Honest to god, if I had to guess at this point, she's around 16-19 years old and has untreated mental health issues.
Before you enter an oppression olympics match with anyone on this hellhole, let me inform you that I have a platinum medal, gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, porcelain throne and tinfoil crown.
>Slavery/imperialism woes?
Slavic Ashkenazi Jewish American, get on your knees and kneel to my ancestor's history of suffering constant genocide and slavery.
For your reference, Slav is Russian for slave. Yep, my ethnic group was a slave people...
>LGBT nonsense?
Bisexual, i.e. the unwanted ones in that movement.
>Religious persecution?
95% of my family died in the Holocaust and was under constant threat of lynching when we fled for our lives. I don't feel safe in this country due to how so many nonwhites seem to love targeting us because we're "too successful."
>Political prejudice?
Conservative Democrat from California.
Mild Aspergers and depression.
And yet none of this is part of my identity as a person because it should be found in
my early life section on Wikipedia in the footnotes of my life's story.