The Politics Megathread

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Feb 11, 2020

who gives a shit about the constitution. It's a piece of paper used to justify the laws of whoever is in power. I couldn't give a fraction of a percent of a damn about whether or not the minimum wage increase is "constitutional" or not. People need this to survive. I for one don't want people to starve, unable to pay the rent, all because some dumbfuck slave-owning wig-wearing dipshits 7million years ago wrote on a piece of paper that we shouldn't.

Also your points against the £15 minimum wage are debunked bullshit.
Metastudies show that a minimum wage increase has an insignificant impact on the economy. See below:
"UK meta analysis minimum wage has: “no overall statistically or economically significant adverse employment effect, neither on employment and hours nor on employment retention probabilities.“
Chletsos and Giotis 2014: minimum wages don't cause any employment effects, after accounting for publication bias
see figure below:

Also you speak as if automation (and labour offshoring) isn't happening anyways? Like dude, the problem is not automation, it's how the profits of automation are distributed. That it's not being done to make workers lives easier, and instead being used to lay off those workers, and give more money to your boss/employer/capitalist owning class.
If your so concerned about working class people then perhaps we should have more government jobs programs? Or regulations on businesses to force them to operate in a manner that benefits more than just their board of directors? Or perhaps we could have some democracy in the workplace? (e.g. unionisation, worker representation, worker co-operatives)
But you probably oppose those? Whatever man.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
> carlson
We just had Donald sitting there. I'm done with using common sense when it comes to politics.
> shaman
His photo session is my favorite meme of 2021 so far.
Are you going to shame people for loving their country now, Halo?
I'd never shame anyone for getting off to their own imagination.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
"Voting regret" is such a stupid point against the bill.
i would agree with you if it wasnt for the part where they are voting before voting day. the day is listed in our constitution as the day people vote allowing people to vote early makes sense for people on their deathbad but not for a perfectly healthy 30 year old. if you can walk to the store to buy a beer you can walk to a voting booth

Who cares if illegal immigrants vote exactly?

because "illegal immigrant" describes every non-american on earth and i dont think mexicans that live 10 feet south of nevada should have any say in the goings on of a different country

country devastated by American imperialism
if i lived in france during the german occupation moving to germany would not be on my to-do list. pretty sure they are ignoring mexico and moving to america because its the land of opportunity and they want a better life in it. if they just wanted to escape american imperialism they could move, oh you know, ANYWHERE ELSE ON EARTH. because america itself is obviously going to have the most of that so-called imperialism

Also felons still live in your country, so should still have a say in the laws that affect them
lets use a hypothetical scenario.
in a town of 30 people where 10 are in jail and there are 4 people running for office 1 of which promises to release all criminals then what happens when you end up with:
1 gets 10 votes
2 gets 8
3 gets 9
4 gets 3

you get a town run by criminals. which cannot exist in a free society. criminals lose the right to vote when they murder/rape/torture an innocent person.

"uhhhh... yeah I'd like to cast my 500 ballots please thankyou clerk"
did you miss the part about absentee voting? buy a building with a large amount of mailboxes with the front business being a place for people to have an external mailing address that have all the mailboxes take an absentee ballot then mail them all your own personal preference and boom you just decided an election by yourself. if somone tries to warn the counters that they might be fraudulent votes then the new rule that "prevents interference with registering or voting" kicks in and the whisltblower has then committed a crime

It's going to get rid of gerrymandering

i dont like gerrymandering but you know what wont fix it? an 'independent commission' chosen by the federal government. would you trust a 'independent commission' chosen in 2017 when republicans controlled all parts of the federal government? gerrymandering would still happen just now you dont vote for the people doing it you vote for the guys who chose their lackeys

who gives a shit about the constitution
americans. its essentially the thing that keeps the government in power the moment the government openly throws it out americans are then justified in revolt. the constitution is a proclamation the we the people are in control and the government must follow our rules. how well the government has done that is defiantly in question but the moment the government declare it will no longer acknowledge it holds any away is the moment there will be guns turned against them

as for minimum wage David Neumark & Peter Shirley: "Our key conclusions are: (i) there is a clear preponderance of negative estimates in the literature; (ii) this evidence is stronger for teens and young adults as well as the less-educated; (iii) the evidence from studies of directly-affected workers points even more strongly to negative employment effects; and (iv) the evidence from studies of low-wage industries is less one-sided."
and if you want to skip the paper and see the data:

instead being used to lay off those workers
its almost as iff the machine is cheaper then the employee. i wonder what is making the employee so expensive hmmmmm?

government jobs programs
"the government has chased all the jobs away what are we going to do?!" "i know! lets make the government even more important in our lives! no way that could backfire!"
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Who cares if illegal immigrants vote exactly? I mean, they live in the country, they pay taxes, they work (probably more than you)

Firstly, they do not pay taxes, aside from like sales tax (which even tourists pay), income taxes, and taxes taken out of their wages, which tend to be below minimum wage because their employers can get away with it because they are not citizens.

Not only that, but it is unfair to those who legally immigrate or those who are naturalized within America to just let anyone vote, because the idea behind citizenship is that they are invested in the soceity that naturalized them and contribute back into it.

The issue with this logic also is that it potentially justifies bringing in an unlimited number of immigrants to certain states to win elections because they all tend to vote for one party, meaning that the American population which either was born and raised here or chose to forgo other nations in order to become an American citizen does not get a say. For every illegal vote cast, you disenfranchise one legal vote cast, regardless of who it was for. Besides, if you bring in millions of people to turn elections in your favor, are you really considering the consent of the governed or are you just trying to ensure you maintain power? Because that does not represent the will of the general population as much as the ability for the bourgeois to bring in more de-facto slave labor to keep themselves in control.

The only difference between them and you, is that you crawled out your mother's demonic American vagina, and they were born in a country devastated by American imperialism.

No, the difference is that they crossed the border illegally and are benefiting off a system they did not contribute into and do not have social obligations towards.

What is complicit in the American System is the idea of the social contract, in that the people of America choose to vote a government into power in exchange for protection of the nation, her people, and their rights from unjust tyranny and oppression. The state has obligations to the people and the people has obligations to the state. By illegally entering a country and taking advantage of its social programs and society without contributing to it, it is akin to robbing the people of the system they have established.

It also deprives the country they came from of their labor and skills, which they can use to improve their country and improve the economy.

Tell me this: what is the moral argument that if these countries are so bad and devasted, and the US is so prosperous by comparison, why do we not just invade these countries and establish our own governments there? What moral counter do you have as if life under the American system is so much better that we should not just become an outright empire rather than displace the entire population?

I can answer it fairly simply based on my beliefs of consent of the governed and the right to self-determination, but I want to know what your justification is.

And with regards to underaged voters being registered to vote: I highly doubt that they are actually going to do that, it would give dems too much of an advantage (democrats don't actually want to win as that would mean actually having to do something for once)

Democrats definitely have more political willpower than the Republicans, but it is almost entirely to preserve their own corruption and power, not to do anything that they promise. Expect wars in the Middle East, Transpacific Partnership-level deals, centralization of power in ,and suppression of our rights and freedoms. Joe Biden's gun control plans are insane, HR1 is insane, and the woke ideology they used to rise into power is insane. They do not have the consent of the governed and it shows in their actions and their fears of their own people. They use appeals to morality in order to get into office, and then do everything they accuse others of doing. It is outright Fascistic.

Also felons still live in your country, so should still have a say in the laws that affect them. Pretty sure most felons in the USA are done in for drug charges (something that shouldn't be illegal anyways)

They violated the social contract, therefore they forgo their right to vote. Whilst I agree that offenses for the use of drugs shouldn't be criminalized, it doesn't change the fact that if you violate the rules established by society, you forgo certain liberties because you have established that you do not care about the consequences. They still have access to the protections under the Bill of Rights and other laws, but it means that they have given up the right to vote because of their deeds.

The thing about the bots is stupid also BTW. What do you think someone is going to register a bunch of people to vote and then show up to vote like: "uhhhh... yeah I'd like to cast my 500 ballots please thankyou clerk", or do you think that they'd show up wearing various fake moustaches throughout the voting period? Perhaps none at the post office will notice when thousands of ballots are being mailed out to a one bedroom apartment?
Get real.

Voting from fake addresses has been demonstrated in the last election, as well as people coming in with suitcases full of ballots and other shit. Just look back in this thread and I have provided a shit ton of evidence for it, as well as other issues like backfilling ballots, weighting votes, etc.

You may close your eyes to the fact this kind of corruption happens, but all the evidence suggests it does and no one gives a shit as long as its for the guy the Establishment wants in charge. If you want to frame it as an absurd concern, be my guess, but it doesn't make it any less valid.

Look at what the bill contains again. It's going to get rid of gerrymandering, something so obviously undemocratic it makes me audibly laugh looking at these districts.

Yes, but its not something that exclusively republicans do. But if you look at the actual bill, this is what it says:
Congress also finds that “the right of suffrage can be denied by a debasement or dilution of the weight of a citizen’s vote just as effectively as by wholly prohibiting the free exercise of the franchise”. Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533, 555 (1964). Congress finds that the right of suffrage has been so diluted and debased by means of gerrymandering of districts. Congress finds that it has authority pursuant to section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to remedy this debasement.

This is not going to get rid of gerrymandering, instead it will make it so the Federal Government does the Gerrymandering based on whatever the current party in charge is. The reason you want to do this on the state level is because local people are going to be more aware of how the states divide or which groups are most similar or share customs, whereas that understanding is lost on a top-down bureaucratic process. All this bill will do is ensure that local people have fewer and fewer rights and say in their local government as they get more and more federalized.

Not to mention this is the only time in the entire bill it mentions Gerrymandering by name, so it's not the priority of the bill.

It also introduces some campaign finance reforms (the real reason that your favourite commentators tell you to get mad at it)
like limiting foreign lobbying, and forcing super PACs to disclose their donors.
It also supports overturning Citizens United. (the overtly corrupt decision by the supreme court to open the floodgates for corporate donors in politics, making the expenditures unlimited)

There is a difference between law and law enforcement. Is anyone going to question how much money Biden got from the CCP and how much the Saudi's oil money have funded? If it benefits whoever is currently in charge, I doubt it.

Even then, one good section of a larger bill does not discredit the bad, especially when the bill

Just look at who is against the bill. The Heritage foundation being the big one. Ring any bells? They are they guys who have been making America as plutocratic as they possibly can since Reagan.
Guilt by association does not mean that they are wrong. If the Heritage Foundation is against a bad bill, regardless of whether or not we are partisan for or against them, it does not change the fact the bill is still bad.

You've been duped into thinking this bill is scary-oh-no-bad, when in reality it is just a plaster being placed on the gaping wound that is US "democracy".

We do need election reform, and the 2020 election showed us that with how every attempt to hold anyone to account failed despite overwhelming evidence of impropriety and malpractice at best. We're not getting it under this administration, unfortunately.

who gives a shit about the constitution. It's a piece of paper used to justify the laws of whoever is in power. I couldn't give a fraction of a percent of a damn about whether or not the minimum wage increase is "constitutional" or not.

Yes, who gives a shit about the rules by which we run our nation and limit the power of government so we can ensure a more fair and just society and prevent tyranny and oppression.

Are you, by chance, a Fascist masquerading as a leftist in order to gain political capital? Because it sounds like you are when you want to use the rules that the PEOPLE WHO REVOLTED AGAINST ONE OF THE GREATEST SUPERPOWERS IN THE WORLD TO ENSURE as toilet paper just for the sake of your political will.

People need this to survive. I for one don't want people to starve, unable to pay the rent, all because some dumbfuck slave-owning wig-wearing dipshits 7million years ago wrote on a piece of paper that we shouldn't.
For one, stop with the hyperbole, it just makes you look unhinged.

Secondly, this does not address the fact you can raise your minimum wage locally or in your state, and not have to raise the minimum wage everywhere.

Thirdly, it will lead to less jobs just as a fact because it will raise the costs of production and therefore mean that less people can be employed. This is a basic economic principle in both Neoclassical, Keynesian, Behavioral and Neo-Keynesian economics. Prices will have to go up, or it will be non-binding.

Also your points against the £15 minimum wage are debunked bullshit.
Metastudies show that a minimum wage increase has an insignificant impact on the economy. See below:

Britbong detected, commence throwing tea into the harbor!

All joking aside, a $20.76 minimum wage will definitely lead to worse outcomes because the economies of each state is different.

Both your studies were written before COVID and do not account for the prime areas that a raise in minimum wage will effect, which is the working class or poor, as the rest will have it be non-binding as they are already being paid more than minimum wage.

If you care about those "starving," then why are you looking at the overall economy and NOT specifically low-skill jobs or entry level jobs? Especially because rural economies will have more of those jobs as opposed to cities with higher inflation rates. It's very strange.

Also, two metanalysis papers from half a decade ago under VERY different economic conditions than a COVID one do not debunk the general principle, given we're looking at minimum wage and how it affects the lower rings of society, and not the middle class and bourgeois who tend to account for most of GDP. You know. The opposite of the people in the concerned group.

Another question: how are you reconciling your immigration views with this considering that they can work for lower than minimum wage and will just increase the supply of the labor market, making labor LESS valuable, and thereby making so more low-skill jobs are taken and limiting poor people have for options?

Also you speak as if automation (and labour offshoring) isn't happening anyways? Like dude, the problem is not automation, it's how the profits of automation are distributed. That it's not being done to make workers lives easier, and instead being used to lay off those workers, and give more money to your boss/employer/capitalist owning class.

I said that it will INCENTIVIZE businesses to put more money into automation, leading to jobs like Cashiers or other low-skill jobs not being needed as they will be replaced by machines. Why would you have a worker when a machine can do the work for them and save you more money in the long run aside from costs for maintenance and repair? It's not as simple as "we should make workers live's easier with technology," when it's clear that businesses have to be driven by the profit motive more than anything else to stay in business.

If your[sic] so concerned about working class people then perhaps we should have more government jobs programs? Or regulations on businesses to force them to operate in a manner that benefits more than just their board of directors? Or perhaps we could have some democracy in the workplace? (e.g. unionisation, worker representation, worker co-operatives)
But you probably oppose those? Whatever man.

Several points:
I feel you misrepresent me in that I am for regulating businesses so they have to respect the rights of their consumers and workers, including all the rights laid out in the Constitution of Equal Protection, Freedom of Speech, and non-discrimination based on race, sex, or sexual orientation, and have to serve the public indiscriminately regardless of political, religious, or philosophical belief if all other factors are equal. I also think we should take antitrust actions against Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, etc. for their blatant disregard of human rights and policing of public discourse. Other than that, I'd recommend putting tariffs on China for both human rights concerns, environmental reform, and general imperialism.

You just have to look at the DMV to realize that government jobs are so wildly ineffective as to be nearly pointless. It's why I want a public option for healthcare and not to abolish private healthcare because of how much redtape and bureaucracy is involved in those businesses because they do not have to turn a profit.

I'm not against people starting worker Co-ops, but I don't think they will work solely because of inefficiency and the fact that unlike government, businesses need a hierarchy to function properly and can't leave everything to vote, and will need someone who is willing to make risks to keep it going, as well as a clear chain of command and sense of direction. Worker Co-ops don't really solve those issues because it assumes everyone is equally qualified or competent, which they aren't. An ideal business should be ran like a meritocracy with the focus on a competence hierarchy, but because of how humans work, they are unlikely to go through with that due to nepotism, greed, and human laziness. Obviously someone who works hard at their job should not have the same say as the workers who don't care about their jobs and do nothing.


I feel like this is what happens when you watch too much Vaush and have no other reference beside Breadtube for politics, economics, or philosophy
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
>abdul sounds too islamic
India has muslims. I picked the first name I could think of from that area of the world.

Did you want me to use /int/ level names for India or what?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Yes, but most went to Pakistan after the country was divided in two, and I just thought it was weird for the "stereotypical name"

Might be because I live in an area with a large Indian community
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Nope, college town, but it's small. If I say anymore, I'll dox myself.

Pretty much all of my AP classes were mostly Indians and Asians, so I've come to respect a lot of their cultural standards like high work ethic
Feb 11, 2020

if you can walk to the store to buy a beer you can walk to a voting booth
Americans don't get the day off on voting day. This is an EXTREMLEY important point, as it means only those who can take the hit financially (and have a boss willing to let you go out and vote), have enough time off, or live in neighbourhoods where you don't have to wait hours in line, can exercise their democratic rights. The false equivocation of voting and just going out to buy a drink is kinda obviously stupid dude.

because "illegal immigrant" describes every non-american on earth and i dont think mexicans that live 10 feet south of nevada should have any say in the goings on of a different country
We are talking about people who live in, work in, pay taxes in America. Where the only law they have broken is crossing a made up line, yeah they should have a say in what's going on.

Then you falsely equate moving from south/central America -> USA NOW , to moving from France -> Germany DURING W22.
This is a hilarious comparison coming from someone who probably hates whenever someone else draws a comparison between Nazi Germany to America, but also:

After 70 odd years of America going ham on the population of Latin America:
The CIA backed Fasicst slave state of Batista. 1952
The CIA backed coup in Guatemala. 1954
Paraguayan coup supported by the USA. 1954
CIA orchestrated Operation Mongoose in Cuba. 1959–2000
CIA orchestrated Bay of Pigs Invasion. 1961
US intervention in the Dominican Civil War. 1965
The assassination of Salvador Allende and installing of brutal dictator Pinochet (the original 9/11, look it up). 1973
Operation Condor. 1975 (This could have a list of it's own here)
Backing the brutal paramilitary death squads in the Salvadoran civil war. 1980-1992
Training and funding the Contras in Nicaragua. 1981–1990
Invasion of Grenada. 1983
US invasion of Panama. 1989–1994
CIA coup in Haiti. 1991
Operation "Uphold Democracy" in Haiti. 1994–1995
Failed coup in Venezuela. 2002
Coup in Honduras. 2009
Interference in Venezuela. 2019-Now (yay! the list is over!)

you refer to this as
so-called imperialism

To know why immigrants come to the USA rather than
like...just look at a map dude? It's not that hard.
Fact of the matter is: the USA is a far easier place to escape to than anywhere else, even if it is the country that's been massacring your countrymen for the past who knows how many years.

lets use a hypothetical scenario.
Imagine saying this in my best Ben Sha-poopoo-peepee impression.
How about we don't use a hypothetical?
These people who you are stripping of the right to vote are only 11.1% sex offenders and 3.2% violent crime.
46.4% are drug offenders. A nonviolent "crime" that is legal in some states, of the very same country that they are imprisoned.

0.7% is incarcerated
What do you think is going to happen when we let 0.7% of the population vote? The criminals will vote to make crime legal! Will all crime be made legal!?!?!?!
No, of course not. Don't be stupid.

i dont like gerrymandering but you know what wont fix it?
What will then? A republican government? The guys who rely on gerrymandering?
Independent commissions are ideally held to public scrutiny. Which I agree is pretty sketchy given the US governments track record, but I'd rather something be done than nothing.

buy a building with a large amount of mailboxes
Now... I feel like a person with enough money to buy buildings on a whim will probably be biased towards capital...
But hey that's just a thought...
Also wouldn't someone notice when a bunch of ballots come in from one building that none lives inside, from which none is doing in person voting, all voting for the same party?
I don't see how this whole situation you've come up with would go unnoticed by counters and observers.

the constitution is a proclamation the we the people are in control and the government must follow our rules
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha 🤣
believing the American people (outside of the ruling class) have any say in how their government has operated since FDR (and even then there is a lot to say...)

David Neumark
Not sure about his latest 2021 paper but in the past, Neumark focused on "specific industries or demographic groups such as teens. However, these groups constitute relatively small shares of all minimum
wage workers."
And in the past (2006) he has opted to explicitly not perform meta-analysis

IGM 2015 survey of economists: gradual increase of the minimum wage to $15 in 2020 would increase unemployment: weighted by confidence, 34% agreed, 37% were uncertain, and 29% disagreed
Thats +5%

IGM 2021 survey of economists: federal minimum wage of $15 per hour would lower employment for low-wage workers in many states: 31% agree, 48% uncertain, 21% disagree

Economists agree with me in general.

its almost as if the machine is cheaper then the employee. i wonder what is making the employee so expensive hmmmmm?
This as your response shows to me that either do not understand or have not learnt, the labour theory of value.

"the government has chased all the jobs away what are we going to do?!" "i know! lets make the government even more important in our lives! no way that could backfire!"
I understand why an american would not trust their government. I really do! The US government has been the bad guy of world history since the end of world war 2.
But government jobs programs are pretty good man! Even in your own country the New Deal did wonders!

Anyways this has been fun (as venting political frustrations on the internet always is), but as @Tamerlane already revealed: I am a Britbonger.
and it is 4am here so goodnight 😚
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Holy shit I did
not think this dumpster fire could
get worse than before.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I don't want to respond to this in full, (because it's not addressed to me and most of it isn't very substantive in terms of things to discuss) but...

Economists agree with me in general.
weighted by confidence, 34% agreed, 37% were uncertain, and 29% disagreed
31% agree, 48% uncertain, 21% disagree

It seems that you can't make a general statement when the plurality always go to "uncertain," but it's usually split fairly evenly. In general, economists do NOT agree with you by your own source, my dude.

Interestingly, a 2006 study (so very out of date) simple random selection of 210 Economic PHD (which tends to be more accurate to populations because it doesn't have response bias) students by Robert Whaples saw 47% of Economists wanted the minimum wage eliminated, 1.3% wanted it decreased, and 14.3% wanted it kept at the current level, with the rest wanting increased by various amounts.

Interesting to see the change over time in the perspectives, if nothing else, though I am not arguing this survey is necessarily applicable today given that time period was much more conservative and modern academia is very partisan.


Welcome to hell, here's your accordian.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
Americans don't get the day off on voting day.

voting has been around for 200 years employers are used to people taking time off to vote by now. if you have an asshole boss who tries to insist you dont vote then weight your options. is voting more important or is not having to deal with a lecture? in my experience letting your boss know in advance that your taking the day to vote doesnt cause issues and missing a day by surprise gets a lecture. if you wandered into one of the few workplaces that fires you for missing a single day then maybe you dodged a bullet by not having to go there anymore. supporting legislation mandating time to vote on voting day isnt the most disagreeable proposition either.

We are talking about people who live in, work in, pay taxes in America
no they do not pay taxes. i will quote tamerlane up above:
they do not pay taxes, aside from like sales tax (which even tourists pay), income taxes, and taxes taken out of their wages, which tend to be below minimum wage because their employers can get away with it because they are not citizens.
illegal immigrats having jobs at all is just a bigger argument against minimum wage btw

Then you falsely equate moving from south/central America -> USA NOW , to moving from France -> Germany DURING W22
no, YOU did:
were born in a country devastated by American imperialism
so i gave an example of a country devastated by imperialism: france. if these two things arent equivalent then theres an error in your belief not mine. (also W22?)

im not going to go through your entire list which may or may not be american foreign policy decisions. but i will point out that the definition of imperialism is "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force" is somthing every country ever has done. and to argue over them is to argue history not politics which is off the threads topic, if you dislike the people who made those decisions vote against them if the are still in office.

you refer to this as so-called imperialism
i used "so-called imperialism" because if your using it as its colloquial definition then you mean conquest of foreign states like germany on most of europe.

like...just look at a map dude? It's not that hard.
49% of illigal immigrants come from countries that arent mexico i cant find a statistic on canadian illegals because of how few there are but with those two countires as an example there is no reason they cant live in any of the states on the path from their home to us. especially if we were supposedly the ones who ruined them

and none of this change the fact that if they want to vote in our elections they need to legally immigrate. a man living under my floorboards doesnt get any say on what drapes i put over my windows i dont care how hard he works.

Ben Sha-poopoo-peepee
you really have a way of making people take you seriously

46.4% are drug offenders
if you think that drug offenders should be allowed to vote then vote for people who will do that. 11.1% sex offenders and 3.2% violent crime offenders shouldnt be allowed to vote and none of this should be federally mandates. states have the right to chooses which felons can vote and when

The criminals will vote to make crime legal! Will all crime be made legal!?!?!?!
no they will just let them out of jail like this:

What will then? A republican government? The guys who rely on gerrymandering?
oh yeah, im sure its only republicans that gerrymander

Independent commissions are ideally held to public scrutiny
even if they are held to public scrutiny we cant vote for them! hold the politicians to public scrutiny since we can vote them out if we dont like it. id rather do nothing if the alternative is making it worse

biased towards capital...
But hey that's just a thought...
and? i dont care if he biased in favor of a homeless shelter for injured orphan puppies. voter fraud is still bad

Also wouldn't someone notice when a bunch of ballots come in from one building that none lives inside, from which none is doing in person voting, all voting for the same party?
yes, people would notice but if you try to stop it then your breaking the new rule that "prevents interference with registering or voting" kicks in and the snowblower has then committed a crime. what you want to post a video of it on youtube? sorry but youtube says your spreading a conspiracy theory and has taken down your video dont do it against or we might ban your account!

unnoticed by counters and observers.
illegal. remember? observers would be preventing a vote if they said it looked sketchy counters would be preventing a vote if they through out the ballot.

believing the American people (outside of the ruling class) have any say in how their government has operated since FDR
the ruling class DESPISED trump they threw an absolute fit for 4 years strait baby raging like never before in my life time. americans had a say in 2016 thats why they prevented it in 2020 and are now trying to pass a law that wont let us have a say ever again and you support it.

when california increased it minimum wage here is a study on its effects on the bay area
it indicates that cheaper restaurants are driven out but expensive ones are unaffected

back when biden was pretending to be moderate he suggested slowly increasing the minimum wage to 15$ by 2027 and heres a study on the effects that would have:
They estimate that if enacted, the Raise the Wage Act would result in 2 million jobs lost across the United States. The Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation and Accommodation and Food Services sectors will account for half of these job losses. Workers aged 16-24 will see the highest proportion of job losses, and the majority of jobs lost will be those held by women. Tipped workers will also lose a greater share of jobs affected by minimum wage than non-tipped workers—one in three tipped workers affected by this federal minimum wage increase will lose their job.
so one can infer an immediate spike would be worse

Economists agree with me in general.
using your own statistics most economists are unsure, second most disagree with you, and the least amount agree with you. and even if they all did agree with you it wouldnt matter since just because alot of people think somthing doesnt mean they are right

This as your response shows to me that either do not understand or have not learnt, the labour theory of value.
wow i dont take a marxist theory seriously. who would have thought.
labor is a good just like any other, increase the price of a good and less people buy it. force the price of cigarettes higher to discourage people from it force the price of labour higher and people will not want it. simple as

I understand why an american would not trust their government. I really do! The US government has been the bad guy of world history since the end of world war 2.
count me unsurprised that you were against us ending the soviet union as well, freeing east germany and south korea, and almost fostering peace in the middle east(until the guy that almost succeeded 'lost' reelection)
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
I'm only understanding half of this, but sadly more focused on the typos and misuse of conjunctions and apostrophes than actually trying to understamd the whole message here, because OCD and honestly the fact that I think this is a US vs EU going on right now.
As someone that's US but likes to type EU because of its interesting word usage, this is making me very confused and hungry.

And also the fact that these are reaching hefty phone-scrolling lengths.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
more focused on the typos and misuse of conjunctions and apostrophes
Same, kinda. The most egregious grammatical error of the bunch was probably "Ben Sha-poopoo-peepee." I just looked it up to double-check, and that's definitely not how his last name is spelled.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
@bigtiddyoneesan ; You right though.

As for me, the "it's" where "its" needs to be hurts.

And now here I am finding all the typos and misspellings... 😱

What was it though, Ben Shappire or sum'n? Trying not to google it rn because iirc, one of the first rules of learning how to properly spell is sounding it out
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