The Politics Megathread

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Active member
Aug 8, 2018

It's because the current Youtube CEO didn't get her position promotion by merit. Most of the recent 6 year stupidity is her fault indirectly.

She got gifted youtube CEO position in 2014 as a favor for giving her garage usage to google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It's a legal bribe. The result is a headless chicken corporation with intense factionalism and no competitive leadership. History business majors and marketing experience does not prepare you for cutting edge data, streaming technology integration and media leadership positions.

You can prolly guess the rest, some Karen in youtube management decided censorship was the way to go and Susan Wojcicki was like " What? uh huh uh huh. Okay. You know what you're doing. Just do it"
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
The supreme court didn't decide not to hear the case, they said they won't provide immediate injunctive relief for the case in Pennsylvania, which means they aren't going to issue anything before hearing it.

Also, there's sufficient evidence of impropriety at the very least and various violations of the constitution and law such as the rulings in Bush V. Gore.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
The Supreme court is giving the Texas case priority over the President's case. It covers all the improprieties listed against multiple swing states, and additional states are signing on with it as well. 🧐
Mar 1, 2018
It won't pass as the case holds a dangerous precedent for future inter-state legal cases if it were to be allowed. It's the typical, poorly considered tactic we have come to expect from the GOP team.
Active member
Apr 2, 2019
Sep 19, 2020
That reminds me.
Is the rumor true that
buying a semi-automatic rifle in the USA is easier
than getting a driver's licence?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Ivegotnolife Slight correction, but the president isn't involved in the Pennsylvania case directly. It's not from his legal team.

@Letheliah States sue each other all the time, and considering this has to with the constitution and the 14th amendment, it's inevitable it would end up in the Supreme Court. Besides, I like the idea of states holding each other accountable through legal actions rather than military like during the civil war.

@BroederTrapist Probably not, but if it is, that's probably because performing a background check and proof of identity is significantly easier than a lot of the stuff you have to have on file for a driver's license, which involves passing a lot of practical tests. Technically you will probably only have to pass a gun safety course and get the weapon registered. Because a Driver's license is generally used as proof of identity, you have to prove you are an American Citizen, provide a shit ton of personal information such as your SSN, Birth Certificate, medical records for insurance purposes, etc. that you wouldn't need to do for a gun.

That said most of the larger states or more democrat leaning states probably have stricter rules, and there's also local law depending on which cities you live in, so it's probably a lot more complicated, but it does make sense when you really think about the differences between the two, especially because typically you will need your driver's license to purchase a gun.
Aug 7, 2019
typically for any gun you will need to pass a background check. It is automated so can be completed quickly. The background check checks for crimes, can't remember specific details, or a court order of being mentally unfit, again can't remember the details.

You can buy from a friend or private buyer without the background check. Private sellers at gun show do not require a check. However a federally licensed dealer I know, he does gun repair and other work, mentioned at the shows most of the private tables send their buyers over to him or another licensed dealer to get a background check. He charges a couple of bucks over cost for it, takes him maybe 3 - 5 minutes. He and some dealers sell parts, equipment and the like but not guns so the private sellers aren't worried about losing a sale.

Some states require more then the background check, such as permits, licenses, registration even then it can depend on the type of gun, handgun vs rifle. States have varying laws about transporting guns. New York has strict laws about owning guns as well as laws about transporting guns into the state. You could go out of the state, buy a gun without meeting NY's requirements and laws but the minute you carried it into NY you would be breaking the law and would be a criminal. Live in another state, own a gun, traveling to NY with it, you have likely committed a crime. Many states have reciprocity laws for conceal carry and crossing state lines. Depending on the state some dealers will not sell to out of state buyers unless they complete the purchase using a licensed dealer in the home state.

For a state dl typically you won't need to pass a background check. You will need to have some form of id. If it is not real id often a bill sent to your address and your previous drivers license is enough. Real id requires a combo, SSN card , birth certificate, passport ... and then another type of id, don't remember the whole list.
Aug 7, 2019
@Tamerlane what state or insurance company requires medical records for insurance purposes? I have never provided that nor know of anyone who has for a dl.

Also you may want to take a look at this article:
In 2019, New Jersey, New York and Oregon became the most recent states to enact legislation extending driver’s licenses and identification cards to those without proof of lawful presence.

Correction on birth certificate statement.
As far as the real id that I mentioned, you need a birth certificate, you also need to prove ssn, a w2 will do. Requirements can still vary from state to state
hopefully working link
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@schlo That was my experience in Indiana, so it may be different than other states. I had to provide my birth certificate and other forms of ID,
Aug 7, 2019
@Tamerlane, yep, I mentioned it was also dependent on the states. Real Id does require multiple id forms. I was wrong on the w2, it is acceptable to prove ssn but not as id. You would still need some id, birth certificate or some other form that they will accept.

I was more interested in your comment on having to provide medical records. The only time I am aware of any type of medical records being required for is for those that have known medical conditions that cause seizures or something similar that could cause you to lose control of the vehicle you are driving. Even then I believe it has to be shown that you have had a seizure or similar occurrence. The only other instance of medical records being needed is for gender change. Most wouldn't likely experience that.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Obviously you have to provide insurance information, but I am a special case because I technically have disabilities, so I'm unsure how much of my experience differs from the norm. (In relation to driving, Hypotonia and Mental Retardation Autism Spectrum Disorder.)
Aug 7, 2019
ok, that makes more sense. Wonder if the Hypotonia can affect driving so they want to medical records and status.

In the states I've been in I've never had to show any kind of insurance to get a dl. It's usually pretty straight foward, take and quick vision test, show some docs, wait for them to call you for your picture. The only time I have ever had to show any proof of insurance is for the yearly registration of my cars but that is separate from my dl.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Those MSNBC articles are completely inaccurate. Trump is not giving up his cases. MSNBC is just trying to posion the well and have provocative titles for clicks. (Hell, they don't even disprove the fraud in anything they cite, they just say it's been debunked without explaining how.)

The issue is the Texas case isn't about Fraud, but about how what Pennsylvania et al. did was unconstitutional and a violation of the 14th amendment by changing its rules without going through the proper channels. It's also not a case filed by Trump, so it's irrelevant to say that his team is throwing in the towel when that's not the case from what they, themselves are saying.


Honestly getting all your news from MSNBC is about on par as getting all your news from FOX News during the Bush Era
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