The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 17 Ch. 50 - The Intervention Which Was Too Late I

Mar 27, 2020
@feha : It is just Japan seeping into the story... again.

@alexthestupidn : Hardly. The manga just tries to be funny too often with exactly the same tactics to the point where it became stale and contrived ages ago, and is beyond cringe-inducing by this point. The anime keeps it at a lower, more sensible level, to the point where it never actually stopped being funny.
Also the anime focuses better on the psychological impact things have on Tanya... all the while what we're getting here is just vast amounts of repetition, filler, failed jokes falling flat, and Tanya going rarrr in her head occasionally while smiling shoujo-mode at everyone. ¬_¬
The way the anime was depicted felt far more visceral and personal... I just can't feel the same way about this drawn out manga.
Active member
Jan 17, 2020
@SotiCoto Well, while the jokes are dry as hell, that is how it literally is in the army, cracking cringey jokes one after the other to keep tension low, whatever it is to take your mind off of the atrocities you are comitting under the order of the commanding officers. Cracking "yo momma's joke" level of dry humor while calling in an airstrike on a location or waiting for the ordinance boys to clear a compound.

What i dislike about the anime is, first of all is the art style, as someone accustomed to the manga, when the anime came out it just feels weird. Another thing i dislike is the way it takes itself too seriously, while the manga is taking it easy and the interactions feel more natural and humane than the anime. The anime also depicts tanya as an edgy, anti-god, super soldier, well, she is though, but the anime tend to forgot that she's a first class, hypocritical, ass kisser who just want to slack off and whose ass-kissing keep backfiring and had to make do with what she has. One of the thing i believe the anime lacks is how it skips off a lot of the character's personal opinion and thoughts, this world after all operates with a different logic from the modern world (different times, different values, different train of thought, hence the constant misunderstanding) which i think is pretty important too.

So yeah, personally, i like that manga better because it feels more personal and humane and is more focused on the characters, while the anime is focused more on events rather than the people behind said events. Since the manga and anime are too different, which one you like is honestly just based on your personal taste.
Mar 27, 2020
@alexthestupidn : We're talking about the misunderstandings between Tanya's thought processes and those of the people she is speaking to, right? Not in-narrative jokes that they're actually party to. Rather the repetitive attempts at dramatic irony.

as someone accustomed to the manga, when the anime came out it just feels weird.
Funnily enough, that was my reaction to the manga. As someone accustomed to the anime, when I found the manga, I was kinda put off by it... though not so much as to certain other changes.

Another thing i dislike is the way it takes itself too seriously, while the manga is taking it easy and the interactions feel more natural and humane than the anime.
Funnily enough, I'm bothered by the manga not really taking Tanya's situation seriously. As someone who is basically in a covert war for his/her own independence against a malicious and spiteful god, you'd expect there to be stress and angst... but the manga mostly just plays out like some goofy alternate history textbook punctuated by everyone assuming Tanya means the exact opposite of what she does mean. Effectively Manga Tanya's story plays out like a less amusing version of the Ciaphus Cain books (WH40k fiction). As a random aside, if you like this, you might want to look into that. I personally found them pretty funny, and it has the same basic premise... i.e. competent but danger-avoidant military guy constantly looking to get away from the warzone but keeps accidentally getting himself into more trouble and getting accolades for resolving it.
Anyway... it would be better if there was .... well, more originality or just more realism in the way things were handled.... rather than every interaction Tanya has becoming "Promote me to the rear" vs "She is so patriotic!"

One of the thing i believe the anime lacks is how it skips off a lot of the character's personal opinion and thoughts
As I recall it does it sometimes... and having seen this, I believe that is enough... especially if showing it all the time just serves to demonstrate the same dischord between Tanya's train of thought and literally everyone she ever speaks to.

Anyhow... the one thing that bugged me the most is the entire way the Type 95 orb operates seems different between the manga and the anime. Which is to say cause and effect are swapped around. Unless I've completely misunderstood what was happening in the anime, the Type 95 won't function unless she recites the prayers (or at worst might just explode and kill her)... so she does so reluctantly out of necessity, and continually being put into situations where she has to debase herself and rely on Being X's power to survive is taking a toll on her sanity as well as her pride...
... But somehow the manga's way of making it so the Type 95 is actually controlling her and literally puppeting her body into saying things rather than merely coercing through necessity seems so utterly crass by comparison. It is like she isn't choosing to do it herself as she isn't even entirely aware of it happening.
I don't know how it was in the original source material... but I don't like the manga's interpretation of its functionality.
Active member
Jan 17, 2020
@SotiCoto Yes, when it comes down to it, it's just personal taste.

About the type 95 orb, if i remember correctly, i believe to first activate it she needs to recite a prayer because because "being X" believe that prayer is her first step of accepting god. Then she needs prayer if she wants to draw it's true power out. I only watch the first half of the anime as i lost interest and just forgot to watch the next episode the next week and the week after, but it works about the same until that point i think.

What i'm getting from the manga's depiction of the orb is that instead of "mental corruption" like tanya's own words (yeah, you know how exaggerated and strong her vocabulary is in the manga when it comes to being X), i think it's just natural "corruption", think about it, just by reciting prayer she receives massive boosts in power, power corrupts, specially huge power that can be easily accessed simply by reciting some verses. And let's not forget that it's not tanya's power either, it's being X's, by using it over and over again to overcome adversaries, it will make her dependent on it, and over time, she will stop questioning whether it is right or wrong and just accepted the power of god as "the truth", so instead of not using the orb to avoid getting "brainwashed" by being X i think it's more appropriate to say that she does it to avoid a "natural corruption".
Mar 27, 2020
@alexthestupidn : Not sure what you're getting at there.

I mean the difference between having to consciously do A in order to achieve B (the anime) ... and having A happen automatically without any conscious input (the manga)... isn't going to just vanish. They will always be two separate matters.
Having to recite a rote prayer like a mantra, if anything, would only lead to that particular sequence of words gradually fading into irrelevance in her mind.... but couldn't, as in the manga situation, led to her getting creative with praise to Being X... let alone going to church to pray on a regular basis NOR waking up with a rosary around her neck.

... And... what you mean watching an episode a week? How could anyone watch anything like that? If I go more than a few days between watching episodes of a series, I tend to forget what was happening and have to start over. Why would you wait a week?
Active member
Jan 17, 2020
@SotiCoto Uhhh...because it's a weekly anime? it was released weekly. When was it? every tuesday/wednesday? i remembered watching it alongside overlord or re:zero at around 2015, i think.

Regarding the orb, what i meant to say was the orb is not a traditional brainwashing tool. It's just that the power the orb give will gradually conditioned tanya to associate prayer with power and success. Like pavlov's dogs and food. Tanya is the dog, the power boost is the food. If she keep using the orb she'd be being X's pavlov's dog with "prayer" as the bell. The orb itself doesn't control tanya like some puppet. And she goes to church everyday to curse being X, not sing praises about him, she does it everyday just to take a piss on him, going the extra effort all the way just to give him the middle finger everyday.
Mar 27, 2020
@alexthestupidn : I'm not even sure what you mean by "a weekly anime". I only ever torrent whole seasons when I can... or if there isn't a single torrent for the whole season, like on the HorribleSubs site, I have to torrent every episode individually.... but the thought of not having a whole series or season together is just.... intolerable.
Well... kinda. This site is full of incomplete manga for some reason. I've just kinda resorted to reading the incomplete ones because I have no means of finding which ones are complete on this site. But it is kinda bothersome to keep reading things without endings. =/

Anyway... the stuff about the orb.... is that from the LN or something? It doesn't really sound like what is happening in either the anime nor manga.

... Now I think about it though, it reminds me of back when I was in primary school in Wales, and they actually used to force everyone to "pray" before lunch... and during assembly... so I just recited the lyrics to Platypus by Green Day under my breath.
Nov 6, 2019
@SotiCoto Do you not know that most anime release an episode each week or are you just saying you only like binging shit. If it's the second one I wholeheartedly agree, when I start a series I want to see it through. Also what do you mean by this site being full of incomplete manga? Chapters for a lot of manga are released weekly/monthly, they're still in continuation after all. Also you can tell which ones are complete if you look a the manga info under "Pub. Status:" if it says "Completed" that means it's done. Anyways, have a nice day!
Mar 27, 2020
@AhriDeathSounds : Do they? I had no clue. I figured they just made the whole season in advance and release it however they see fit. And how they release it doesn't mean anything to me since I only download whole seasons. No exceptions.

And I was already informed that the status thing on this site indicates the status of the original source material... not the releases here. PLUS it can't be searched for... so I really don't have any means of knowing whether manga are complete here or not... and the vast majority I find quite blatantly aren't... to the point where it is pointless my trying to extend the same conditions to manga as I do to anime. I pretty much archive-crawled through all the complete series on all the aggregate sites that listed completion before I even found this site...
Nov 6, 2019
@SotiCoto damn that sounds rough, I just take whatever I can get lmao. Oh, I'm pretty sure most single season animes make it in advance and then release one episode a week. However, for the ones that are still going like One piece and Black clover, I'm pretty sure they make an episode each week.
Mar 27, 2020
@AhriDeathSounds : I poked at those in the dim and distant past. Long-running shonentrash series I can watch an arc at a time if I feel like it. I noticed they tend to vanish in availability before the end though, which is kinda stupid. I never got to see the end of Bleach... nor see the end of the manga either, since the site where I was reading it had a whole block of broken links towards the end.

I think the only long shonentrash series I actually got to watch through to its end in recent memory (AND finish the manga) was Fairy Tail. I enjoyed FT. Was good stuff.

From what I've heard regarding One Piece, the anime has stalled out and the pacing has gone completely to shit because the anime caught up with the manga or somesuch and they refuse to go on hiatus because it is a cash-cow.

As for Black Clover, I've never even seen an anime for that. I read some of the manga a while back. I guess it got popular because I saw a game of it on Steam...
Nov 6, 2019
@SotiCoto damn, I never thought I would find someone else that actually liked fairytale. Most people just shit on it hahaha. Although it was pretty flawed, it was the first anime I watched and I actually watched the entire series with my family. It still holds a special place in my heart. You got good taste my man
Mar 27, 2020
@AhriDeathSounds : I wasn't aware anyone disliked it. I encountered Fairy Tail because I stumbled across the soundtrack for the anime on Youtube... which lead me to the anime... which lead me to the manga. And overall I wasn't disappointed. It is all well-handled. But the key point remains the awesome music. Most other long-running shonen series lack a sense of cohesiveness with the music, often just picking whatever they think popular at any time... but Fairy Tail's soundtrack actually fit it perfectly and energised it in a way not commonly seen.
Double-page supporter
May 3, 2020
Well lieutenant Weiss did go through Tanya's interrogation training where they had to strip naked🤣

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