@Yuukir @mismarca @Nep @Sylphe If what I assume from mis-reading the novel https://booklive.jp/bviewer/?cid=677400_001&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbooklive.jp%2Fproduct%2Findex%2Ftitle_id%2F677400%2Fvol_no%2F001
then he mentioned how his memory of his previous life came back then.
(The first lines after the ***, mention how "Boku(My)---Alter Schweitz's previous life's memories having returned, is a thing that happened a few years ago")
Edit: If I had some hint at where to find the manga raws, I would check up on it
Edit#2 Electric Booglaloo a.k.a. After reading raws: I'm confused as all heck. It says "3 years after that death, I was born anew as Alter in this world" So, either it felt like 3 years to him since he died, or 3 years passed since the previous him died ( but how would he know that unless it's some plot weaving time travel in the background that we'll come to hear of later on) and he lived through 10 years "normally" before he joined the knights in the last 2 of his current 12 OR he really did get a 9 y/o's body and spend 1 year doing god knows what and 2 years in the knights.