The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

sense of desperation for why these people acted the way they did
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
Whatever. I'll leave. Try not to get on the list with your memes.
For someone who doesn't care about politics you can't seem to resist the urge to lurk. It must suck to be caught in the duality of not caring about politics enough to take a stance, but still caring enough to find the urge to shit stir irresistible. Pathetic.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
You give me too much credit, reality is often disappointing. If you're asking me to empathise with the rioters they burned what little I had these past few years, I now have a deficit, and I don't think it's stopping any time soon.


Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
I didn't mean no offense, but it seems this thread has become as unkillable as LLG, and any attempt to shut it down ends up the same result as the techs attempting to shut down the #4 reactor at Chernobl. ☠

Also I keep seeing and hearing attempts to link the paramilitary cucks to the Trump basket of deplorables movement, and that is
just as inaccurate a association of movements as calling the cult Branch Dividians and David Koresh a offshoot of the 7th Day Adventists even after Koresh's cult was disfellowshiped for it's cuckdom long before Clinton fried them at their compound in Waco. 😤
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
@Chrona You got me, this is too much fun and I can't control myself.
Please, focus on actual politics and make this thread boring, as it supposed to be.
Before it's too late and I start making gifs with MAGA and neo-nazis. 🙏😭
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Affidavits alone does not hold eough [sic] value, its a bloody piece of paper that claims you are not lying.... that's it.

Reductio ad absurdum. An Affidavit is a sworn state under threat of perjury, meaning you can go to prison for upwards of a decade in a federal court. They are expressly admissible as evidence within a court of law for that reason. It's not just "a bloody piece of paper that claims you are not lying," it's a statement that outright says "if I am lying, I can be held accountable and tried within a court of law." It's disingenuous to state otherwise given in any other case, eyewitness testimony is invaluable to determining the facts of the case, and were this not against your politics, you would almost certainly agree.

This argument also ignores that it's not just ONE statement, but NEARLY A THOUSAND from various people that all corroborate one another and have made predictions that turned out to be true based on more evidence that we find. If one person says something, it's shaky. If a thousand all have similar stories and testimonies, it gains some degree of merit based on weight alone.

The whole case rests on affidavits and when you only shove those into court rooms....surprise surprise you're getting booted out

People are convicted on affidavit testimony all the time, but again, most of the cases were not thrown out on the merits of the case, which includes affidavit evidence, but on technicalities and procedural issues. Besides, the affidavits are not the only evidence we have, but it includes everything from eyewitness testimony to expert testimony and researchers reporting their findings. It's baffling you're trying to frame it in this way because you're basically trying to discredit them outright without even listening to what they have to say or the evidence they have.

And cool, you found one idiot, still not from one of the targeted States in the lawsuits nor did the page state which campaign she aided.

You are ignoring the issue of corruption. If she represents a wider trend within politics, how many more instances of politicians buying votes are there? How many unknown or unreported instances of people doing shady shit like this, especially given we know how much corruption goes into areas like Philadelphia. She's just the tip of the iceberg, and if she is representative of a wider trend within politics, it is fearful to know how fraudulent things can get.

And the person debunking the Georgian video is Gabriel Sterling, a Republican... he has no reason to help a blue president.
Every interview I've seen with Gabriel Sterling does not have him actually cite any sources or have any references for where he is pulling his data from. Given some of his claims like that "zero people underage voted" just seems to be unlikely to be true just by nature of how people operate.

he has no reason to help a blue president.

It's overly simplistic to assume just because someone is a republican that they're pro-trump. It's not a dichotomy given we have an establishment full of neocons and RINOs who want to see him purged.

Hell, I can give you a reason: he wants to keep his fucking job and reputation, and doesn't want to be the guy tied to a shady election as the person in charge, especially likely given he was the one who oversaw the contract with Dominion Voting machines

Not only that, but I would criticize that Georgia's been very clearly stonewalling any attempt for Trump to try and share evidence. The phone call between Trump and Brad Raffensperger that had everyone in a tizzy was very clearly this given he was trying to get whatever sources or information Georgia had access to that Trump did not.

And fuck it, might as well throw this in:

There is a difference between law and law enforcement. Just because these laws were on the books does NOT mean they were followed and given we have evidence from projects like the Voter Integrity Fund, Court Findings and Forensic Audits that contradict this. Hell, it's called "rumor control," which sounds a hell of a lot like they're trying to cover their asses instead of determine the truth.

Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it didn't or doesn't happen. Citing law to say something didn't happen is not evidence to the contradictory, but instead evidence that the courts didn't do their jobs.

Because we all know no one drank alcohol or sold it during Prohibition and that there was no shady underground businesses happening because of it.

@EOTFOFYL I know you're better than this, so please stop making such fallacious arguments.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Them being 3D printed makes them sound like they are weak and would break easily.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Ah sure sure, and why is it that none of these affidavits are admitted to court? Maybe instead of affidavits I should call them...hearsay. No, it's clearly a grand conspiracy to keep the people from knowing the truth!

Can we all take this moment to appreciate this gold mine of incompetence?

and were this not against your politics, you would almost certainly agree.
Oh you poor soul, little did you realize I don't subscribe to either party. I just despise a specific cult.

You are ignoring the issue of corruption.
Stop moving the fucking goal post, the claim was that there is mass election fraud from the Biden Campaign.

Every interview I've seen with Gabriel Sterling does not have him actually cite any sources or have any references for where he is pulling his data from.
...Is this for real? It's his job.

Hell, I can give you a reason: he wants to keep his fucking job and reputation, and doesn't want to be the guy tied to a shady election as the person in charge
Ah yes, because saying nothing is totally better.

the Voter Integrity Fund
"Matt Braynard, told CNN the group has found some evidence of voters illegally voting across state lines, they haven't made any evidence public"
Okay, you gonna share that shit or what?


I know you're better than this, so please stop making such fallacious arguments.

No you don't.

This is going nowhere, there is only one way to end this; I demand trial by combat, and I name @Halo my champion.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
I believe I heard from somewhere the first version to crop up could only fire a few shots before being unsafe to operate.

It's not like I want to penetrate you or anything!
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
You people have too much free time, especially during normal work hours like right now.

If only wearing masks can get rid of the virus, lol.

And at this point, CNN has the same credibility as Huffpo, Yahoo, or Fox News. American news networks nowadays compete to be as untrustworthy as possible.

@CyanHide Cute avatar.

Not familiar with 3D printing, but sounds cool to my ears. Might be useful in case looters show up.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Ye- wait no , No , No!

You can probably house components from a real gun into a 3d printed body like a ghetto glock which would be more practical. Would be interesting to see a Frankenstein of gun parts.
Oct 20, 2020

The funniest part of this image is that it's already confirmed there won't be herd immunity possible until 2022, regardless of who did or didn't wear masks.

I don't know where this magical thinking that masks would make CO-VID go away before vaccine distribution comes from. Was wearing masks supposed to make vaccines come out faster?

If anything, technically, not wearing masks would have been the fastest path to herd immunity, just with the largest death toll.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
There should only be age restrictions concerning who can access the designs. Besides that, 3D printed guns should be 100% fair game in any country that allows guns in the first place.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I don't know where this magical thinking that masks would make CO-VID go away before vaccine distribution comes from. Was
wearing masks supposed to make vaccines come out faster?

If anything, technically, not wearing masks would have been the fastest path to herd immunity, just with the largest death toll.

It's not about money "inmunizing", it's about reducing the number of people who get infected as much as possible to reduce the deaths to a minimum while getting around developing a vaccine. Your last sentence is a very stupid suggestion because I don't know you, but I wouldn't want to die for nothing when I can do something and live another day.
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