite the reaction.

Also change that language before you get JANNYED, mister!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
@wowfucktron ; Seriously asking, but what does getting banned even do on here? You can't even read mang or sum'n? Or is it just unable to post on forums? 🤔
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