The Politics Megathread

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Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019
Head out of ass - it's 2021, gay marriage is a thing, don't be homophobic; just because they can find happiness when you can't doesn't mean you can cancel their culture. 😤
... I don't even like the military because I personally think it's basically brainwashing you into serving the country you're serving in, regardless of the "benefits" they offer - fight me, bitch.

Preserving your culture is nice and all, but acting like a retard while running around in gangs "defending your territory" isn't exactly what I'd call culture - protecting your friends & family doesn't require you to run around with your pants halfway down your legs in shit-stained whitey-tidies carrying a piece on your babydick and rapping about drugs, bitches and/or money - change my mind, fools.

What's this, left wing AND right wing talking points IN THE SAME POST? how can this be? No, don't tell me this is one of those elusive and forbidden creatures.

An Individual!

jokes aside...

I think it would be better to exclude childless households from the term family, because the point of a family is to raise children in to adults. If it only consists of two adults who are in a relationship, just call them couples.

Although admittedly this is just semantics, but for some reason i feel adamant about this.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
@nutman451 ;
the point of a family is to raise children in to adults.

Alright, we gotta talk about this point here: does this mean anyone can be a family if you pick up a kid and raise them into adulthood (18+) ?
Because if you mean actually raising them and teaching them right from wrong, I gotta say that this generation has maybe 10% of families who had kids are actually doing their filial jobs - the other 90% or so are either giving them up for adoption or letting them become shitheaded snowflakes - or are the snowflakes that think they know how to raise their kids.
I do agree "husband and wife" translates to "married couple," but still - they could very well be living with their own parents, siblings or other relatives and it'd be called a "family," usually because related by blood, if not in-laws/step-relatives or adopted/foster relatives.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

does this mean anyone can be a family if you pick up a kid and raise them into adulthood (18+) ?

Yes, and this is me being extremely generous (as long as the kid being "picked up" is through legal adoption recognized by local authorities)

Because if you mean actually raising them and teaching them right from wrong, I gotta say that this generation has maybe 10% of families who had kids are actually doing their filial jobs - the other 90% or so are either giving them up for adoption or letting them become shitheaded snowflakes - or are the snowflakes that think they know how to raise their kids.

This is exactly why the western world is in a crisis, because few children are raised in to proper adults in a healthy and supportive environment. From the destruction of the family, the removal of fathers as a necessary component of parents, and treating children as if they have the mental capacity and understanding of adult concepts.

I do agree "husband and wife" translates to "married couple," but still - they could very well be living with their own parents, siblings or other relatives and it'd be called a "family," usually because related by blood, if not in-laws/step-relatives or adopted/foster relatives.

While I do agree that in a wider sense, these can be considered as family. But this will eventually cause the idea of family to slowly lose it's meaning. Because the only thing separating a group consisting of a parent and a child with 2 persons who live in a house is that the legal system recognizes one as a family while the other as not a family. This means that the group is defined by the state/authorities rather than the expressed purpose of a family.

A family has an almost sacred idea, where two individuals (more on single parent households later) swear fealty to eachother to raise their progeny in to respectable individuals who will eventually do the same thus continuing the cycle)

Which is why I can't help but feel companies that call themselves a "family" to be malicious.

anyways on single parent household. Raising children is fucking tough, two people is the bare minimum of doing that as there is a balanced needed between providing for the family and to teach values to the child. Single parent households means one person needs to do BOTH. Yea good luck with that. Because that one parent is too busy trying to keep her/his/its family alive, that parent doesn't have the time to give the child the attention he/she/it needs and deserves. The neglect will negatively affect the child and will more often than not lead them to a very bad path in life. This doesn't even factor in potential abuse from the single parent due to built up stress from doing two very difficult jobs.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

Hey if you don't mind being friends with a self proclaimed homophobic, transphobic Christian bigot, I don't mind being friends with an (assumed) anarchist.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
@nutman451 the government is meant to serve the people. people are meant to be free to achieve happiness in any way that does not negatively affect others.

There that better?
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

Ah sorry, what I meant was, it doesn't really matter what you call yourself imo, what's more important is the ideas and values you bring to the table. Which is why it shouldn't matter if I call you an anarchist or myself a bigot.

the government is meant to serve the people. people are meant to be free to achieve happiness in any way that does not negatively affect others.

sounds like Libertarian to me, but if this is what you really believe then no complaints from me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
"Two men or two women cannot be a family."

they can be a couple they cannot be family.

"it's 2021"
2021? thats so yesterday. its 2021, 3 months, and 14 days. jeez get with the times

Preserving your culture is nice and all, but acting like a retard while running around in gangs "defending your territory" isn't exactly what I'd call culture

i agree. that culture is one that should be abandoned

Alright, we gotta talk about this point here: does this mean anyone can be a family if you pick up a kid and raise them into adulthood (18+)

no, you can take on the role of the family members via adoption i would define such a thing as a pseudo-family. in the technical sense you are not family since you took in somone from a different family. if you are not together to bear children then you can be in a romantic relationship but there is no family there. even 1 man and 1 woman are not a family if they do not bear children there is a reason people are devastated by the news that they are barren

im not saying you cant hold emotional connection im just pointing out that it cant be called a family in my view

Although admittedly this is just semantics, but for some reason i feel adamant about this.

haha! well said, once again my arguments arent emotional in nature. i understand that people can feel like family through mutual caring but my point is over what a family truly is
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Honestly, I don't provide evidence for the things I post because...
Ah, yes, mhm, I see. Indeed. This is factual.
Cultural Marxism: A Supposed Conspiracy Theory.
Legit appalling how googling "cultural marxism" or other terms used by the anti-woke crowds brings up article after article (and even Wikipedia at this point) that near-unanimously denounce and slander the people who speak out against what's currently deemed 'correct'.
I wonder why this is? Do you possibly have an answer for me, because I can tell you exactly what that answer is.
I know this one, professor Fucktron-sensei!

It's because Christianity is an easy target due to its association with straight wypipo! And evangelical values, as well as the nuclear family, are a threat to the social instability and change sought after!

Preserving your culture is nice and all, but acting like a retard while running around in gangs "defending your territory" isn't exactly what I'd call culture - protecting your friends & family doesn't require you to run around with your pants halfway down your legs in shit-stained whitey-tidies carrying a piece on your babydick and rapping about drugs, bitches and/or money - change my mind, fools.
Unfortunately it technically is culture. Just not the kind of culture you'd want your kids becoming a part of.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

It's funny you say that, because the original Wikipedia entry on Cultural Marxism describes a theory proposed by Marxists in regards to sociological theory about systems of oppression and oppressor, which the Frankfraut school

Compare it to the current Wikipedia page, which conflates the idea with cultural Bolshevism by the Nazis, which is a completely different and unrelated theory which was used by the Nazis as a scapegoat.

When it wasn't a political talking point, Wikipedia had a neutral description. Now that it is, it's conflated with antisemitism because Nazis are bad. It's insidious because it retroactively makes anyone talking about the concept or criticizing it seem like a bigot.

It's anti-academic and completely memory-holing an entire philosophy. It's disgusting, and why we need printed books so the records can't be retroactively changed like this for political reasons in the future.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
It's disgusting, and why we need printed books so the records can't be retroactively changed like this for political reasons in the future.
"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them." -- Ray Bradbury
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
*Shrugs* At the end of the day, people will continue to live with their ideal version of what a family is, however they define it. I'm fine with people having different metric/standard for a family as long as they don't gatekeep other people from having their own ideal family. I think it's important to teach young people this: an individual's own happiness is more important than confirmation or validation of any random strangers on social media. Hell, stay off that nonsense altogether and stick with people who don't cause you trouble. If you are happy living your life as you are, provided that you are not crossing any line or doing anything illegal or unethical, stay happy.

"I'm triggered because someone else don't think what I think. Therefore, I must go out of my way to force my views down their throat." I see this from idiots from both sides of the spectrum. Just stay away from each other, I guess, lol?

This is why we need to teach children to spend more time watching GLORIOUS NIPPONESE ANIME instead of getting involved in politics. Better for mental health. =W=

@pandascepter Pick your family. =W=

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Funnily enough, I've been meaning to reread Fahrenheit 451 because it reminds me of the cancel culture going on right now with things like certain Dr Seuss books and figures being removed or becoming persona non gratia for not conforming to the orthodoxy.

Fittingly enough, my college (which is quite aways from where I live normally) has a Bradbury Center on campus, so I'll visit it when COVID ends.
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