as much as I want it to be animated, I'm really worried that the anime won't be able to do the tears justice
it really need an amazing OST and poignant artstyle to back up the feel
also, I find it quite funny when I remember that this manga received Global Special Prize for the Next Manga Award 2023
which is said to be an awards event for manga that is expected to be successful in the future
but then this ended in January the following year
I know that is because the English translation release delay and everything
I just think that it is interesting
they could cram all the important chapter into 12 episode so it'll be fine
even roukin which basically skip the explanation bit and have budget of 1 cup ramen noodle still really enjoyable, i honestly doubt they'll butchered the adaptation
and top of that, sensei want it so i'll support their dream.
But man the contender are pretty amazing too
i want aizawa, lonely girl,kitakimi,Genkai OL and this all get animated.
Lmao, thats funny but also good thing.
im tired of all the romance or drama manga dragging for 100 of chapter for no reason, i think last year i dropped most of them because it just repetitive at some point but i got this sunk cost to keep me going .