The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 20

Jul 9, 2018
@hananoyuuki just ignore them, mate. they're just trying to stir trouble since they can't be arsed to contact these people they're so damn obsessed with. scanlation groups now are filled with nothing but drama. they think they're all so interesting and important that we need to listen to them. i'd rather none of these series get worked on when groups act like they're bosses of the place. we don't care about their arguments. we want to read in peace but they're making a mess out of the comments section. it was better back in 2008 or something.

@Rolekoster2020 great of you to attack someone for their opinion. since they didn't stoop to your level to fight back, here's my two cents. you're hilarious, mate!! can't believe you've been reading their comments and getting turned on by them. it's mad that you're viewing these people in the comments and getting turned on and off by them. sheesh just calm down, yeah? you're only kind to people who share the same opinion as you. just agree to disagree.
Dec 4, 2019
I've said this to you twice! Stop it!!!
Don't involve BUCCI in this drama!!!
they're innocent.
they continue to be invisible.
Remember!! that is the importance of playing a role, dumb people only know they're innocent 🤮
Aggregator gang
Jul 24, 2019
Well, as someone that likes embroidery as of late, Miss Celton's skills are really amazing. She really worked hard. It's sad that her surroundings also made her too closed and prideful. I really don't want to see her fall to demise, or for her spirit to be broken beyond repair.
Aug 15, 2019
@Rolekoster2020 i dont know what to tell you bro youre literally just wrong 😂 follow me on social and support my zine preorders end tomorrow at 12pm PST
and once again please stop with the poetry i know you have to practice for your SATs but this isnt the place
Jul 9, 2018
@Rolekoster2020 aw babe, hurt your feelings have i? then don't pull the shite you just did if you can't handle getting talked back to, yeah? move along and stop bothering the comments section. damn scanlators ruining everything with their crybaby nonsense.
Jan 15, 2020
I just need a broom and a trash can here dear..
Ok.. please share your twitter, maybe I can start following you .. because I'm getting bored of earthy living and being a good human..
Sep 4, 2019
Now we have a good translation for chapter 20.

@atleastirdmysnipes Are you one of BUCCI GANG? Thanks for the chapter. I would love if you could translate more of The Duchess with an empty soul.
I know you have done this just for fun but hope never dies.


That's interesting. So you're saying that atleastirdmysnipes is D&A and the ones who posted the 21th chapter is BUCCI.
I have to confess that I don't care. If there will be a new chapter I will read it.

I would like the protagonist to make friend with the red hair girl. It could be a nice plot device
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
@Kryspy_Kreme I feel like she is slowly realising how her world has been revolved around becoming a "good wife" and it doesn't sit well with her anymore, especially in the most recent chapter I read (ch. 21)
Mar 7, 2019
@Miamaim0x - Dude, I agree with most of what you said. I just think that the drama was still prevalent in 2008. They're just more discreet about it. Also, this whole drama is making me want to continue paying for the official webtoon translations instead. I started relying on scanlations because they get translated faster(though I still buy the official occasionally if I get a good deal), but if this is the type of attitude and lack of professionalism every scanlation team has, I'd rather wait patiently for official translations.

I initially don't want to comment on this nonsense. In my opinion, they should just address these privately instead of involving the readers.
Aggregator gang
Jul 24, 2019
If that is so, then I'm very glad! It would be nice to see her expand more on her interests and likes and dislikes. She's such a good, diligent child, I don't want to see the adults and children of high society ruin her.
Mar 1, 2019
Ah I would love to see all these alts deleted so they can come forth without theirs masks LOL

Also, you all need to stop with accusing bucci of being involved with everything. I understand they’re popular and GOOD but really? come up with something more original than “oh they sniped again” cause it’s getting pretty old oof
Jul 9, 2018
@Rolekoster2020 you literally just called it an essay, mate. pick an opinion and stick with it and get better material for trying to harass me versus whining at me. do what you scanlators do best, fighting us and trying to bring us readers into your drama.

@NoireNowaru bless you mate lol. all i've been seeing are alts dragging groups into the fire and making a spectacle over all this. if they have issues with each other, they should have the guts to dm each other but it looks like they're scared shiteless since these lads are all chattering from their arses & probably have no evidence to back up whatever it is they're on about. they're just using us like their little army of supporters and some readers are just too naive and let themselves get used. they need to get off their high horses, mate. we like the SERIES not THEM. this reader loyalty is all bollocks to me since all these groups are illegal.

edit: sniping/snipping idk which isn't that big of a deal to me? none of them even own the series so what's all the ruckus, yeah?

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