The Second Coming of Gluttony

Active member
Jan 3, 2019
Yep they did to both my girls dirty (Agnes & Seol-ah)
also Cinzia got screwed in her design (especially her hair)
Double-page supporter
Feb 18, 2018
The MC scum. As far as I see it, it's his fault that he became a hobo as over-relied on his power.
I'll read the Novel since they say it's better
Active member
Mar 15, 2019
@UnknownSaint111 Yeah it's kind of the point, I mean he is supposed to be the Second Coming of GLUTTONY so yeah haha. They set him up as trash so he can go through character development and keep the novel fresh. I mean you don't really have to worry about his personality since his 'dream' changes him up real quick, and he already wasn't that trashy at the start, maybe only trashy to himself haha.

@kevin282819 Yeah I guess that's true, I have no idea why they wrote him like that since I would have assumed that the gory scenes in his 'dream' would have matured him up real quick. Virgin like responses can be forgiven since well he is actually a virgin and at least he doesn't really act as childish as some Japanese MCs.
Jun 26, 2018
For real guys, if your ok with reading light novel just go read it, the manhwa really can't compare with the novel at all, everything in the novel is so much better and the translation is incredibly well done ! Go read it on wuxiaworld that's were the original translation is.
Group Leader
Jul 23, 2019
I wish i could read light novels but unfortunately i can't, I've never read a novel or anything related in my life.
But damn, I want more of this. MORE MORE MORE!!!
Mar 13, 2019
Surprisingly good series. Probably doesn't get more love since the start is a bit janky.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Cheers for the rec. This is a really consumable series, I hope the ease-of-read also exists in the novel.
Sep 17, 2018
pacing is quite slow for my liking but the story is pretty good so far, reminds me of ToG a bit
Sep 18, 2019
I don't understand why manhwa's constantly just breeze through backstories and story-telling like they are in a rush to get to "the good stuff". Like the author thought "what is the minimal amount of panels I can use to make someone thing 'oh yea, he existed before this arc'." You're supposed to make me hate the MC, then feel bad for the MC, then cheer for the MC! WHERE ARE MY TEARS AND LAUGHTER?!
Ok, rant over. 😁
Thanks for translation! The light novel is really good btw (so far as I've gotten).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Just came back to say that -- yup, the novel-ver is also very consumable and easy to read.
The MC ends up being a Jap harem-protagonist virgin retard. And this isn't saying: "oh boy I wished he'd fuck everyone", but that every time a girl hits on him, or teases him, he covers his face and runs away. At a particular scene, that wasn't even an exaggeration. He covered his lips, and shied away from the woman who teased him. The MC is consistently pig-headed and acts like a clueless 12 years old. His constant reaction to females, is either not understanding why females react so "strangely" around him, or to be a helpless virgin.
That means the "romance" is absolute dog shit and terrible and should always be skipped.

Other than that, the author tried to hype up the story way too much. The MC partners up with level 5s and 4s almost immediately, and that made the MC rely on plot-armor and "lucky breaks" to survive at the end of the day, because there's no way, even for the strongest level 1 newbie, to survive these sort of high-level missions without the author stepping in and saying otherwise. It just feels disgenuine, like a lot of other shitty webnovels.

I dropped it at around chap 100~120 or so after the author got so clueless with what to do with the story, that he just farted a random tournament-event of some kind. Now THAT'S something I saw a lot in Chinese stories.

Overall, I think the novel is still a fun read. It's better than most Chinese stories I read, and a bunch of webnovels I read of the same genre (i.e: gamifying everything). But don't kid yourself, and claim that "It's a REALLY good story". It's not. It's just above average.
If you want something that's easy to consume, you got nothing much to lose.
Active member
Jan 3, 2019
the author explained his behaviour that he has been groomed by his ex-girlfriend to act this way since childhood
but a more valid criticism of his character is that he is a bipolar
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
That's nice and all, but that literally changes nothing about how the story is read, now does it? In fact, it sounds like an excuse for poor writing.
EDIT: That is to say, I didn't mean to say that a person like that cannot exist. But that it's not fun to read a story with that kind of a character. These are two completely different things, and what you wrote changes nothing about the latter.
Active member
Jan 3, 2019
well at least the author gave an explanation for it and the thing is the author is dying to include alpha chad mc with smut scene(that's why he made a harem in this one ) but he did it in his previous work and his rating got rekt and no one wanted to give it a manga adaptation
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
welp, as I said in my original post -- I don't expect the MC to be an "alpha chad MC" who fucks everything that moves. It'd be perfectly fine if a woman teases him, to tease back, or brush it off.
According to what you're telling me, that author is only capable to work with extreme stereotypes, and cannot write anything in-between, which is pretty darn sad. A beta-fag virgin MC is not an improvement over a smug chav MC who's swimming in pussy.

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