The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

Nov 30, 2019
Thank you for still working in this series, even tho it's being sniped. I blocked blithe the sniping group and the person that uploads, so thank god I dont have to see their upsetting uploads. I hope you will also upload chapter 6-8. Until then I will wait with reading this chapter. Hope this situation can get resolved soon.
Aug 18, 2019
@KebabRemover I agree readers will choose which scans they like if they even notice it. I've been on the opposite end where I've read manhwas poorly translated, or updates are super slow, I had wished it was snipped. lol

But I think it makes things more organized when one group ”claim” translation to a manhwa one at a time and if they drop it let another group pick it up because it's a waste of time translating something that is being worked on already by another when there are many more manhwas that can be picked up.

I usually don't comment and just read updates as they come, and I bet the majority is the same, and had it not been noted in the chapter itself from both groups, I would've been oblivious to the drama. Lol
Active member
Jun 30, 2019
I am glad that you are taking over this project! The people who sniped you have certainly worked a little, but I do not approve the act of snipping.
Taking someone's work along the way doesn't happen. You clearly had not abandoned the project because you had just made a chapter.
I read chapters 6 to 8 to be able to read yours, but I didn't want to read 5. I fully support you, and hope these people will understand that what they did is wrong.

(Sorry if my English is not good, but I wanted to comment to express my support).
Oct 28, 2019
What people don't get with what's bad with sniping is that imagine, spending mostly a day cleaning a chapter, translating, typesetting, editing and proofreading, only for someone else to release it, making all your hard work go to waste. And when you try to approach them, they ignore you. Who in the world wouldn't be pisses at that?

People also have to understand, the group have lives. They cannot translate 24/7. So we have to be patient for their releases. They could also be waiting for a mass release just like what other groups do.

And last, this issue was the same with Stepmother's Marchen, another group sniped the translation, making the original group loose interest and stopping their translations. And then what happened? The friggin snipers lost interest in translating it! Making no updates for the last months.
Sep 26, 2019
thank u for the chapter! and for the message at the end, i was worried about u guys.

i dont mind either release as ive mentioned to the other team cause i really enjoy this story, but my concern was the the "sniping" may have discouraged u guys from doing TLs, im happy that wasnt the case.

i hope u and the other team can coordinate with each other successfully so no one's efforts will be wasted in translating this very nice story. 😔
Oct 30, 2019
omg, didn't know there was a mess of snipping included !!

I hope DnA Scans will continue their wonderful hardworking translations. Thank you for explaining and fast translating. Good luck for the future chapters.
Sep 5, 2019
I was wondering at first why the quality suddenly went down, only to find out that it was done by another group. I think it is sad that a talented Scanlater group like you (DnA Scans) was sniped and then had to see that thous snipers got support from the community. I really hope that everyone sees the difference in translation quality and supports DnA Scans. Fore the time being I blocked the sniping group and wish that this will not end in more tragedy for everyone involved. Thanks for the information sharing in the chapter, wich without I would have not realized what was going on.
Oct 7, 2019
Please don’t quit, your translation is SO much easier to read.

I can tolerate subpar translations if it’s the only group but knowing ur around makes it frustrating when the other group is posting
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
@_Kaoru_ if somebody is willing to scan raws 20 fold the speed you are then fuck you, im glad they are translating it.
Jul 26, 2019
Thank you for the chapter!! Eventually will you release the missing chapters or should I read the other group bad translation?
(sorry to the other group, but two pages were enough to reach this conclusion, even if I know how much work it's necessary to do it... Excluding the "stealing" issue which is shameful)


Jun 3, 2019
Yasss thankyou DnA for uploading this chapter ❤
I appreciate yall hardwork to cleaning, redraw, tl, and adding the sfx so we can enjoy reading this manhwa..
hoping the both teams can settle it somehow for the best..
Oct 30, 2019
Hah...... thanks Devil and Angels Scan for letting us know the "snipping" issue otherwise we'd have blindly supported them in the future too.
Truly it's a disappointing matter for every translation team who have faced this issue where their weeks or even a month's of hardwork for translating a chapter going down the drain like this.😔
Mar 8, 2019
Thank you so much for the amazing quality of work!!
My condolences that you have to go through this situation.
Double-page supporter
May 19, 2019
i get that your translation is higher quality and sniping is frowned upon, but the other group released the same amount of chapters that took you a month in three days. personally, id rather see the story translated fast with lower quality than slow with higher quality. ideally, id want both, but that's probably not going to happen.
Mar 20, 2018
Some of my favorite series got sniped last year and the snipers aren't even as disgusting as the ones here as they scanlated the newest chapter some 10-20 chapters ahead of the scanlation instead of one chapter ahead. The team still stop scanlating and the troll almost immediately stops too. Now they're all deserted series and people truly learns the evil of snipping :)

(Though there are still entitled idiots blaming the scanlation team for being arrogant and not doing more free work after they got severely disrespected like that)

Frankly this series is good but sometimes you need a sacrifice to show people how shitty something is so that next time they do know how terrible sniping is and will not support snipers. From what I see, and am very sad at this, there are many 'What even the problem is with sniping lol, you don't own the series' comments.

So can I suggest you guys just... stop scanlating this series for awhile? or at least stop releasing it to public for a time, like some months or a year rest / delay, just so those people will see what the problem with sniping is when the random troll 'scanlators' got bored, which they will be soon enough with no drama as snipers have no commitment at all lol, and abandoned the series too people will see why its bad.

Though whatever you guys decided, I'll pray that you guys get the best result possible and THANK YOU for introducing us to this great series.
Double-page supporter
Mar 10, 2019
If, hypothetically, the no name group's motive for "sniping" this webtoon was for the purpose of makin DnA drop this series, these no name fvckers better be responsible for the whole scanlation; ya'll had the balls to ignore contact from DnA after all, that should mean you've signed up dedication to not halfass anything about scanlating this series if you guys finally achieved this hypothetical motive that was mentioned.
Nov 4, 2019
Okay now I actually consider blocking this group instead..
It ticked me off that this team think you have to ask "their permission", when translating this.
It's not like you do this legally you know? What right do you think you have to said beyond me..
It's also not like the group just shittyly (lol probably not a word but fight me i want to use it) "reuploading" your works. They translated theirself.
Again, what right do you think you have to said that, is beyond me.

Some people here said it's bad since all the time days blah blah you spent translating it is **wasted**, since they released faster.
Oh the stupidity.. *shaking head*
Why would your work go to waste???????
You should just post it!
It's a waste if you're wasting it "yourself".

It is not nice indeed when someone else translating what you translate, i'm a translator myself so i got it.
But still, ultimately faster releases is the best.
No one paid to do this.
We translate, and we read with our own acomodations (phone/computer, data plans/wifi).
So why hate so much if someone can release faster?
If you don't like their quality then just post your release that you think is of better quality.
Honestly i even read your release/reread the same chapter, since indeed i also think your quality is better.
I like you typesetted and cleaned everything, feel like reading in official service.
But just because the other party is doing amateurish work and you hate it doesn't mean that everyone should.
Be honest, will the feeling like your hard work "wasted" be gone if you mindset of "exclusivity" gone as well?

I think that's the problem with most teams.
They felt really empowered and motivated when they're the "only" one who translate.
When they're the "only" one people waiting for.
But likewise, it backfired when other team translate it.

Can't people just mind each other business????????????
Just translate what you want as long as you're not uploading other people translations in your name. Damn it.
I'm even being a hypocrite now. I should just shut my mouth, mind my own business and let illegal translation groups think people must ask their permission if they want to translate "their" titles.

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