The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

May 19, 2018
You're doing a great job and as you can see there are enough people willing to wait for your scans!
Sure, you don't own this work, but the concept of rudeness still exists and in a fragile community as the one of scanlations it would be good if the various groups had the tact to talk with each other and let everyone do their own share.
Doing stuff for practise is nice, but as many before me said, there are many dropped or never started manhwa that could be used for that purpose. There really is no need to take over the job of someone else.
Sniping isn't "illegal" but it could bring a good group to disband. Just like it happened with Shurim. I don't understand why someone should do something that will make another group feel disheartened. Going like "if you don't like don't read" doesn't really work, since this is a world where fast timing often seems to be the only thing that matters. It's obvious that the fastest release will get more views.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
I'm confused why she was disappointed he didnt have a secret lover or kid was it reverse psychology or does she no longer have interest in love.
Group Leader
Jun 20, 2018
Thank you so much. The problem with sniping is that it just makes the first group want to quit. Imagine DnA Scans drops the series now. Then we're forever stuck with barely readable releases and once the snipers lose interest, that's it. No releases. I'll honestly never understand why someone would snipe a series that's being actively scanlated.
Jun 26, 2019
i’m thankful for both of them. I hope they could just work hand in hand for faster release.
Nov 10, 2019
Thanks for the chapter, like others said, please don't stop translating, i'll wait for you guys to translate 6-7-8 before reading this ch, others' translation is horrendous..
Aug 18, 2019
It's not a rule but courtesy, and sometimes it could be that the manhwa was worked on at the same time, but another group uploaded first.

I agree somewhat, though, as I've seen big scanlation groups that take other projects from the first poster, and the manhwa ends up not being translated for weeks/months because they have too many projects and the lesser-known group they ”sniped” the manhwa from would've had a faster update. That's my only gripe is when bigger groups hog every good manhwa to have more following, but updates are slow.
May 27, 2018
When the fuck will scanlators learn, that they have no right to "claim" a series?
Only the official translator can do that...

Yeah they're sniping you... big deal... their releases are of MUCH lower quality than yours.
Also because of that a collab would not work (@july & co).
If you aknowledge them as alternative and skip chapters they translated, you're selling yourself short!
There's quite a few people that prefer your translation and wait for it.

Best way to handle snipers is to ignore them. Everything else is just drama. And that annoys everyone and only hurts the non sniping scanlators. Have seen a few groups quit because they got unhappy after weeks of drama... Don't do that to yourselfes.
Best wishes.
Sep 29, 2019
sniping your snippers lol big brain moves! i would still love to see your own versions of chapters 6-8 but as always thanks for the work!
Feb 11, 2018
I already blocked the sniping group since their first release so I hope you guys will continue with yours. Thanks a lot for your work for this chapter!
Jan 26, 2018
The person/group sniping doesn't even care for the series. They just want to make Devil and Angel scan drop it or to specifically harass them. Once DnA drops the series the sniping group will outright stop uploading cause they did what they wanted. Under no logical reason is there for someone to choose a random chapter in the middle of a series to "practice". On top of that the out of nowhere super support they get from everywhere for no reason is also suspicious but ehh. Well what can you do. Bad mannered people will always continue to be bad mannered. Keep up the good work on the translating though. Hopefully that group just stops bothering after awhile.
Aug 12, 2018
Thank you so much for your translations!!

Lowkey disappointed that readers only care about fast releases and don't understand the issue of sniping 😕

But I really appreciate your hard work DnA Scans😇
Oct 25, 2019
Yeah practice is good. But at least do it with dropped series. Not the project that the other groups are working on. So what if its slow updates? at least they are working hard on it with quality. Sniping aint good. Thats just basically giving the middle finger to other groups and not give af about them.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
So.... a new potential husband appears? This is turning into an otome series, I hope not.

Anyway, good for you. I'll wait for the next chapters and the ones you skipped.
Group Leader
Jul 9, 2018
I will never understand why people make such a big deal out of sniping. Just release your shit anyways and if your work is superior, people who appreciate said effort will wait for you.
Group Leader
Sep 30, 2019
Maybe she figured that if he did have a wife or daughter in hiding, it'd make it that much smoother to break off the engagement/marriage after the year? They'd enter the "contract" without even the option of romance if he already had someone he was in love with...IDK for sure lol
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 5, 2019
If they started from chapter 1 it might be fine for practicing, (you know comparing theirs and yours works to see where they are lacking) but starting from chapter 5 when you already released 4 chapters was a dickmove. Ofc this doesn't mean I have something against multiple translators when they both translate at their own pace from the start. Anyway thanks for the chapter and I hope to see chapters 6-8 translated by you. Cheers
Oct 3, 2019
So the people who are siding with the original translators didn't read the new chapters by the other ones? If they did. What a bunch of hypocrites. 🤷‍♀️ You consumed the goods too...

I'm grateful to anyone that does the translations tho~ they had my thanks
Sep 5, 2019
I was not aware of the snipping issue.
This translation is certainly better.
I do agree with someone else's comment about if for practice, start at chapter 1, And compare works.
I things will work out for the best.

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