The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Hot damn, the Internet has IDed the "Zip-Tie" guy apparently.

Edit: And Ziptie number 2:

edit2: Different internet sleuth who covers both:
Dec 31, 2019
Assuming that's really the same guy, it would mean he brought his mom with him to the once-in-a-lifetime event.

Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Wanted List/pic of people they're looking for:

Also apparently the police officer who died was struck by a fire extinguisher, give or take.
Nov 14, 2019
People not from US, what are your thoughts from the recent Capitol Hill Riot?

Personally, I found it chilling how people can blindly follow and do something so heinous without even thinking any of the consequences under just few words of encouragement. It magnifies that words really do have power, and that's scary as sht. I suddenly remember the Jonestown Massacre watching the news about the riot the other night.
Jan 18, 2018
words really do have power
I'm of the belief that humans are made to follow. Who? Whoever can convince us, and when that happens, we just blindly follow.
As someone from a place where the cancel culture revolves around the word terruco (terrorist), and the fact that a mausoleum in our equivalent of Bumfuck, Nowhere where some people from Sendero Luminoso (failed communist group, like, really, their leader disavowed their entire ideology before surrendering some 30 years ago) lived and got buried on was demolished because it was "a terrorist symbol" when it just lied there forgotten for years before our dear politicians needed the next scandal for the public, I agree with that.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
People not from US, what are your thoughts from the recent Capitol Hill Riot?
I found it interesting that I get to live and see a historical event, but at the end of the day, it is not like I can do anything about it.
"Man, I did not see that one coming"
Oct 20, 2020
If you can't fire someone based on their religion, you shouldn't be able to fire someone based on their politics. Change My Mind.
May 8, 2020
@2SpiritCherokeePrincess Dude how do you want to be taken seriously if you compare an example of someone who doesn't want to serve every single minority that exists as the same thing as black segregation? is because of this manicheistic view and ideological bullshit disguised as "progressism" that politics are not being taken seriously as years pass on
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@2SpiritCherokeePrincess I think you missed the point really badly of that post, which was meant to point out that if you keep telling people that companies have a right to serve whoever they want when they target people, like is happening now, that it means they should just go make their own business. It was in response to Halo's post.

Hell, segregation is a good example that would support that argument, as we can pretty much all agree that businesses should serve customers indiscriminately unless they are specifically causing damage to the business, and not on immutable characteristics or beliefs.

Does this also apply to the people who invaded the Capitol and were confronted by the police?
Yes if it was proven that an officer killed because of a reasonable threat to their life with a roughly equal amount of force, then it is justified, though it probably wouldn't be wise given the tensions in the situation.

What does this mean? In what way they were stripped of their rights?
It's very clear that the right to peacefully assemble has been dampened by COVID lockdowns, and that their right to free speech has been under attack for years by Social Media who have made policies to remove any content that goes against their narrative. Progressively, and right now, we're seeing more and more politicians trying to make lists of people who supported Trump or who are politically advocating for policies they think are outside of the overton window. It also is clear that there is a double standard in society by which the left is allowed to riot, loot, protest, and cause damage to unrelated parties for weeks, but one protest by the other side leads to Draconism, and this lack of consistent standards leads to a lack of equal protection under the 14th amendment.

These statement are indisputable, and are evident even now. If big tech continues to discriminate against these people, will it only lead to further disenfranchisement and further escalation. Companies should not be discriminating in the ways that they are.

This portion also applies to the follow up by @EOTFOFYL
Name one person on this forum who actually cares about politics.
Very clearly I do, and several other people. You framing our arguments or positions as you do does not invalidate this.

Then there's Timur who, despite being able to make a good point and can express himself better than most on this stupid forum, keeps on making manifestos about voter fraud and smoking guns while having zero evidence for more than 2 months. Sorry, too tired, can't take it seriously.

Maybe if you had actually read those posts instead of ditching them because they were too long, you would have seen myself outlining the points within them and presenting evidence of voter fraud. It's disingenuous to say I had no evidence for my claims and it's just a mantra that people and the media seems to be saying to themselves to not have to face the facts.

But if you want more evidence, go to this site and you can see a whole lot of it.

Anti-establishment to becoming the establishment
Free speech to restricting speech
Fighting the Man to becoming the Man
Leave me alone to I'll tell you how to live your life
Free thought to hive mind

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

Democrats haven’t done a damn thing.

Republicans have actively tried to walk backward in history.

Gotta disagree with you on this. I'd say aside from Trump, the Republicans have no political willpower and only have been reacting to the left's actions and increasing social power for the last decade or so. The Left has control of the institutions and universities that are enacting social policies and are implementing double standards and set agendas by which the right has not had any real means of combating. The fact only six senators had the spine to object to the results when over half the country believes in fraud is more than enough evidence that they do not care about representing the American people, nor do they have the political willpower to oppose the left.

Tell me, what is the aim the left is progressing towards? What is the ideal end result, or are they just moving forward for the sake of moving forward, never-mind that what we in society consider what is "forwards" or "backwards" is usually decided after the fact and usually is not accurate to how history has a pattern of progressing and regressing.

To me, framing society as moving forward or backwards in history is soothsaying, and not only lacks prospective, but is just done to give one side an aura of authority that they did not deserve.


The fact most of these people are veterans or people that have served in the military indicates to me that these are people who have vested interest in the well being of the country, and people who have put their lives on the line to protect the nation. It reminds me of the Bonus Army marching on the Capitol a century ago, or the Jewish War Veteran's 1933 protest of the Enabling Act by marching on the Reichstag. I genuinely think that these people believe themselves to be trying to protect the constitution and the nation, and not some group of thugs or ruffians like Antifa, as they have both the mental and physical scars to show for it. Whilst I condemn the violence, I can't paint this with the wanton violence or destruction of earlier in the year because it underlies a much more deep concern for the nation and the principles it was built upon, which is not present in the earlier riots which mostly harmed the poor, dispossessed and minority voices.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
To be honest, you're exaggerating this tech censorship thingy. It's perfectly explainable as a PR move, not wanting to be labeled as whatever the hell people will come up with.

As for the veteran part.... where are you getting that most of these people are vets? And even if true that just highlights mental health issue. Interrupting the transition of power goes against the concept of democracy, more so for those who brought weapons and such.

Look, its one thing to love your country, it's another to dress up like sports fans and worship it. Extreme nationalism is unhealthy and these people are no better than the pro-CCP fanatics in China who lash out at anything remotely anti-CCP.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2019

Personally, I found it chilling how people can blindly follow and do something so heinous without even thinking any of the consequences under just few words of encouragement. It magnifies that words really do have power, and that's scary as sht. I suddenly remember the Jonestown Massacre watching the news about the riot the other night.

Clearly the news' programming worked, because you have exactly zero perspective.

First of all, let me reiterate that this protest was extremely tame. It was roughly equivalent to times leftists have forced their way into government buildings, for instance during a recent Supreme Court nomination hearing. It was nothing compared to the MONTHS of rampant violence in MULTIPLE CITIES across the country that took place as part of the BLM riots this past summer. Nor was it worse (and in some cases was not as bad) as angry protests or riots worldwide surrounding political issues.

Second, you are projecting your ideas of "blindness" and "without thinking" onto these people. You do not know that they did not make a conscious decision that what they were doing had rewards that outweighed the risks (or so they thought).

Your comparison to the Jonestown Massacre is laughable.


Interrupting the transition of power goes against the concept of democracy, more so for those who brought weapons and such.

You mean like every other protest ever? Every protest (at least those that target governments) are aimed at obstructing and/or putting pressure to change. They all attempt to interrupt the normal government processes. There is nothing particularly more sacred about a "transition of power" than there is about a vote on a hotly contested new law, or the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
To be honest, you're exaggerating this tech censorship thingy. It's perfectly explainable as a PR move, not wanting to be labeled as whatever the hell people will come up with.
Completely irrelevant. The reason we have rights is to prevent mob justice in the first place. If we take this principle to anything else, it would be an injustice.

If an owner let blacks be served in the south during segregation and there was backlash at it, it would still be an injustice to not have served them. You have a right to not be discriminated against for political or religious belief in the same way you have a right not to be discriminated against for immutable traits like race. I doesn't matter the justification, it is not your place to deny someone service merely because they hold views that you do not hold nor respect.

It also ignores that the big tech industries should NOT have the power to do this in the first place, let alone the will to actually carry it forward. Unelected bureaucrats only accountable to their shareholders and userbase should not be involved in politics, or in curating society at large. You have neglected how serious this is.

What if Twitter censored Obama during his administration? Would that not be an overreach of their power as a platform?
As for the veteran part.... where are you getting that most of these people are vets?

Proverbial slip of the tongue, but the fact that Ashli Babbitt was an airforce veteran, the guy you just linked was a veteran, etc. I meant that there's just a lot of veterans amongst the crowd, and that is notable in and of itself.

Interrupting the transition of power goes against the concept of democracy, more so for those who brought weapons and such.
That presumes that the transition is legitimate and not based on fraudulent information nor based on a fair process, which the trump supporters distinctly believe was not the case. That's why there's such an impasse because a fraudulent election is more anti-democratic than a populist revolt, which is the last tool the people have to ensure their voice is heard. A peaceful transition of power doesn't mean anything if we are unsure if the person that is transitioned into office was not fairly elected in the first place.

Half the country believes the results of the election were fraudulent and yet was not a proper trial, not a proper means of redress and it seems the powers that be refuse any discussion or conversation about it. The frequent stonewalling, lack of transparency and obfuscation during this election alone is enough to call the entire thing into doubt, especially with the blatant violations to the constitution in places like Pennsylvania extending voter deadlines.

A peaceful transition of power is ideal, yes, but if there's enough mud in the water to doubt the authenticity of what brings that person into power, then it is only natural that people would want to bring everything to light and to ensure the process is legitimate. The more the government and the media stonewalls, censors and obfuscates, the more it casts doubt upon itself and makes the process look illegitimate, untrustworthy and like they have something to hide. The lady doth protest too much, say they say.

Look, its one thing to love your country, it's another to dress up like sports fans and worship it. Extreme nationalism is unhealthy and these people are no better than the pro-CCP fanatics in China who lash out at anything remotely anti-CCP.

Yes, but I doubt that this group of people would consider itself extreme nationalists given they want to make sure that the state is beholden to the laws that everyone else is, and that there is accountability within the government. They love their nation, and want to see it improved and to remove the elements of the government that seem to be going against the values the nation was built upon.

An extreme nationalist would believe that their nation can do no wrong, that they should trust the government unquestionably and that the power of the government is absolute. The national pride on display here is not the same as blind religious extremism or unwavering faith in the nation with not basis or evidence. The fact they want to see the retraction of government, not the expansion of it, and to hold people who represent the nation to account indicates that they are not blind to the flaws of America, and that they are very aware of the crimes of the past and present of this country, and its faults.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Then don't preach about "defending democracy " and "protecting the republic" while threatening it.

What exactly did they hope to accomplish if they made their way into the speakers chamber? Why did they not call out the folks who obviously had malicious intent? They likely want to reinstate Trump into power and evidently they don't care as to how. If not then people are dumber than I had previously thought to not have planned that far ahead.

The only thing tame about the riot was the government response. To think that this is how the U.S government use to respond to riots:

Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
That last picture gives me Mexico 68 vibes, that's super disturbing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Martin Luther King Assassination riots 1968.
Occurring in multiple locations but the ones in the picture are attributed to being in D.C

@Tamerlane Time is short so I'll just skimp this:
1a. Start by promoting critical thinking in the education system instead of gutting it.
1b. Oddly enough, 1st amendment does not apply to private entities.
1c. Obama didn't ask people to march on the capitol.

2a. Believing the election is fraudulent does make it true, acting on unverified information is dumb.
2b. The extension is sanctioned by the Court.
2c. Still waiting for that 'smoking gun' to show up in some form....

3a. They want to see it changed into THEY want it, not what WE want.
3b. The amount of MAGA asseccories and combat gear is very convincing /s
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
The site mods really need to just nuke this thread.
Politics really does ruin everything. I felt my IQ drop with every post.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Screw it, I'll just go ridiculously deep into politics, who wants to bitch about Mussolini and Mosley with me?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2018
Seeing the picture of that dude with the horned hat and tattoos reminds me of that painting of barbarians sacking Rome.
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