The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
He's back!

It's a shame they're trying so hard to silence Donald. He was doing such a good job at splitting the GOP. 😔
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
It's funny, not in the haha sense, that the Left has become what they claim to hate:

Anti-establishment to becoming the establishment
Free speech to restricting speech
Fighting the Man to becoming the Man
Leave me alone to I'll tell you how to live your life
Free thought to hive mind
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Amen to the multitude of wallposts you generated in the past few hours. As stated in this paragraph
Halo, you can continue to make pot-shots, but you are not solving anything nor are you actively contributing to the conversation in a productive way. It is clear you do not care about the issues nor seek to discuss them in any meaningful way, as you just wish to make sardonic quips and jabs that only seek to undermine the point. This is not Twitter. Be mature and instead of sarcastically deriding everything with nothing of actual value to say, please actually listen to the points being made with an open mind for once. Otherwise, we'll treat you like the clown you present yourself as that cares not for anything and only seeks to mock and deride.
, it's become abundantly clear that dedededeguy has never had any true interest in articulating himself in anything other than quips meant to toot his own horn. I guess it should've been obvious by his posts in the political announcement thread seven months ago that that was the case all along. I'd like to think that most people who pivot conversation topics as a means to refuse outwardly acknowledging consistent waywardness introspect internally, but it's not something I'd bet on.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Next time leftists complain about church/bakery/school/mall/restaurant/bathroom/whatever businesses not serving them, tell them to fuck off and build their own business. These idiots will taste their own medicine soon enough. If they even realize it.

Next time anyone bitching and calling loli to be banned, I'll also just tell them to fuck back to reddit/twitter or build their own website. XD

the only reason they didn't get any further was because guns were drawn.

Advice of the year 2021: if looters/rioters come to your private property, make no hesitation to draw your weapons.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Next time anyone bitching and calling loli to be banned, I'll also just tell them to fuck back to reddit/twitter or build their own website. XD

@bigtiddyoneesan Eh... Ok? Think of me whatever you want. I'm not here to please you or solve humanity problems and bring enlightenment to the masses. Sorry.
Oct 20, 2020
Halo said in the thread over a month ago he doesn't give a fuck about politics and is here to shit stir. Why are you guys all surprised?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
No surprise from here. The point was that Tamerlane's admonishment was justified. Both he and I were aware at the beginning that pursuing more meaningful discourse in the future would most likely be in vain.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
I wish Trump and his people weren't such a pussy.
They love to larp about having guns and protecting freedom from the evil government, but instead of their enemies, the first target they shoot when they've had enough is always their own head lol.
What's the point of all the acceleration if everyone's too much of a spineless coward to do anything? This kind of ending is as shit as Iron Blooded Orphans.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Name one person on this forum who actually cares about politics.
I'll wait.

There were some, but they noped out. They were the smart ones.
Then there's Timur who, despite being able to make a good point and can express himself better than most on this stupid forum, keeps on making manifestos about voter fraud and smoking guns while having zero evidence for more than 2 months. Sorry, too tired, can't take it seriously.
A facebook meme poster. His memes are shit, but eh. As long as it makes him happy.
On the opposite side, leftist poster with random ass links and equally terrible memes. Again, who cares?
A snarky ass who has given up on having a civil conversation since the last thread and now here just looking for laughs. Annoying? Then block him lmao.
A dude who larps as an impartial judge, with his holier-than-thou takes and unclouded judgement, yet still failing to hide his bias and origins.
Seething with hate randoms who drop here occasionally just to shit on America, both sides.
donald.lose user who repeatedly posted a number of fake articles. Nobody told him that his pics don't work without visiting that shithole of a website first and it is hilarious.
An artificial intelligence roleplayer who way too invested in political bullshit for his age. A tragic target of bullying.
One and only novelty account, the Haiku Master. Had to break character thanks to all the insane garbage in this tread. Good job.
And those who don't post too often to give an impression.

Whatever. I'll leave. Try not to get on the list with your memes.
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
@halo honestly politics just makes me wish I could chop off the heads of both party’s and ironically enough I’ve come to want to defend trump which is like saying Rebecca sugar was a good lgbt representative I want better but as of now we got nothing better.

As of know

Democrats haven’t done a damn thing.

Republicans have actively tried to walk backward in history.

Both sides are at each other’s throats as people die to viruses and more corporations gain power.I wish I could move some where else but someone decided not to properly follow guide lines for pandemics. I’m still blaming the orange man for this failure of a pandemic.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
Whatever. I'll leave. Try not to get on the list with your memes.
I have to wonder if you fully understand the implications of that statement. Regardless, stay or go, it's up to you.

Republicans have actively tried to walk backward in history.
How do you walk backwards in history? Is history as a whole supposed to be progressing towards something? If so, what is it progressing towards?
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
@chrona their entire platform is appeals to nature and tradition as of now they’re the party still responsible for the rapid decline of the USA into a rich ruling the poor system. It’s like monarchies but on a whole different level
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
That doesn't mean they actively tried to walk back through history. Using this logic, Democracy is walking back in history towards Greece and a Republic is walking back in history to Rome Pre-Empire. Furthermore, the liberal left in America aren't doing much to hinder the wealth of the upper-class either.
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
@chrona exactly I said their not doing anything I’m also hate the Democrats for saying empty words with no actions. The republicans take actions I just don’t exactly agree with those actions.
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