The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

Sep 26, 2018
Yes, let's just forbid others from scanlating things because someone else is already doing it. No. Fuck off and take your drama with you. I enjoy reading reactions to current chapters over here and don't drop by to hear you guys bitch and whine about it. You have a damn site to do that in. Also nice fast damage control there m80. Anyway, just go away, this'll be the last reply you get from me as I'm already derailing this damn section as well by taking your shitty bait.
Group Leader
Feb 12, 2018
@Inferno_Cop Their reasonable requests active scanlators would like to see. Their is a difference between sniping because its slow releases versus sniping because I get can more chapters out this week so the series is mine. With that concept why would scanlators want to work on series long term if someone takes their series every chance they get. And I will complain and bitch about as much as I need because I actually care about the series and community. The same could be said for you if you want to complain for no reason make your own site.
Jan 20, 2018
TS, sorry to say but you are arguing with a sock-puppet, the account was created today. Pretty standard practice really and also very very sad.
Sep 26, 2018
I always thought it was stupid when groups started drama if there was someone else picking up a project after a series gained traction. I'm thankful for people scanlating, but boyohboy, the entitlement of some groups. No, you're not privileged to own "rights" to translate a project or not. Regardless if you've gotten their license to. If you're slow, expect someone else to pick up the series because that's how the world in general works. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but that's how shit goes in general. If there's a better service out there, people will use it. If you want to do something about it, stop bitching and start posting. That's how a market works. If you've got competition you've got to outdo them if anything. Or you can alternatively, drop it. That's the beauty of freedom to choose.

Is it so surprising that they used alts to post, they're commiting the taboo almost every scanlator I've come across despises. Why *wouldn't* they post it anonymously...

Also, misinforming people to donate to your services. :eek:megalul: I don't mind you having those options available, but what you've stated on your server is so far off from the truth and if others do it, that doesn't mean you should follow that example.

All in all, thanks for the chapters. I quite like this series in general, so I'm happy I got to read 5 chapters in a row. Time to cont my keyboard warrior endeavours somewhere else.
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
"Nah it can't be a girl ; we see the legs, so anyone could tell if it was so."

Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
@fgtshin well maybe you should think about why 90% of us are full of hate towards the snipers that want to blame a scan group for something that isn't even important?

if they want to pick up a series they should just do it and shut up about shit like patreon and websites cause they don't need to care about that when they want to do it anyway right? seeing how theres a ton of projects where multiple groups release without bitching about the other groups in every chapter, this is not about releasing the chapters for you guys to read it's just about fucking with some groups
just like all the other sniper groups they vanish really really fast for some reason.. think about why that is
Sep 5, 2018
I don't care what anyone says, snipping is an asshole move. If snipping continues this series will be dropped. Then we have to wait months before someone picks it up again.
This no named group is trying to start some drama with a group with steady releases. They are only trying to snipe trashscanlations popular series, That trash update weekly.
This no group will not last long.
Sep 26, 2018
@ZeroMomo (idk if this mentions you im fairly new to the website)

Alright, you obviously do not have any issues with what this no group claimed against TS. I for one, don't take any monetary compensation for any of the charity work I've done personally and I never will. It's flat out not in line with my morales and principles, but, you do you. I'm not all too familiar with TS, but I've seen some of the claims being true, so I wouldn't be surprised if all of it is true, that it made them to do this, because in my eyes too, it is quite immoral. I'm not even gonna try to convince you that it is wrong either, considering you have no apparent problems with their claims regardless if it was all true or not.

With that logic you're saying they might as well just continue to "snipe" this series...? Yes, I completely agree, power to them as far I'm concerned, lol. Not entirely sure what your point is tbqh.

As for @kilisloe how does "sniping" = a series being dropped? It's just another group translating the series because the other group was too slow, stopped translating it or other various reasons there would be a pause I'm presuming.

edit: took a look at the reddit page and the whole thread just seems to utter what has been claimed, this whole thing is a scam, if you can't realize that you're either so far beyond brainwashed by TS, salivating at their every project or you have contracted very high level of autism. Took me literally 2 minutes of detective work to see through the bullshit.
Sep 5, 2018
I'll tell it to you straight. It could lead to drops. This asshole of a group (What I'm calling this unnamed group)can't keep this translation speed up, one way or the other they will disappear. If trash didn't drop it by then, the series will be inactive for a few months until someone picks it up. Plus I doubt this asshole of a group will do this for free for much longer. they will start to ask for donations like any other group. Also trash has a release chapters at a regular paste, it is not slow at all. Too slow is waiting three weeks for a chapter.

Detective work my ass. you probably read some comments and thought that was true. You probably work for the asshole group, by the way you speaking, and by the fact that you joined this site and all the threads about this issue, as this drama started.
Sep 26, 2018
@kilisloe Yes and I double checked just in case, seems to all point that way. Yes, I'm a super agent for this group, doing undercover work, big wowe. I created an account so I didn't need to change to dark theme every 10 minutes, but nice try.

The way I see it, it would only lead to a drop if TS couldn't keep up with it's competitor, regardless if the group was firing shots at them or not and/or exhausted working on something that's already been "released". If the anon group can't keep up with the translation, then good for TS I suppose? Nothing that says two groups can't translate same works to begin with though, if anything it should be even better for the readers that want things quicker.
There's a very thick line between accepting donations to buy RAWs and pocketing the surplus amount. Trying to argue if this group would start accepting donations or not is pointless, yes they may or they may not, you don't know and neither do I. The assumption that "sniping" = a series being dropped is silly though, if anything it insinuates that both groups would drop it. Not for a very good reason either it seems to me if they're passionate about their work.

Three's a charm, so that'll be all from me.
Sep 26, 2018
Stop replying to trash bait and/or fanboy-ism, please. Comments for this chapter have been compromised but this will continue in future chapters if you keep feeding them. Just block any posters sperging out about it to simply hide their posts rather than replying or this will never end. Let's at least try and keep this relevant to the chapter at hand from now on, shall we?
Sep 5, 2018

What you say is wrong and doesn't matter. What those assholes did was wrong plain and simple. This whole thing was over days ago, So I need you to stop being an asshole and move on with your life. I don't need your damn annoying comments blowing up my notifications.

That's all I have to say, goodbye and have a nice day asshole.

Hey you dick. first of all this guy has been spamming me with comments for two days for no reason. He's riding the hell out of this asshole group that snipes, dick. You might be doing it too.
That's all I have to say to you. Don't bother replying because I'm going to ignore it. Don't need another asshole spamming me with comments.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
The idiots and sock puppets in these comments attacking Trashscans make me lose what little faith in humanity I had left. There can be absolutely no good results from siding with a random one time snipping group that has zero evidence to back up their claims, but there can certainly be bad results from it.

I've been reading manga for a decade now and I've seen this shit happen too often, I know where this road leads all too well.
Sep 24, 2018

Except there is plenty of evidence, literally so much of it that it's undisputable.

Relevant post to this drama:

Paywall issue brought up by /u/Professional_Bad comment permalink:

There is TLDR version in the first post by third party if you lack the time to spend hours to see what they're actually doing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Hmmmm. Okay, I'll take a step back and just be a neutral observer then, but this doesn't change that this bullshit drama with the sudden release of 5 chapters out of nowhere that I extremely doubt would be continued into the future in any sort of way helps nobody and achieves nothing good. Personally I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours of my free time with various groups (though most of it with 'Endless Abyss' and 'iManga Scans' years ago) doing cleaning with a little typesetting, and I'm very much of the mindset that if you don't pay for something like a service for the thing in question then you absolutely shouldn't rock the boat for any reason, while it still floats.

The whole process of scanlation is a ton of effort, and leechers complaining that release rates aren't fast enough for them or good enough for them when they contribute absolutely nothing beyond a +1 on the number of people who've read a given chapter, piss me off like nothing else. That Trashscans is doing the series from chapter 1 and is still soldiering on through this 5 chapter patch is a point in their favour in my eyes, and this random intervention jumping into the middle of a series that is actively being scanned at a steady rate and the 5 chapter spurt is not likely to be continued is equally a point against the people who did that.

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