Year'all heartless grinches! You make the LHTranslation sad, I'm sure of it. And that makes me sad. How dare you? Hoang Tung, FOZ, don't lose heart!
The translation was solid, as far as I could see. The typesetting was clean. (I know you made a joke, KajurN.) And come on! Repeating double pages is nothing new. (I also don't get why they are done, but it definitely is a thing.) I think of it as refreshing way to sneak in some raws at those points. We get a glimpse of how it looked before and somehow get reminded, that this is a manga and we are only reading a translated version, that might contain changes. (Don't know why, but they do feel a bit different.)
Overall: Good job, LHTranslation! Whooooo're good scanlators? YOOOUuuuuu AAAAARRRRRREE!!!!! I made you Christmas Cookies!

But I couldn't send them via Discord, so I ate them all.
EDIT: Can't do without edits.