The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019

And where was your outrage over cops and civilians murdered by BLM over the summer? Right, nowhere to be seen.

We have video of Ashli Babbitt being executed, we know the context of that. Let me know when the cops (who you suddenly trust implicitly) release their body cam footage to substantiate what actually happened to Officer Sicknick. Or hell, maybe they can give a statement that is less vague than "due to injuries sustained."

What were the injuries? Why were they fatal? Why did he not seek medical treatment from the paramedics that were on-scene? Why did he mysteriously collapse much later from these mysterious injuries at a place where no one but the cops ever saw?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
@Ceildric I'm not outraged, just amused by the irony of blue lives matter crowd killing a cop.

Cops killing people is a given and I'm not defending that. But how the saying goes? Just comply if you don't want to get shot, something like this.

page 69. nice.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
An interesting scene,
guess waking up was worth it.
Now I need some tea...

As for the Black Panther....
Outside the chamber, the police took away the weapons. The men argued they could carry the weapons as long as they were not concealed.

Apparently the fact the weapons were not concealed was the reason the men were able to get as far as the Assembly Chamber before they were disarmed.

After the state police questioned the men, they returned the weapons to them because the intruders had broken no law.
Nobody tried to stop the 30 Black Panthers -- 24 men and six women, carrying rifles, shotguns and revolvers -- as they walked through the doors of the state Capitol building on May 2 of that year. This was decades before Sept. 11 or the Oklahoma City bombing, and the protesters were, after all, legally allowed to have their weapons. They entered with their guns pointed at the ceiling. Behind them followed a horde of journalists they'd called to document the protest.

As the rest of the group waited nearby, six Panthers entered the assembly chamber, where they found lawmakers mid-session. Some legislators reportedly saw the protesters and took cover under desks. It was the last straw: Police finally ordered the protesters to leave the premises. The group maintained they were within their rights to be in the Capitol with their guns, but eventually they exited peacefully...Shortly after Seale finished, police arrested the group on felony charges of conspiracy to disrupt a legislative session. Seale accused them of manufacturing "trumped up charges," but the protesters would later plead guilty to lesser misdemeanors.
About two dozen African American men and women, some wearing leather jackets and black berets, started toward the Capitol carrying rifles, shotguns and pistols. They were not holding the weapons in a threatening manner; they were pointing them in the air as they marched into the building. The news horde — with cameras rolling — stumbled backward ahead of them, up the carpeted inner stairs and into the chamber of the Assembly, where a session was under way.

When the armed group entered the chamber, Democrats and Republicans dived under their desks as the president pro tem called for order. Meanwhile, one of the armed men began a harangue about “gun control.” Speaking to the TV cameras, he denounced “the racist California Legislature” for “keeping the black people disarmed and powerless.”

After about five minutes, three State Capitol Police officers showed up at the back of the chamber, and asked the demonstrators to hand over their guns. In a startling gesture, the little army complied.

The officers then led the way to another part of the building. The news crowd followed along, shouting questions: “Who are you? What are you here for?”

But the armed demonstrators had made their point; they weren’t talking any more. The Capitol Police determined that the guns were not loaded. (Some reporters’ accounts said the guns were brought in loaded, and later unloaded inside the Capitol, but I don’t remember it that way). Even if they had been, that was legal under state law, so long as they weren’t pointed at anyone. The demonstrators took their weapons back to the cars on 10th Street, and drove away.

Pure political stunt that didn't achieve their goal.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019

People say, "Well if you don't like how such and such service operates, go make your own." Yeah, look how that works out when you get the least bit popular.

They WILL find a way to control you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
I mean, just make your own phones? 😏 You can even make it 5G-free to shelter yourself from Covid-19 radiation.
Besides, a true patriot would never use iPhone. Just think about all that spying Apple does on behalf of the deep state. 😱
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

You joke but it's quite doable
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
@EOTFOFYL That part wasn't a joke. Anyone with enough cash can simply order a phone through Alibaba.
Put the Punisher logo on it, patch it with your version of Android with Alex Jones voice and gunfire alarm, preinstall the /pol reddit and alt-right twitter apps. Done. This shit will sell like hotcakes.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

I mean, just make your own phones? 😏 You can even make it 5G-free to shelter yourself from Covid-19 radiation. Besides, a true patriot would never use iPhone. Just think about all that spying Apple does on behalf of the deep state. 😱

This is why I can't the current state of politics. Some random nuts and boomers believe some nonsense about 5G, the media propagates it, and it's assumed the entirety of one side believes those values that started with a fringe minority.

Honestly, the constant point scoring, cheap shots, and smug posts of self-satisfaction about "how dumb the other side is" without realizing the difference in underlying principles and trying to humanize the opposition will only lead to further radicalization one both sides.

Somehow, I, someone who has always identified myself as anti-corporate, anti-big business, and antiauthoritarian, am stuck defending the right because it has become clear that the left is not concerned with actually combating the issues with big business, governmental corruption, or individual liberty, which are the liberal positions I grew up supporting as the core of my belief system and fundamentally tied to the left in the wake of the right trying to censor art, music, and suppress the rights of individuals.

Now, what is very clearly the government overreaching and starting to impose tyranny and big tech censoring the public the likes of which is completely unprecedented in human history, we have people who just want to paint to demonize the opposition by any means necessary, not caring one iota for the principles that is innate within the political parties that just a few decades were intimately tied to their platform.

Where is the concern for the working class from the left? Where is the value for the common citizenry and their rights? These were the positions Obama ran on and was praised for, yet now seems completely abandoned. Now the left seems to not care about the issues the working man faces in society, and uses the image of populism to propose their own ideological agenda, rather than anything the working class cares about. It is instead an astroturfed progressive agenda that concerns about petty, insignificant things like gendered language in Congress when currently millions of businesses are closing their doors due to pandemic restrictions.

It is indisputably oppression in my eyes for Big Business and for these de facto monopolies such as Google, Apple, etc. to be able to socially engineer society and censor dissident voices on their platform. They are not meant to be curators of society, and no one person, agency, or group ought to have that much social power in society. The fact Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube thinks it can ban the leader of the free world from addressing the public should be enough alone to split them into a million businesses scattered across the winds, or to make it so they are held to account just as our government is through a Bill of Rights and protections.

You can make your own business like you used to, that's the issue with giants and monopolies in the market, which only continue to grow larger as more and more people can't survive the pressure caused by COVID restrictions, making their power and influence grow as well. This should not be a right wing concern, as the Occupy movement ran on this very notion, and the neoconserative agenda such as seen with Mitt "Corporations are people, too" Romney, clearly favors big business. Yet, the left does not criticize the deplatforming and censorship that big business uses its power and influence to cause, and instead makes the pro-corporate argument that "they're a private business so they can do whatever they want, go make your own alternative." I am sorry, but I am a man of the left, and the market cannot provide solutions within this duopolistic market in which businesses collude with one another, discriminate against their customers and who to serve, and actively suppress any form of competition unless they are forced to by alternative means such as, ideally, pressure from the government to do so. Unfortunately, the corruption in our system runs so deep that any means to seek readdress through the government often is futile, as too many are either supporting the censorship of people they do not like, or outright are paid-off by them to ignore it entirely. We cannot have justice when there is no channel by the people can seek it without the prejudice against them preventing society from progressing.

We, the people, found our rights to be self-evident and innate to us, and that no entity should be able to have the power to take away our rights from us, lest it be unjustified. The fact big businesses, technocrats, bureaucrats, plutocrats, and even now with our own government violating the constitution of the United States to further their own means, as the rights of the individuals within our nation become ever-shrinking with fewer and fewer ways to peacefully assert our grievances. It is only a matter of time before 95 Theses are nailed to the door of Congress or a big business, and by that time, society will have already begun its fracturing. We must turn this ship around, weed out the corrupt individuals in our system, reassert individual rights, and prevent an aristocratic class the likes of which will be unrivaled in world history from forming, or all the principles, values, and beliefs this nation was founded on will be only used as a framing post with only symbolic value.

I say all of this because I wish to outline I have very specific principles and ideas I try to follow, and very real concerns that I see unfolding before my eyes that grants me concern for the coming years and decades if things keep progressing the way that they do. I am not some partisan hack, not someone who believes unconditionally in one side of a political debate or that does not think for themselves. I am my own free person, not tied to the bondage of supporting a single party or ideology, by instead trying to reassert the innate human rights by which we should have never relinquished over the years, especially in the Bush Administration.

Halo, you can continue to make pot-shots, but you are not solving anything nor are you actively contributing to the conversation in a productive way. It is clear you do not care about the issues nor seek to discuss them in any meaningful way, as you just wish to make sardonic quips and jabs that only seek to undermine the point. This is not Twitter. Be mature and instead of sarcastically deriding everything with nothing of actual value to say, please actually listen to the points being made with an open mind for once. Otherwise, we'll treat you like the clown you present yourself as that cares not for anything and only seeks to mock and deride.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

It's different from what it normally is like because I'm irritated.

Let's just say that I find myself in the old school hippie, Rock n' Roll individualist mindset that knows what to value and what not to. And the way society and especially the left, which I have always thought of myself as a part of, is going, I definitely feel increasingly disenfranchised.

Not to mention that I don't like a lot of the policies of the right and that I don't even like Trump that much, but that I'm forced to defend him if I want to be consistent with my principles.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

Just going to assume it's another revolutionary manifesto or vote fraud conspiracy theory.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I wish twitter actually lowered the character count per tweet. Imagine the wild tangents and typos we could have seen, just to round out the media circus.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019

Much respect to you for being consistent, and always putting so much effort into writing "walls of text". As someone that is not unfamiliar with writing "walls of text" myself, I know how much effort can go into them, especially if they are not some aimless rant (which yours never seem to be).

I don't know how much good it does either one of us (here, in the current context, or in general), as it seems like there are significant limits to how much impact a logical argument has with people, but it seems that you, like myself, cannot bear to just look on. Certain things demand an outcry.

And, it is true too, that sometimes there are more who do not dare lift up their voices because they don't want to be "that guy" sticking their neck out when the circle jerk is going the other way, or the mood is "wrong". Once in awhile I am reminded that they are out there, and it gives me a little hope. A little.

Anyway, just felt like amidst the smugness, someone should applaud your efforts (though I know you do not do it for that).
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Iirc chinese twitter actually does this because the amount of information you can communicate with a single "tweet" is way more than regular twitter thanks to the way chinese characters work, "long" messages could potentially fall under journalism and that platform is not for journalism.

Is what I remember from one tedtalk I was assigned to watch once.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
I wonder if Joe can get the travel restrictions rescinded in time for his alleged +80 million voters to show up in time for his inauguration. 😏
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